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Awful rebalancing of the difficulty of the combat task - ARE YOU JOKING?

2022.08.31 Wednesday 11:50 (UTC + 9)


Dear developer,

As per the following change, I am quite sure you do not understand how long does it take to finish a single battle. We might be able to finish 5 battles for ONE SINGLE task in 10-20 mins (I am not taking about the sail days but the efficiency), but yet this ONLY applies to low enemy level regions, such as Europe, Caribbean, West Africa. How about East Africa, South Africa and India? It takes more than 10 mins actual time to finish ONE SINGLE battle.  Do you mean we should not take up such kind of quest in the regions of high enemy level? If so, please remove straightaway this kind of tasks from these regions, not to lower the probability of their occurrence.  Also, this is absolutely not to our benefit by increasing the time spend by 4 times to complete the same quest in return for ONLY 1 time increase (i.e. double the original reward) in the quest rewards. ARE YOU JOKING?

You have not played the game seriously and every rebalancing you have made just created another imbalance. You have already lowered the reward of combat and adventure tasks few weeks ago, and now you do it again. I do not understand your logic for increasing the difficulty of/time spent on the combat tasks, except that you may wish to slower the players' growth by decreasing their efficiency from taking up a particular type of combat tasks. 

Please revisit this change and also change the victory condition if you have to proceed with the change. It is really hard to kill all enemy fleets 5 TIMES in order to complete the task.

[Request] Modified 'Pirate Defeat, Perfect Victory' request

 - Number of goals 1 > 5

 - Restricted Navigation Days 10 > 20

 - Reward x 2

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