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Origin Note

Preparations for Uncharted Waters Origin’s Global Launch

Uncharted Waters Origin
2023.02.28 Tuesday 20:09 (UTC + 9)


Enter into the Endless Possibility!

Hello, Admirals.

Welcome to our first ‘Origin Note’, which will focus on our preparations for Uncharted Waters Origin’s global launch.

We had the opportunity to showcase a demo version of Uncharted Waters Origin to players from all around the world

through ‘Steam Next Fest - February 2023 Edition’, which took place from February 6-13.

During the Fest, we could feel the interest and passion global players had for Uncharted Waters Origin and its IP,

and it was a great opportunity for us to see what areas of the game and its starting content needed to be improved.

With the game’s global launch on the horizon, we are in the busy final stages of working not only to prepare game content,

but to also ensure that we can provide reliable services, including in terms of network environments, localization, and cross-platform linking.

Along with stabilizing our game services so that many global users can enjoy Uncharted Waters Origin,

we are also working to optimize platform services so that players can easily play on multiple platforms.

We know that players from across the world all have different gameplay tendencies and dispositions,

which is why we are constantly considering the gameplay propensities of users and cultural differences of each country as we create game content.

Moreover, we are working to provide content and events that are in accordance with the rate at which global users are consuming content.

Although we only released a Steam version of the game for the February edition of Steam Next Fest 2023, the game will also be supported

for cross-platform play, meaning that players can choose between mobile and PC platforms once the game launches globally.

The languages available for the game will be English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese.

Although there are only four languages available for now, more languages may be added in the future after the game’s launch.

Finally, we would like to remind you that the global version of Uncharted Waters Origin will be released on March 7, 2023 (UTC+9).

We are currently in the midst of developing and improving the game before its global launch, but due to this,

there was some confusion caused with the official release date that was shown on some stores.

We would like to apologize for this confusion, and thank players for their patience as they wait for the game’s launch.

In the future, we will inform users of important matters, such as launch dates, through the Uncharted Waters Origin official site and other official channels.

To not miss out on the latest news, please follow us on Facebook and YouTube, and add the game to your Wishlist on Steam.



Thank you again for your patience.

We will share various development news with you through future Origin Notes.

Thank you.

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