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Suggestions to improve the gaming experience

2022.07.13 Wednesday 13:44 (UTC + 9)


Dear developer,

Pls consider if the following can be further simplified or improved to enhance user's gaming experience:

1. For land exploration, is it possible to have an option for one click for 10 exploration? The amination is interesting at the beginning but now turns out to delay the exploration process

2. For trading, it is hard to check what kind of trending is occuring if I miss the message from the crew or the pop up screen when entering into the city. Please improve the interface so that it would be easier for players to check the trending

3. Please reinstate the ship capturing system or just remove it from the game. The system is meaningless if you keep the rate at alomost zero. So far I have only heard 1 player successfully capturing a low grade ship from battle

4. Please either increase the variety of the winning conditions or increase the quantity and quality of the reward of killing all ships, as you have previously promised to do. It is now very hard to get anything meaningful from winning a battle. The ship building materials are also rarely seen from the reward of the battle. Btw, if NPC kills my flagship, I am game over. You make us hate entering into the battle, which is one of the pillars of your game.

5. The investment system is upsetting many players to invest to up the city level, as the level will downgrade over a period of time and some trade goods will only appear after reaching an extraordinary high investment level (e.g. level 4 for diamond). Please also increase the regular reward for making investment, such as offering "contribution" point after reaching certain investment threshold and increase trade frame. The heavy tax that can be imposed on other players by the mayor can also be a main cause of discouraging ordinary players to play fairly or continue to stay in this game

6. Please revamp the daily palace military quest - to kill 5 ships of a particular country upsets many of us as the fleet of a particular country appears ramdomly and we may not be able to keep looking at the radar when sailing.

7. As I have previously reported, please remove the rowing condition which appear next to Toamasna and the east of Hadiboh. Obviously it is not supposed to happen

8. Please improve the interface of waters information by showing the exact condition of rowing/seaworthiness/momentum instead of by colour, for the areas which have been discoverered 

9. The occurrance of hurrican and other weird disasters is so frequent after moving south of Sao Tome. Please make the corresponding tools available for purchase in more cities rather than just Timbuktu

10. Iphone 8 players and some ipad players cannot enable auto sail function after leaving the city (I have mentioned in my previous posts)

11. Too many bugs! Players, espeically paid players at Australia server are not supposed to help debug for you and we are even not paid! 

12. Please let us know the future of Australia server. Many of us are not willing to spend too much unless we are certain about the future of this server. Open Australia server to many other countries please! Ppl also hate using VPN!

13. More events (with meaningful rewards) please! Very boring if sailing for the same purpose everyday!

14. Most importantly, improve the imbalance between different nations, especially their trade goods.

My final suggestion. This game is hard core enough. If you want to expand user base and retain paid users, it is NOT TO NERF EVERY ASPECT OF THE GAME TO MAKE US HARD TO PLAY, but to make the game more attactive and easy for everyone.

There are many more, but much appreciated if your team is now also focusing on enhancing players' gaming experience whilst debugging so that we are more willing to spend.

Thank you!

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