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[Edit] Mar. 5 Patch Notes (03/06 14:08)

Uncharted Waters Origin
2025.03.04 Tuesday 15:00 (UTC + 9)


Enter into the Endless Possibility!   

Hello, Admirals.

Here are the changes that will be made during the 3/5 scheduled maintenance.

※ Please note that the announcement details and schedule may be subject to change during development.

⚓ New Content and Changes

[Relationship] Added 'All for One' Relationship Chronicle for mate Armand Jean du Plessis

- Start Condition: Possess Armand Jean du Plessis

- Completion Condition: Fleet LV 34, Resilience 55

[Mates] 2 General Mates Added

 - Combat: Vlad the Third

 - Trade: Vattori Erzhebert

Vlad the Third






Turkish LV5, Greek LV3





How to Obtain

Can be acquired through product purchase

Party Ports

Istanbul, Varna, Kerch, Athens, Nicosia, Alexandria

Vattori Erzhebert






Latin LV5, French LV3


Jewel Trader



Found In

Ragusa, Venice, Thessaloniki, Istanbul, Naples, Genoa

[Mates] 2 Employee Mates Added

 - Combat: Chitrali

 - Combat: Tama







Nahuatl LV5, Mayan LV3


Specialist Doctor



Purchase Conditions

Product purchase available upon reaching Employee Intimacy LV4

Party Ports








Indigenous Oceanian LV5, Malay LV3


Shock Trooper



Employment Information

Can be hired upon reaching Employee Intimacy LV4

Found In


* Mate details can be checked in the [Mates > Unhired] mate list after the maintenance.

[Investment] Investment Season 1 Schedule Change

- Change in the period of Investment Season 1:

: ~2025/03/23 (Sun) 23:59 ➡ 2025/04/06 (Sun) 23:59 (UTC+9)

- Change in the available period for Investment Season 1 Shop:

: ~2025/04/21 (Mon) 23:59 ➡ 2025/05/04 (Sun) 23:59 (UTC+9)

[Combat] March 2025 Lighthouse of Ruins Combat Added

- A new Lighthouse of Ruins will start from after the 3/5 regular maintenance ~ 3/31 23:00 (UTC+9).

- Progress and rewards will be reset, and some areas can be swept based on previous progress.

[Salvage] Salvage Discoveries Added

- Discoveries have been added to the salvage points in the Arctic waters.

- Discoveries can be obtained with a certain probability after completing salvage.

・S-grade Discovery: Empress Irina’s Ornamental Chest

・B-grade Discovery: Kolt

[Guild Synthesis] Cloud Minister Special Synthesis, Verdant Special Synthesis Added

- Cloud Minister and Verdant special synthesis will be available again for a certain period.

- Schedule: 2025/03/05~2025/04/02 (UTC+9)

- Consumed resources (parts): 4 Individual Request + 6 S-grade Parts + 1000 Blue Gems

- Consumed resources (equipment): 4 Individual Request + 6 S-grade Equipment + 1000 Blue Gems

- Unlike previous special syntheses, set syntheses with equal probabilities will not appear.

[Guild Synthesis] Quick Synthesis Added

- Guild synthesis with the same results as existing general parts/synthesis but with reduced time consumption of 10 seconds has been added.

- Schedule: After the 2025/03/05 regular maintenance~

- Consumed resources (A Parts): 20 B-grade Parts + 50 Blue Gems

- Consumed resources (A Equipment): 20 B-grade Equipment + 50 Blue Gems

- Consumed resources (S Parts): 20 A-grade Parts + 500 Blue Gems

- Consumed resources (S Equipment): 20 A-grade Equipment + 500 Blue Gems

[Collection] S-grade Parts Collection, S-grade Equipment Collection Added

- Some S-grade parts and equipment have been added to the list of registrable collectibles.

* Detailed information can be checked in the [S] tab of the [Parts or Equipment] category in the [Quick Menu → Collection] menu in the upper right corner of the game.

* Please note that parts or equipment registered as collectibles will be removed from your inventory, so please check before registering them as collectibles.

[Mock Battle] Mock Battle Blind Feature Added

- A blind feature has been added to enable fair games with various players in mock battles.

- From 72 hours before the mock battle update, opponent information will be blinded.

* Icons will indicate whether the opponent's combat power is high or low.

