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‘The Last Aztec Emperor’ Cuauhtémoc Assault

Uncharted Waters Origin
2023.06.22 Thursday 14:00 (UTC + 9)


Enter into the Endless Possibility!

Hello, Admirals.

Following Edward Teach, the ‘Great Pirate Blackbeard’ that was introduced in the last patch, Cuauhtémoc, the ‘Last Aztec Emperor’, will be added to the game’s Assault content.



Company LV Limit


Appearance Time

Appears 24 hours after Edward Teach appears

Time Limit

24 hours

Recommended Attack Type


Appearance Location

Near Buenos Aires

Cuauhtémoc possesses a mighty melee attack, and can use various skills such as curses and javelins.

He can also create various flotsams using Aztec incantations.

Users will face Cuauhtémoc’s Brave Eagle, which enters with slow mobility at first but gradually gains great speed.

Users can deal more significant damage by measuring the artillery distance and using pincer attacks effectively.

As explained previously, the Queen Anne's Revenge, which can be obtained after defeating Edward Teach, can deal additional damage to Cuauhtémoc’s Brave Eagle.

Take on Cuauhtémoc, the ‘Last Aztec Emperor’, in this new Assault to obtain various rewards!

Thank you.

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