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Server balance

2022.09.10 Saturday 20:41 (UTC + 9)


i felt that this is very important.

Having 3 accounts on 3 different servers, and watching some live streamers

I believe that population at each server mostly move towards a single nation.

Result in Single Overpowered nation monopolize ports and economy

Developers need to look on this to balance the population out even more

Either locked the OP Nation for adding new players

More incentives to attract players to smaller nations

Or could further reduce the tax applied during trading for weak nation as 35% tax is a very huge lost for weak nation

When an Overpower Nation took over a server basically it is impossible for other weaker nations to overtake it

Given the high amount of ports held and the huge amount of tax apply to it

Small nations earning is way too slow to catch up

Lesser players and High tax result in less profit from trading which means double or triple the effort. require 

I myself from the OP nation sides tho lol

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