1st Anniversary Thanks and Future Updates
Uncharted Waters Origin2,944
Hello, Admirals.
A year has passed since we officially launched the game. Mar. 7 (Wed) 2024, the time to celebrate the 1st anniversary of the game, has arrived.
We would like to sincerely thank the Admirals for showing so much love and spending so much time with Uncharted Waters Origin for a whole year.
Without the suggestions and support from our Admirals, Uncharted Waters Origin could not be where it is today.
We prepared many events to celebrate and to show our thanks for the past year.
We hope the 1st anniversary event and update will help our Admirals enjoy their time on Uncharted Waters Origin.
✨1st Anniversary Update✨
The Uncharted Waters Origin 1st Anniversary Update will go live on Feb. 28 (Wed).
A special page celebrating the 1st Anniversary Update has been released, so visit it and see various news.
1) New Admiral, 'Maribel'
The first original Admiral of Uncharted Waters Origin, 'Maribel', the wandering pirate, will be added to the game.
Her Chronicle is unlike the Chronicles of previous Admirals.
- Required level for purchase: Company LV 25
- Requirements for clearing Chronicle: Company LV 55, Seaworthiness 95, Momentum 10, Ice Breaking 1
2) 1st Anniversary Celebration Event, 'Lucia's Gift', and the 1st Anniversary Celebration Ship, '1 Year Ship'
The 1st Anniversary Celebration Scenario Event, 'Lucia's Gift', will be opened.
Currency for the 1st Anniversary Event Shop and Limited Special Parts can be obtained after completing the Scenario Events that are opened in order.
Also, the '1 Year Ship' that is equivalent to a Grade 18 ship can be obtained through the 1st Anniversary Event Shop.
3) Normal and Superior Mate Chest Improvements
To celebrate the 1st anniversary, the Normal and Superior Mate Chests will undergo major improvements.
The contents and chances of 'Normal Mate Chests' will be adjusted so that mates up to S Grade will appear.
'Superior Mate Chests' will be divided into 3 types, Combat, Trade, and Adventure, so that users can obtain the mates they want easily.
Due to these improvements, the mileage for existing 'Superior Mate Chests' will expire after the Feb. 28 (Wed) maintenance as announced in this notice. We hope that this will help you avoid any inconvenience.
4) 1st Anniversary 14 Day Attendance
A total of 100 Normal and Superior Mate Chest Tickets can be obtained just by logging into the game for 14 days. Please do not miss this chance of obtaining attendance rewards.
5) Various Events to Celebrate the 1st Anniversary
Through the '7 Day Mission Event' that will start after maintenance, users can obtain the special Appellation, '365 Days of Gratitude', and bountiful event gifts.
Please look forward to the other various events that will take place, such as the community event where Admiral and Mate Contracts will be given.
🌊2024 Update Preview🚢
We would like to give you a preview of the content that will be updated this year and the processes we are taking for the content.
The systems below will be updated in the game as development is completed in order.
1) New Relationship Chronicles
From the March updates in 2024, Relationship Chronicles will be added.
Mates, not Admirals, are the main characters of Relationship Chronicles. This content will change or strengthen Natural Effects, and users will be able to see how close the mates are by going on an adventure with them.
Relationship Chronicles aim to grow and utilize existing mates instead of new Admirals and mates. Designated mates must be owned and over a certain level to progress through Relationship Chronicles.
The Relationship Chronicles that will be updated in the future are being created with the goal of utilizing existing mates, so please look forward to the various Relationship Chronicles that will be different from the Chronicles so far.
2) New Panama Canal
In addition to the Suez Canal, the Panama Canal will be added. This canal will help users travel across the Americas.
3) Special Combining
A new Combining system that enables creating higher grades of owned Gear and Parts will be added.
4) Enhancing Gear and Parts
A new system that increases the maximum limit of stats by enhancing Ship Parts and Mate Gear will be added.
5) Assault Schedule Changes and New Challenge Tickets
The Assault schedule will be improved so that users can partake in Assaults every day with cooldowns.
Also, Remote Assaults that enable users who have participated in an Assault at least once take part in an Assault without arriving at a designated location will be added.
Challenge Tickets that can be used to repeatedly deal as much damage as the last Assault without taking part in combat directly will be added too.
6) New Various Monster Assaults
7) Usability and Balance Improvements of the Barter System
8) New Perks to Government Posts Appointed by the Prime Minister
Other various content is being prepared, and we will make an effort to release those in turn through patch notes.
We will continue to listen to various opinions and strive to provide more enjoyable gameplay.
Thank you once again, Admirals, for loving and enjoying Uncharted Waters Origin. We promise to endeavor to make this game even better.
We hope you will keep looking forward to the journey we will take.
Thank you.
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