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Are players growing faster than expected?

2022.06.17 Friday 21:33 (UTC + 9)


If the player's progress is too fast, you can set a daily quota, and the reward will be attenuated after the quota overtake.

I see the official tried doing many redundant settings that affect the game experience. If the progress is too fast, you can set an upper limit on the daily reward. For operating profit, it should add additional advantages to payers on top of a good experience, rather than lowering the quality of all systems to drive players away.

Time consumption:

Long-distance trade is assumed to be 30 days, and every day in the game is 90 seconds. The player has to spend 2700 seconds (45 minutes) for one-way trading, and a round trip for 90 minutes. It will take more than 2 hours for players to trade around various ports, and it will take more than 4 to 5 hours to fill up the goods while waiting for high-priced goods in a single port. If you pass through dangerous or impossible seas, players even need to pay full attention to avoid natural disasters or pirate attacks.

Each task runs for 10-15 minutes. As the level increases, the longer the task flow, the more time the player will waste. I spend over 1 hour every day just completing the daily task.

It takes 2 minutes to destroy the flagships that are the same combat power, and 5~10 minutes to destroy them all (after the update). Players can play 20~30 battles in one hour before, but now they can play only 6 battles. It currently takes 3 to 5 hours to get the original reward.

Collectively, if players want to develop normally, they need to spend 4-6 hours in the game every day (entire night). The game process is mostly repetitive, which is not interesting.

Players type:

If the player is a student, they are looking for excitement. They don't want to spend too much time on tedious long voyages or repetitive tasks. Any system must trade a little time for a lot of fun.

If it's a player who needs to work, what they lack is time, they will be more willing to pay to make up for their lack of game time. Rather than an overly burdensome new job.

My advice:

1. Set the upper limit of the daily reward amount, and the excess will be attenuated.

The maritime, adventure and business systems share a quota-weighted value. After the daily quota overtakes, the reward will be attenuated. The longer the time, the lower the reward.

For example: After playing 30 battles, the gold and experience decay is 50%. This allows ordinary players to have a good gaming experience in the first 30 games, and the part beyond 30 games gives players who are willing to spend more time ahead of schedule.

2. Reduce tax rates to satisfy trade players.

Too little gold coin income and too expensive game expenditures make players unhappy. Players will easily be attracted by other more interesting mobile games and leave. The amount should be attenuated to maintain high profits so that players can use Make more profit in less time and get plenty of sense of accomplishment.

3. Keep the flagship victory mechanism to satisfy combat players.

You can launch dual-flagship and multi-flagship levels, but don't let everyone have to clear the enemy in every battle. The reason why players want to speed up the battle is precise because the battle process is very very boring, that's why some people want to revert to the online fighting mechanism. If you want to maintain this fighting system, you must make the game process smoother and the rewards more generous.

4. Reduce the cost of the adventure, increase the rewards of the exploration process, and reduce the return rewards.

Reduce the price of adventure tools, increase the rewards of trade items and gold coins for the loot of exploration, and then reduce the return rewards of discovery. The adventure system must be as complete as the combat system, and the process is fun.

5. Increase investment incentives.

The investment reward is too fewer so no one is willing to bear the loss of 10% of the investment amount per week before 50 million dollars (1000 points, the basic value of the blue diamond reward). Therefore the development of the port is stagnant, any items cannot be purchased resulting in an inferior game experience. All players should be given richer investment rewards.

6. Enemy fleets don't have clear difficulty stages.

After the V-class ship, the player must challenge the mixed fleet of VI~VIII, which is a big blow to the player and is an unclear game goal. It should add more pirate fleets that are about 5 same class ships or a pirate fleet formed by a mixture of 2 class gaps.

7. Sea restrictions are very confusing.

All waters should be allowed to travel unimpeded. Players will be reminded in advance when they enter an unsuitable area, and they will receive a slight sailing slowdown. The larger the gap from the set value, the more obvious the deceleration.

In unsuitable waters, players are forbidden to enter the port (only supply), the battle rewards are attenuated, the discovery probability is reduced, and the fishing is not easy to obtain treasures. For the novice after the shipwreck, the penalties for funds and the goods will be reduced.

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