[Title] Improved to allow title changes while sailing

[Investment] Changed Investment Settlement Button Usage Time

- Before: Available from Monday 00:00

- After: Available from Monday 00:10

* This change is being made to improve the occasional server overload on Mondays at 00:00. We ask for your understanding.

[Investment] Investment Feature Improvement

- A feature to invest based on investment scores has been added.

[World Map] Added Canal Usage Count Display

- The canal usage count will be displayed in the information window of cities with immigration offices on the world map.

[Exchange] Exchange UI Improvement

- Improved to allow comparison by sorting ability scores in the product comparison window.

- Added price per unit display.

[Ship] Ship Stat Display Improvement

- Improved to easily understand the scale of ship stats through added icons.

- One star icon will be added if a specific ship's stat is 95% ~ 100% of the blueprint's maximum stat.

- Inherited construction and improved ships may have stats exceeding 100%, in which case two star icons will be added.

- Star icons will not be displayed for ships with fixed stats such as golden ships.

[UI] Added probability display for components in boxes and vouchers that provide rewards probabilistically

[UI] Added guidance text in the combination help about the inability to consecutively undertake duplicate requests

[UI] Improved to correctly display guild rewards for competitive events even when there are 3 rewards

[UI] Improved visibility by adjusting the color and size of some UI buttons

⚓ Balance Fixes

[Effect] Expansion of Upper Limit for Some Trade Effects

- Purchasable quantity per trade goods category: 750% ➡ 1,250%

[Smuggling] Improvement of Smuggling Price Formula

- We have improved the criteria that affect the price decrease in smuggling.

- According to the price rules, the maximum price of smuggled goods can now rise up to 250%.

[Subjugation] Increased Maximum Score Limit per Subjugation

- Before: 4,500,000 points

- After: 45,000,000 points

[Auction House] The auction end schedule has been changed. (Added on Mar. 6)

- Auctions will end every Tuesday at 23:00 (UTC+9)

- You can check the remaining time for auction endings in the Auction House tab.

⚓ Bug Fixes

[Subjugation] Fixed an issue where effects and applied effects of pirate ships spawning after Aydin Race reaches the intersection were not properly applied

[Subjugation] Fixed an issue where the icons for effects applied when sinking pirate ships in Aydin Race subjugation were not displaying correctly

- The effects were being applied correctly.

[Research] Fixed an issue where descriptions of some combat research effects were incorrectly displayed

- The effects were being applied correctly.

[Research] Fixed an issue where research points were not visible in memoir rewards

- Research points were being awarded correctly.

[Trade] Fixed an issue where surge events occurred in cities where surge-targeted trade goods could be purchased

[Trade] Fixed an intermittent error occurring when a surge ended

[Adventure] Fixed an issue where the pre-reduction crew number was incorrectly displayed during village exploration

[Chronicle] Fixed an intermittent issue where entry to Martha's mansion was impossible in Joan Ferrero's chronicle

[Chronicle] Modified some objectives in Kim Man-deok's chronicle

- Silk > Velvet

[Request] Fixed an issue where dialogue and request objectives didn't match in Sylvia's Festival Preparation request

[Request] Fixed an issue where enemy NPCs appeared farther than intended in Nelly's Power to Break with the Past request

[Mates] Fixed an issue where mates were being filtered as trainable even when all required materials for training were not met

[Ship] Fixed an error occurring when replacing injured or on strike mates to other cabins

[Tools] Fixed an issue where the acquisition method for 6 types of Moby Dick's treasure chests was not displayed correctly

[World Map] Fixed an intermittent issue where the game would close when accessing the world map

[UI] Fixed an issue where the city information screen would appear when clicking outside the details view after checking active effect details

[UI] Fixed an issue where chat UI overlapped when opening chat before and during land exploration entry

[UI] Fixed an intermittent error occurring when rapidly clicking the subjugation reward claim button

[UI] Fixed an issue where pages 1 and 2 of the fleet formation tutorial were not displaying correctly

[UI] Fixed an issue where combat power exceeding 1 million was not displayed correctly in Mock Battle > Defense UI

[UI] Fixed an issue where portraits flickered when entering cabin information in mobile environments

[UI] Fixed an issue where additional duel attack power and duel defense power stats were not applied correctly in captain information

- The effects were being applied correctly.

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The update schedule and content may be subject to change, and we will inform you if any changes occur.

We hope you continue to enjoy playing Uncharted Waters Origin even more in the future!

Thank you.

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