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Known issues since last Fri patch

2022.08.08 Monday 15:40 (UTC + 9)


Dear developer,

The following issues since the last week patch are really frustrating:

  1. Combat experience is really poor.  Repair amount is ridi****usly low. You have increased the power of artillery and ship durability by 10 times, but it seems that you f***ot to increase the repair amount correspondingly.....
  2. Still high combat difficulty. We still encounter 6 ships fleet enemy in India sometimes....Even if some of them have 5 ships, we do not see any increase in using a more diverse skill sets as they do not seem to be very effective or powerful 
  3. Victory condition is still to kill all ships. MOST OF US ARE NEITHER UNEMPLOYED nOR SCHOOL KIDS. WE DO NOT HAVE TOO MUCH TIME TO SPEND ON A SINGLE BATTLE, let alone the reward though improved a little bit, is still quite unattractive compared to our time cost. This is the area that deserves your rebalancing
  4. Ineffective increase in expertise. You have raised our expertise, but at the same time gaming difficulty remains high. Except that we have spent more time on watching video for land and explore, has the rate of obtaining a decent item from there increased? No. Same for trading. Are we now making profit more easier than before the patch? No. Now most of us raise the city tax level because you said you have increased the share of the tax (this is misleading as many of us received mayor salay of $3M compared to 1M before the patch). For combat, the increase in military expertise is made at the expense of the weakening of certain skills such as defence ignore and repairing, so that the overall difficulty remains high and the gaming experience has not been improved signi****ntly
  5. Effects. The new effects of mates are disastrous. Most of the boost which was previously relevant to the job of the mates has been reassigned/removed....
  6. Royal order. You said you have "Modified NPC appearance rate to ease royal order procedure". It seems the change is not that obvious....
  7. Fleet speed. Loads of ppl are complaining the fleet speed is decreasing and long haul sail is subject to a large number of negative factors which decrease fleet speed....
  8. National balance. Now Spain is nerf, but the core issue has not been resolved. Most of the trade goods at each nation's capital are not attractive to invest and due to the distancing bonus, certain country is enjoying a huge advantage from trading over  others. I am NOT saying you should nerf them all, just do proper rebalancing that is fair and reasonable to all players. Once again, rebalancing does NOT mean nerfing
  9. Part removal. Any plan to reinstate the "removal all" features?
  10. 1.5M discovery points. If you have ever tried to run 100 bed rolls and counted the time you are required to complete the animation and the reward you would get, you will know how crazy you are to set 1.5m discovery points for the biggest prize. 
  11. Some players said they cannot play since the 5 Aug update due to Gameguard. Please help fix. [Added on 8 Aug]
  12. Ship capturing system. You have already greatly nerfed the stat. of the captured ship. Together with the extremely low ship capturing rate, this system is basically redundant. [Added on 8 Aug]
  13. Simpify the "letter in bottle" features by skipping the "use" and directly showing the quest details [Added on 8 Aug]  

I know you cannot please all players who have different demand. However, it sounds like most of an ordinary player will be upset by the current status of the game development. Your grand opening will be due soon, so please take this opportunity to fix all outstanding issues.

Hope you will step into our shoes when developing / updating the game. 

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