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[Edit] Mar. 27 Patch Note

Uncharted Waters Origin
2024.03.26 Tuesday 17:30 (UTC + 9)


Enter into the Endless Possibility!  

Hello, Admirals.     


Here are the changes that will be made during the Mar. 27 (Wed) scheduled maintenance.


Admirals: Iyolin Pandragon will be added to the game. 

Iyolin Pandragon


An Antarian who ended up in this world due to the natural disaster on Storm Island.

Hides her true, soft personality due to being tasked with leading the resistance and only shows her strong and ambitious personality to the public.

Is filled with the thought of taking revenge on the Black Prince who killed her father and her older brothers and destroyed the kingdom.

Is neglecting her feelings towards G.S to take revenge.






Español LV3


Queen of Revenge


Melee, Ramming

Natural Effect

Start of Revenge

Increase Additional Melee Attack by 0.5%.

Job Effect

Increase Melee Attack LV 1

Increase Additional Melee Attack by 172.

Amplify Melee Attack LV 1

Increase Additional Melee Attack by 5%.

Amplify Melee Critical Chance LV 1

Increase Additional Melee Critical Chance by 5%.

Defense Ignoring Melee LV 1

35.2% chance of ignoring Defense by 12.2% when Melee Attack is used.

Character Effect

Ignore Melee Damage LV 1

Negate incoming damage with 2.6% chance when hit by Melee attack.

Extra Fixed Damage on Melee LV 1

14.4% chance of additional 43 Fixed Damage on Melee Attack.

Confusion Melee LV 2

7% chance to inflict enemy with Confusion status for 1 turn on Melee Attack.

Crew Quick Heal LV 1

Quick Heal and reassign 3.6% of lost Crew HP with a 35.2% chance when hit by Melee Attack.

Naval Combat Skill

Enhanced Melee: Damage Rudder LV 1

Expand Range to deal 148.5% of Melee Attack as damage with a 100% chance of inflicting Damaged Rudder status for 2 turns. (Damaged Rudder: Additional Mobility 20.8% Decrease Effect)

Wild Melee: Poison LV 2

Damage One's Surroundings for 127.8% of Melee Attack, with a 28.1% chance to afflict Poisoned for 3 turns. (Poisoned: Damage Crew HP by 13.5% every turn, Max Damage: 300 every turn)

Admiral's Order

Promise of Revenge

Grant the ability to increase All Attack by 1.7% for every 1% lost Durability or Crew HP to all allies for 2 turns.

(The higher stat between lost Durability and Crew HP will be used for the calculations.

Lost Crew HP will be calculated based on the current Crew HP and Injured Crew HP before being applied.

The final Attack stat with all the other effects applied will be increased.)


Increase Water by 50, and Food by 50 for fleet. (Cannot exceed Load Capacity)


Increase Negotiation Chance when trading by 10% for 10 m.

Frigid Ice Storm

Decrease the Speed of all enemies by 3 and increase All Direct Damage Received by 30% for 2 turns.

Additionally deal 20% of Durability and Crew HP as Damage every turn.

■ Products available from Mar. 27 (Wed) (Added on Mar. 27)


Sales Period

Purchase Limit


Ipbu Pass

03/27 - 04/26 23:59 (UTC+9)

1 time

 $ 54.99

Ipbu Redeem Privilege

03/27 - (UTC+9)

1 time

 $ 10.99

Ipbu Growth Privilege

03/27 - (UTC+9)

1 time

 $ 64.99

D'Arc Pass

03/27 - 04/26 23:59 (UTC+9)

1 time

 $ 54.99

D'Arc Redeem Privilege

03/27 - 04/26 23:59 (UTC+9)

1 time

 $ 10.99

D'Arc Growth Privilege

03/27 - 04/26 23:59 (UTC+9)

1 time

 $ 64.99

Dark Wave Privilege

03/27 - 04/02 23:59 (UTC+9)

1 time

 $ 10.99

Special Combine Acceleration Package

03/27 - 04/26 23:59 (UTC+9)

10 times

 $ 8.99

Cloud Minister's Token

03/27 - 06/18 23:59 (UTC+9)

100 times per week

 $ 10.99

Part Request Selection Voucher

03/27 - (UTC+9)

100 times per week

 $ 10.99

Gear Request Selection Voucher

03/27 - (UTC+9)

