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[Edited] Apr. 26 Known Issues

Uncharted Waters Origin
2023.04.26 Wednesday 15:05 (UTC + 9)

Enter into the Endless Possibility!

Hello, Admirals.

Please be informed of the known issues below to help reduce disruptions to your gameplay.

■ Apr. 26 Known Issues

Chronicles: Issue where some of the scripts during the Anne Bonny chronicle prologue switches to high speed

UI: Issue where paid Red Gems and free Red Gems are not displayed 

   in the ‘Red Gem (28 day)’ product information in the event tab and product storage

- Purchase Reward Red Gem: Paid Red Gems

- Daily Reward Red Gem (28 day): Free Red Gems

Product: Issue where an error message appears when purchasing a product with 5 items in product storage (Added on Apr. 26)

- Even though an error message appears, your payment will still be processed properly

 and you can see your purchased item in product storage when you log into the game again.

Dispatch: Issue where you are moved to Fleet1 when you press the Manage Fleet arrow (Added on Apr. 26)

Company: Issue where Korean is displayed in the guide text in Aide (Added on Apr. 26)

Product: Issue where ‘Night of Illusion Ticket’ cannot be exchanged for ‘Superior Item Ticket’ at the Fortune Teller (Added on Apr. 27)

Product: Issue where ‘Chiyome Ticket’ cannot be exchanged for ‘Superior Mate Ticket’ at the Fortune Teller (Added on Apr. 27)

 - We have confirmed an error with the ticket exchange function at the Fortune Teller and will work to fix it as quickly as possible.

  We apologize for the inconvenience caused.

Chronicle: Issue where the word ‘land’ is omitted from the English in Ernst Chronicle No. 124, ‘Old Man and a Thief’ (Added on May. 03)

-> You can continue normally with the Chronicle once you have reached your target location and landed.

  We will fix the above issue as quickly as possible.

- Current: Talk to the ornithologist at the target location.

- After: Land and talk to the ornithologist at the target location.

We apologize for the inconvenience caused.

We will always strive to maintain the quality and reliability of our services.

Thank you.

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