Enter into the Endless Possibility!
Hello, Admirals.
Here are the issues that have been discovered in the game so far.
We would like to apologize for the inconvenience. We will make an effort to provide more reliable services.
List of Known Issues
Combat: Issue where the Unreal Engine error pop-up is displayed and the app crashes when initiating Auto Combat on Steam
Combat: Issue where the background is displayed dark when entering Skirmishes on certain devices
Translation: The issue where some text in the 'Assault Notice' is displayed in Korean each time the game is launched
Parts: The issue where 'Verdant Cannon' does not fire over some obstacles on Artillery after equipping it (6/20 added)
- It is normal for 'Verdant Cannon', which is a mortar, to have an Artillery Possible Range of 2 tiles.
Parts: The issue where the name of the Enhance Effect is incorrect when enhancing 'Verdant Cannon' (6/20 added)
- When fixed, the effect will remain the same and only the name will be changed.
We will make an effort to fix the issue as quickly as we can.
Thank you.
Move to the Login page?
Move to the login page?
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