100 times per week

 $ 4.99

Remote Investment Package (84 d)

03/27 - (UTC+9)


 $ 54.99

Winner Mate Pass

03/27 - 04/26 23:59 (UTC+9)

1 time

 $ 43.99

Traces of Antaria Package

03/27 - 05/21 23:59 (UTC+9)

100 times per week

 $ 4.99

Power of Antaria

03/27 - 05/21 23:59 (UTC+9)

1 time

 $ 8.99

Lacid Growth Privilege

03/27 - 05/21 23:59 (UTC+9)

1 time

 $ 64.99

G.S Pass

03/27 - 04/09 23:59 (UTC+9)

1 time

 $ 54.99

G.S Redeem Privilege

03/27 - 04/09 23:59 (UTC+9)

1 time

 $ 10.99

G.S Growth Privilege

03/27 - 04/09 23:59 (UTC+9)

1 time

 $ 64.99



Sales Period

Purchase Limit


Purchase Condition

Special Superior Item Ticket

03/27 - (UTC+9)

100 times

200 Red Gems / 1 time


Ipbu Chest

03/27 - (UTC+9)


400 Red Gems / 1 time


D'Arc Chest

03/27 - 04/26 23:59 (UTC+9)


400 Red Gems / 1 time


Winner Mate Chest

03/27 - 04/26 23:59 (UTC+9)


400 Red Gems / 1 time


Dark Wave Chest

03/27 - 04/02 23:59 (UTC+9)


400 Red Gems / 1 time


Disguise: Lord of Riberia

03/27 - 05/21 23:59 (UTC+9)

1 time

2,000 Red Gems


Disguise: Rin Amadio

03/27 - 05/21 23:59 (UTC+9)

1 time

2,000 Red Gems


Disguise: Cerberus

03/27 - 05/21 23:59 (UTC+9)

1 time

2,000 Red Gems


■ Products available from Mar. 29 (Fri) (Added on Mar. 29)


Sales Period

Purchase Limit


Weekend Privilege 3

03/29 12:00 - 03/31 23:59 (UTC+9)

1 time

 $ 10.99

■ Products available from Apr. 3 (Wed) (Added on Apr. 3)  


Sales Period

Purchase Limit


Black Horn Privilege

04/03 12:00 - 04/09 23:59 (UTC+9)

1 time

 $ 10.99

Company LV 72 Celebration Pack

04/03 12:00 - (UTC+9)

1 time

 $ 94.99

Bonir Pass

04/03 12:00 - 04/16 23:59 (UTC+9)

1 time

 $ 54.99

Bonir Redeem Privilege

04/03 12:00 - 04/16 23:59 (UTC+9)

1 time

 $ 10.99

Bonir Growth Privilege

04/03 12:00 - 04/16 23:59 (UTC+9)

1 time

 $ 64.99



Sales Period

Purchase Limit


Black Horn Chest

04/03 12:00 - 04/09 23:59 (UTC+9)


400 Red Gems / 1 time

■ Products available from Apr. 5 (Fri)  (Added on Apr. 5) 


Sales Period

Purchase Limit


Weekend Privilege 4

04/05 12:00 - 04/07 23:59 (UTC+9)

1 time

 $ 10.99


■ Products available from Apr. 10 (Wed) (Added on Apr. 9)    


Sales Period

Purchase Limit


Musashi Pass

04/10 12:00 - 05/09 23:59 (UTC+9)

1 time

 $ 54.99

Musashi Redeem Privilege

04/10 12:00 - 05/09 23:59 (UTC+9)

1 time

 $ 10.99

Musashi Growth Privilege

04/10 12:00 - 05/09 23:59 (UTC+9)

1 time

 $ 64.99

Dark Wind Privilege

04/10 12:00 - 04/16 23:59 (UTC+9)

1 time

 $ 10.99

Brandt Pass

04/10 12:00 - 04/23 23:59 (UTC+9)

1 time

 $ 54.99

Brandt Redeem Privilege

04/10 12:00 - 04/23 23:59 (UTC+9)

1 time

 $ 10.99

Brandt Growth Privilege

04/10 12:00 - 04/23 23:59 (UTC+9)

1 time

 $ 64.99



Sales Period

Purchase Limit


Musashi Chest

04/10 12:00 - 05/09 23:59 (UTC+9)


