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Ship life and mates' loyalty drop too fast

2022.08.22 Monday 16:45 (UTC + 9)


Dear developer,

Have you ever imagined that we need to repair our 5-7 ships for every 4-5 actual days under the current setting? The days we spent on land adventue are also counted, meaning that we may experience a drop of over 5 ship life per actual day!!

Are you assuming that everyone is using level 5 ships or below so that we can easily get the blueprint to reppair or we are able to get few hundred gems a week to maintain a fleet? It is a very unfriendly change to every ordinary player.

This also happens to the mate loyalty. It drops a lot compared to before patch last week. 

I am not opposing that we need to maintain ship life but the interval could be much longer than now, taking into account the no. of sail days required for each trip to and from India and for adventure. 

Please do not make the game difficult and costly to everyone. 

Thank you!


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