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Uncharted Waters Origin Grand Open

Uncharted Waters Origin
2023.03.07 Tuesday 09:00 (UTC + 9)

Enter into the Endless Possibility!

Hello, Admirals.

Admirals who have been eagerly awaiting the launch of Uncharted Waters Origin have finally now been able to start their great journeys along with the grand opening of the game on Mar. 7 (Tue).

We would like to thank all Admirals for their keen interest and support as they waited for the game to launch.

Uncharted Waters Origin Grand Open

1. Grand Open Date:

- Mar. 7 (Tue) 09:00 (UTC+9)

2. How to Download the Game:

- Search for ‘Uncharted Waters Origin’ on the Google Play Store, App Store, or FLOOR and download.

- Please search for Uncharted Waters Origin on Steam to download the game.

- Please go to the ‘Resources’ page on the FLOOR website to download the FLOOR PC Client.

3. System Requirements:

- You can see the system requirements for the game on the 'Resources' page of the FLOOR website.

4. Pre-registration Rewards:

- As the number of pre-registered users for Uncharted Waters Origin reached 1,000,000,

  we will be giving players Pre-Registration Rewards!


How to Obtain

Level Limit

Period for Receiving Rewards

Mail Expiry Period

Prepared Admiral's Cloak x 1

Shipbuilding Acceleration (10 min) x10

Espadachin's Armor x1

Golden Hansa Cog x1

Outer Jib x1

Alder Board x1

In-game Mailbox


Until Mar. 21 (Tue) 23:59 (UTC+9)

7 days

Superior Mate Ticket x10

In-game Mailbox

LV 5 or higher

 Until Mar. 21 (Tue) 23:59 (UTC+9)

7 days

*To Note

- Pre-registration rewards will only be given once per account,

  and the in-game reward mail will only be stored for 7 days (168 hours) after its been sent.

- Rewards that are deleted due to mail expiring cannot be recovered,

  so please make sure you claim your rewards immediately.

- If you reach LV 5, you will receive 10 Superior Mate Tickets through your mailbox, which you can use for draws.

※ Information for those who previously played the Korean version of the game

: If you played the Korean version of the game from overseas with the Floor Launcher before the global release,

  you can access the server on which you played before by using a Korea/Australia VPN.

: However, if you log in without a VPN, you will be able to log into the global version.

We hope you enjoy your wonderful voyage in the endless seas of Uncharted Waters Origin.

Thank you.

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