400 Red Gems / 1 time

Brandt Chest

04/10 12:00 - 04/23 23:59 (UTC+9)

400 Red Gems / 1 time

Dark Wind Chest

04/10 12:00 - 04/16 23:59 (UTC+9)


400 Red Gems / 1 time

■ Products available from Apr. 12 (Fri) (Added on Apr. 12)


Sales Period

Purchase Limit


Weekend Privilege 1

04/12 12:00 - 04/14 23:59 (UTC+9)

1 time

 $ 10.99

■ Products available from Apr. 17 (Wed) (Added on Apr. 17)   


Sales Period

Purchase Limit


Black Stronghold Privilege

04/17 12:00 - 04/23 23:59 (UTC+9)

1 time

 $ 10.99

Company LV 74 Celebration Pack

04/17 12:00 - (UTC+9)

1 time

 $ 94.99

Greer Pass

04/17 12:00 - 04/30 23:59 (UTC+9)

1 time

 $ 54.99

Greer Redeem Privilege

04/17 12:00 - 04/30 23:59 (UTC+9)

1 time

 $ 10.99

Greer Growth Privilege

04/17 12:00 - 04/30 23:59 (UTC+9)

1 time

 $ 64.99



Sales Period

Purchase Limit


Black Stronghold Chest

04/17 12:00 - 04/23 23:59 (UTC+9)


400 Red Gems / 1 time

■ Products available from Apr. 19 (Fri) (Added on Apr. 19)      


Sales Period

Purchase Limit


Weekend Privilege 2

04/19 12:00 - 04/21 23:59 (UTC+9)

1 time

 $ 10.99

 New Content and Changes     

Chronicles: Mate Ipbu's 'The Scholar Mask Warrior' Relationship Chronicle will be added.

- Relationship Chronicles will be added through the March update.

- Through Relationship Chronicles, you can enjoy stories that involve many Mates.

- Related Mates must be owned to start certain Relationship Chronicles. (Edited on Apr. 1)

- When a Relationship Chronicle is completed, the related Mates' skills, Character Effects, and Natural Effects will be added or changed.

- Added skills and effects will be unlocked immediately after finishing a Chronicle at no cost.

Adventure: A Village name will be changed. 

Kurd Village -> Village Near the Black Sea 

Ships: A Grade 19 special ship, the Geobukseon, will be added.

Mates: Certain Mates' and NPCs' original voices will be added.

- Japanese: Tinocatl, Yan Shiqi, Roberto Ezequiel, Dread Pirate Rudolph, Maurice, Ranajame

Mates: Angelica's portrait animation will be improved. 

Prime Ministers: The application time for Prime Minister Appellations will increase.

- Before: 334 h   

- After: 335 h   

Government Posts: Notifications will be sent when users in certain Government Post positions dock at ports.

- Affected Government Post positions: Prime Minister, Vice Prime Minister, Imperator, Ambassador

Budget: A maximum budget limit will be added. 

- New maximum budget limit: 100 trillion  

- The budget will not increase when donations are made after the maximum limit is reached. (The donation amount that decides individual rankings will increase)

- When the budget is increased after Weekly Pay is calculated, it will not increase if it has reached the maximum limit.

Budget: A function that enables seeing 'Donation Ranking Rewards' will be added.

Limited Areas: Limited Areas will be renewed. 

- The North America Limited Area / South Africa Limited Area / Pacific Ocean, Australia Limited Area will be divided into 2 Limited Areas.

- Due to the adjustment in Limited Areas, some Limited Areas' Occupation Status may change after the update.

- Please understand that this is a balance adjustment for the foundation of future updates.

Dispatch: Limited Area Monopoly effects that affect Dispatch will be added.

- You will obtain the Decrease Required Expertise effect when dispatching a fleet to a Limited Area monopolized by your home country.

- Limited Areas that include national capitals will not give the Monopoly effect.

Investments: Remote Investment effects will be added. 

- Remote Investment effects will be added. 

- When the effect is owned, remote investments can be made to each city once a week.

- This effect will be subject to the same time limits as normal investments.

* Investments can be made until 11:30 PM on Sundays. 

- The effect can be purchased through the Shop. 

Dispatch: 2 new types of dispatch areas will be added. 

