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[Guide] Voyage_Sailing Objects

Uncharted Waters Origin
2022.05.25 Wednesday 10:58 (UTC + 9)


Sailing Objects

Sailing Objects refer to certain interactive objects that are scattered out in the sea.

Directly interact with the objects, or approach the object area to gain various effects.

Sailing objects may grant beneficial effects such as increase crew numbers, obtain supplies and materials, initiate quests.

But there are also harmful effects such as decrease crew numbers, sailing speed and others.

Make use of the sailing objects to your own preference to experience a more realistic voyage.

 - Sailing Object Types and Effects




Increases number of crew

Oak Barrel

Obtain 1 out of

Water, Food and Regional Specialty

Treasure Chest

Obtain 1 out of

Mate Gear and Currency

Material Flotsam

Obtain Materials

Bottled Letter

Initiate Quest

Sunken Ship (Player)

Increases Fame

(Sunken player receives letter of lost article)

Sunken Ship (NPC)

Sunken Ship Exploration Available

Salvage Ship

After completing a certain condition,

use Special Skill at designated coordinates

to get a chance to create a Sunken Ship at the location

* If your current crew or hold is already full when the Sailing Object effect activates, you will not be able to obtain the Sailing Object rewards.




Decreases number of crew


Decreases number of crew

Fishing Spot

Increases chance of fishing rare species

Ghost Ship

Decreases morale


Removes status effects


Increases chance of successful fishing


Outskirts: Changes direction of ships

Center: Decreases durability of ships


Decreases sailing speed

Decreases durability of ships


Increases search range

Small Ship

Decreases durability of ships upon colliding


Decreases durability of ships upon colliding

Sunken Ship Debris

Decreases sailing speed

Decreases durability of ships

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