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[Guide] Port Structure_Bank

Uncharted Waters Origin
2022.05.25 Wednesday 10:30 (UTC + 9)



The bank is where you can safely deposit your asset in order to protect them from unexpected accidents.

Deposits/Withdrawals can be made with Ducats at the bank.

A Savings Account can also be created to set up an account that slow accumulates interest.

You can also purchase insurance that will reimburse damages from disasters, sinking and other causes.

1) Checking Account Deposit/Withdrawal

Securely store your assets at the bank and withdraw them again at any time.

There are no commission fees for making deposits,

but additional charges may apply when withdrawing based on the current fleet's Language LV.

2) Savings Account

Create a savings account which allows only 1 deposit per day.

The next deposit can be made after the available count resets at midnight every day.

Savings Accounts last for 7 days.

At the end this period, the principal amount as well as the accumulated interest are all returned back to the account owner.

3) Insurance

With an insurance, when a ship is damaged due to capsizing, you will be compensated based on the rate of your insurance.

The insurance fee is automatically withdrawn from your balance for each day of sailing out at sea.

If you do not have enough to pay the fee, the required amount will be deducted from the Checking Account.

If the checking account balance is still not enough, the insurance plan is automatically canceled.

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