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Additional Notice on Eastern Ship Privilege Issue Retrieval

Uncharted Waters Origin
2023.06.15 Thursday 20:15 (UTC + 9)

Hello, Admirals.

After the emergency maintenance on Jun. 9 (Fri), there was an issue where ‘Eastern Ship Privilege’ rewards could be claimed more than once. The issue was quickly resolved through a data patch.

We would like to apologize again for the inconvenience this issue caused.

This issue, where rewards for users who had purchased the Eastern Ship Privilege product in the past had reactivated, was found while we were fixing a different issue where the Eastern Ship Privilege product was not displayed on the Event ‘Privilege’ tab.

We therefore found that from the Eastern Ship Privilege rewards, users had additionally received 5,000 Red Gems as a duplicate reward.

We regret that such an issue occurred, and therefore, in consideration of the fact that Red Gems are needed for various content, including draws and investment, and in order to ensure fairness for all users, we decided to retrieve the 5,000 Red Gems that were additionally received.

Before this measure was taken, some users had already used the duplicate 5,000 Red Gems they had received. After we retrieved the duplicate reward to ensure fairness, users who had less than 5,000 Free Red Gems ended up with minus Red Gems after the retrieval.

We would like to apologize for the fact that those users who now have minus Red Gems are unable to land or sail.

As Uncharted Waters Origin is a game that is heavily influenced by the flow of Currency, we have measures in place where we retrieve and withdraw Currency when any abusive or illegitimate transactions are detected.

For such cases as these, we implement temporary restrictions in order to prevent additional victims, and such measures are applied in the same way for all countries where we service the game.

However, this particular case was not a case of illegitimate behavior, and we are fully aware that the inconvenience caused to your gameplay was caused by us.

Therefore, for those who experienced minus Red Gems after the retrieval, we will be establishing measures that will make landing/sailing possible, as well as other content, such as the use of Markets, possible with other Currencies besides Red Gems. This will be done through an additional patch, and we will proceed with the measures as soon as they are ready.

However, please understand that users with minus Red Gems will not be able to purchase items from the Auction House or use Red Gems as alternative payments.

Moreover, please understand that for the sake of fairness, we cannot recover any Red Gems for users who have minus Red Gems.

* Patch Schedule: Jun. 15 (Thu) 20:20 (UTC+9)

* Patch Details: Changes will be made so that for users who have minus Red Gems after the retrieval, they can land/sail and use Currencies apart from Red Gems (Blue Gems, Ducats etc.).

We would like to sincerely apologize again for the inconvenience caused.

We will continue to listen to users and strive for the utmost reliability and quality.

Thank you.

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