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Detailed Submission to help improve Cash Shop

2023.03.08 Wednesday 19:08 (UTC + 9)


Hello everyone, hope we are enjoying the game so far.

Beautifully crafted game, but lets talk about the elephant in the room.

I am going skip the complaining bit and jump right into the solution part.

Solution 1: Let the cash shop focus more on skins , especially limited edition skins that can be released every few months. That will enusre a constant stream of income.

There will be players who will buy all the skins that come up. There will be some instead who will occasionally by skins, but I can assure you that if the skins are made well, with special effects players will buy them consistently.

Solution 2: Optional premium that gives balanced benefits that the "priviledge" system gives at the moment but at a fixed price.

This will ensure a consistent stream of income, because in the west that is what we are used to and we will pay up.

Solution 3: Allow in game currency to be traded for cash currency . Via an exchange system. This could be the least favourite of them all, but its another option to give players a way of getting the benefits of premium currency buyers.

Or you can have a mixture of all three.

We are a different market, whatever worked maybe in the Korean market will not necessarily work as well here . Please consider adopting a different approach to us.

We are not stingy, we want to help support the game that we are enjoying to become even better with out money. But looking at the current in game shop, most of us don't feel like spending any money.

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