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Can anyone con+firm my observations?

2022.07.13 Wednesday 20:33 (UTC + 9)


So i have been testing this wonderful game for a couple of days, checking the difference between UWO and UWO 2. Honestly this can be an excellent continuity for the original Online title. Yeah ok i kinda miss the skills part but hey no one is saying it will not appear someday. My two cents, please people, stop whining about the port development decreasing over time. It was one of the best feature of the game in Online, forcing player to play for the team instead of playing for their pocket. Without it this game would be a simple ''who get the most Uber fleet fast''

Now for the reason of my post. Playing Joao i wanted to hop at every Portuguese port to make some investment. Trying to go to Madeira i struck a purple flames wall preventing me from going further. Is it my rank level or that that part of the Atlantic is not open yet?

Also, i have notice many trade quests are simply impossible to complete as of now because of low dev or item inaccessibility. Is there a way to know it in advance or I'm stuck with losing fame for forfeiting quests? 

If devs are reading this, this is a perfect opportunity to introduce some safeguards such as those quests won't appear if dev is too low or something. Remember, you have a chance of launching it right in other region of the world. Can't wait for the NA/Europe release.

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