- 2 new dispatch areas will be added to the Pacific Ocean. 

Combining: A Special Combining system will be added. 

- Special Combining will be added.  

- By using basic materials and designated special materials, the chances of desired types of Parts or Gear appearing can be increased.

- The special materials can be obtained through attendance, certain events, and the Shop.

Guild Combining: The priorities when sorting Combine Materials will be adjusted.

Bartering: The descriptions for Bartering counts' requirements will be improved.

Assault: A Remote Assault system will be added. 

- Remote Assaults will be available against Assault targets that you have assaulted at least once.

- Remote Assaults will only be available during sailing. 

Assault: A Repel Assault system will be added. 

- Assault targets that have been assaulted at least once will be repellable using the highest damage you recorded against the Assault target.

- Records of repelled Assaults will be reflected on Total Damage Rankings and will be calculated the same as engaging in combat with the target.

* Only the highest damage recorded after the update will be reflected.

Map: The source of Trade Goods will be available in the World Map's Trade Goods Info pop-up.

Harbor: Users will automatically return to the previous screen when there are no ships that can be towed after fixing all ships.

Shipyard: Help will be added to the detailed display of Shipbuilding Tax.

UI: The order that Admiral UI is displayed will be changed. 

- The Admirals will be displayed in order of their release dates.

- As an exception, Collaboration Admirals will be displayed first during the Collaboration Event period and will be displayed last once the event ends.

UI: A tab button will be added for Mates who are assigned to a ship and Mates who are not.

UI: A comma will now be displayed after every 3 digits regarding numbers that are displayed on pop-ups that require entering numbers.

UI: Notifications that are displayed on the center of the screen will be displayed longer.

 Balance Fixes     

Mates: Certain newly added Mates who are A Grade or higher will have 1 Lv 2 effect and skill.

Mates: Certain new Mates will have a slightly increased amount of Expertise EXP.

Mates: The unclear effects of the Rare Exploration, Trace, Exploration Opportunity, Negative Records, Buried History, and The Back of History Mate Effects will be changed and improved to be additional resource gain effects.

- The existing effect of increasing the chances of High Grade Explorations appearing raised the chances of gaining special resources. However, due to the unclear description and minor effect, it will be changed to a clearer effect.



Effect (%)



Rare Exploration LV 1

Mate Effect



Rare Exploration LV 2

Mate Effect



Rare Exploration LV 3

Mate Effect



Rare Exploration LV 4

Mate Effect



Rare Exploration LV 5

Mate Effect



Rare Exploration LV 6

Mate Effect



Rare Exploration LV 7

Mate Effect



Rare Exploration LV 8

Mate Effect



Rare Exploration LV 9

Mate Effect



Rare Exploration LV 10

Mate Effect




Mate Effect



Exploration Opportunity

Mate Effect



Negative Records

Mate Effect



Buried History

Mate Effect



The Back of History

Mate Effect



Expertise: The maximum LV of Expertise will be increased. 

- 4 Combat Expertise: LV will be increased to 15 

- 8 Adventure/Trade Expertise: LV will be increased to 30 

Collections: The unclear effects of the Continental Island Ⅰ-Ⅴ, Apprentice Admiral Gun, One Step for Ships Ⅰ, Sailing Attitude Ⅳ, Departure Preparation Ⅳ, Safety First Ⅲ, Regular Handling Ⅲ, Golden Voyage Ⅲ, Agile Figure Ⅲ, and the Confident Wherever Ⅲ Collection Effects will be changed and improved to be additional resource gain effects.




Effect {%)

Continental Island Ⅰ-Ⅴ



Apprentice Admiral Gun



One Step for Ships Ⅰ



Sailing Attitude Ⅳ



Departure Preparation Ⅳ



Safety First Ⅲ



Regular Handling Ⅲ



Golden Voyage Ⅲ



Agile Figure Ⅲ



Confident Wherever Ⅲ




Collections: Collections of Grade 19 Ships will be added. 

