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[Edit] Mar. 10 (Fri) Temporary Maintenance

Uncharted Waters Origin
2023.03.09 Thursday 21:47 (UTC + 9)


Enter into the Endless Possibility!

Hello, Admirals.

Here are the changes that will be made during the Mar. 10 (Fri) temporary maintenance.

⚓ New Products [Edit]

■ Special Mate Chest

Sales Period

- After the Mar. 10 (Fri) temporary maintenance - Until further notice 


- USD 5.99

Purchase Limit

- Once per account


- 200 Red Gems

- Superior Mate Ticket x10

■ Special Item Chest

Sales Period

- After the Mar. 10 (Fri) temporary maintenance – Until further notice


- USD 5.99

Purchase Limit

- Once per account


- 200 Red Gems

- Superior Item Ticket x10

※ To Note: Superior Mate Tickets and Superior Item Tickets will expire 6 months after purchase.

⚓ Added and Changed Content

Settings: The standard time for all servers will be adjusted to Japan Standard Time (UTC+9).

UI: Chest visibility will be improved.

AOS, PC: The feature for recommending a server when you first start the game will be improved.

AOS: The way the ‘Back’ button works will be improved.

⚓ Bug Fixes

Chest: The issue where an error occurs when players try to recheck their Chests will be fixed.

Adventure: The issue where an error sometimes occurs during Exploration will be fixed.

City: The issue where an error sometimes occurs when sailing after closing the World Map will be fixed.

City: The issue where an error sometimes occurs when ships are loading will be fixed.

Bureau: The issue where an error occurs when investing without enough Ducats on the Peace Server will be fixed.

Bureau: The issue where the country flag and Company Name for Investment Ranks sometimes do not display will be fixed.

Bureau: The way the Mayor’s term in office is displayed will be made consistent.

Build: The issue where a character count error occurs when setting the Ship’s name as its standard name will be fixed.

          - Caravel Latina, Golden Hansa Cog

Gear: The issue where an error sometimes occurs when using Hide Appearance will be fixed.

Storage: The message that appears when players do not have enough space will be edited.

Guild: The issue where an error occurs when forced out of the Guild during offline sailing and after logging out of the game, will be fixed.

Protection: The issue where the Grace of Elmo (3 Rank) Miracle is displayed as a duplication will be fixed.

UI: The line breaks for Ship names will be improved.

UI: The resolution of the Skirmish UI will be improved.

UI: Chinese (Simplified) characters will be improved.

Other: Server latency issues will be fixed.

AOS: The issue where errors occur with devices that use some PowerVR GPU, such as OPPO, will be fixed.

Thank you.

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