- Wealth Incarnate Ⅰ: Increase Rat Prevention Rate by 0.5% 

- Wealth Incarnate Ⅱ: Increase Additional Ram Defense by 1%

- Wealth Incarnate Ⅲ: Increase Additional Ram Critical Resist by 0.5%

- Wealth Incarnate Ⅳ: Discount cost by 0.5% when purchasing Metal

- Wealth Incarnate Ⅴ: Increase Wares Sales Surcharge by 0.5%

- Sovereign Power Ⅰ: Increase Fire Relieve Rate by 1% 

- Sovereign Power Ⅱ: Increase Food Gain during Bartering by 0.5%

- Sovereign Power Ⅲ: Increase Additional Artillery Critical Chance by 5

- Sovereign Power Ⅳ: Increase Auto Fish Success Rate by 0.1%

- Sovereign Power Ⅴ: Increase Momentum by 1 

Collections: Collections of Grade 19 Ship Blueprints will be added.

- Gold Coin Hunter Ⅰ: Increase Man-eating Shark Prevention Rate by 0.7%

- Gold Coin Hunter Ⅱ: Increase Additional Melee Defense by 0.7%

- Gold Coin Hunter Ⅲ: Increase Resource Gain by 0.6% when reporting Resources

- Prestigious Ship Ⅰ: Increase Hypothermia Prevention Rate by 0.7%

- Prestigious Ship Ⅱ: Increase Additional Ram Defense by 0.7%

- Prestigious Ship Ⅲ: Increase Additional Ram Critical Chance by 0.7%

Attendance: The rewards for Monthly Attendance will be improved.

 Bug Fixes     

Combat: Changes will be made so that when identical Combat Effects exist, the higher effect will be chosen.

Combat: The issue where normal pirate fleets appear incorrectly in certain waters that require high Seaworthiness will be fixed.

Sailing: The issue where in certain areas upstream of the Amazon River, ships are moved to the starting city due to a location error will be fixed.

Sailing: The issue where auto move occasionally does not work near Jeju will be fixed.

Sailing: The issue where ships crash near the island north of Sassari when using auto move from Syracuse for the objective ‘Win combat against Wild Dog Pirates’ in Sayyida's Chronicle will be fixed.

Sailing: The issue where ships crash into terrain when using auto move to go upstream of a river in Chang'an will be fixed.

Sailing: The issue where ships crash into Porlamar when using auto move to go to Timbuktu from Caracas will be fixed.

Sailing: the issue where Sailing Condition stats are occasionally not applied correctly when logging into the game again during sailing will be fixed.

Amity: The issue where an error appears when Amity Rewards are revealed for the first time will be fixed.

Land Exploration: The issue where a notification does not appear after obtaining a high grade part at 'A Remote Island Near the Indian Ocean' will be fixed.

Logbook: The issue where the name of the opponent company is not displayed on the Logbook after engaging in PvP combat during offline sailing will be fixed.

Ships: The issue where the icon of First Panokseon is not displayed correctly will be fixed.

Ship Disguise: The issue where the sails of Flying Fish Ship are dyed will be fixed.

Assault: The issue where commas are not displayed on the number of owned Repel Support will be fixed.

Auction House: The issue where the 'Ship Appearance' button is incorrectly displayed in the Parts filters will be fixed.

Cities: The issue where characters occasionally overlap with barrels after docking at Lisboa will be fixed.

Cities: The issue where users could unintentionally move to somewhere else at Korf will be fixed.

Cities: The issue where characters occasionally overlap with boxes after docking at Nagasaki will be fixed.

Cities: The issue where characters occasionally get stuck on the bridge when moving in Bristol will be fixed.

Cities: The issue where auto move is not available at the port of Copenhagen will be fixed.

Cities: The issue where characters sink into the floor when moving near the Gdańsk Harbor will be fixed.

Canals: The issue where the Canal Ticket icon is not displayed in the Canal UI will be fixed.

Bureau: The issue where the Black Market open notice is visible at the Bureaus of ports that do not have an Item Shop will be fixed.

Estate: The issue where the Adventure Fame that is obtained when reporting at Estates is different from the actual obtained amount will be fixed.

UI: 'Use Quick Slots' in game settings will be deleted.

UI: The issue where identical items within a Treasure Chest are displayed multiple times will be fixed.

UI: The issue where the text of the Apply for Government Post button is displayed out of bounds in certain languages will be fixed.

UI: The issue where the location does not align when adjusting the window size of the app while the hamburger menu is on will be fixed.

UI: The issue where the number of Naval Protections is occasionally displayed as minus will be fixed.



Thank you.   

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