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Notice regarding changes to the Uncharted Waters Origin Operational Policy

Uncharted Waters Origin
2023.08.09 Wednesday 16:00 (UTC + 9)

Enter into the Endless Possibility!

Hello, Admirals.

As of Aug. 16 (Wed) 2023, some changes have been made to Uncharted Waters Origin's Operational Policy.

Please take note when using the service.

1. Subject of Change

    - Uncharted Waters Origin Operational Policy

2. Effective Date

    - Aug. 16 (Wed) 2023 (UTC+9)

3. Changes

6. Restriction Policy






(6) Chat Restriction (Time-based): Users are temporarily restricted from using the in-game chat service over the violation of the Terms of Service.

7. Criteria Table for Violations and Penalties






■ Inappropriate and Offensive Behavior

- Any acts that disrupt other users’ use of the game

- Any acts that cause discomfort to other users, including spamming, profanity, sexual remarks, hateful remarks about family members, and advertisements

- Spreading groundless rumors and acts that violate public order and morals

- Any acts that disrupt the Company’s operation of the game or hinders the normal operation of the game

- Exceeding the maximum number of violations due to continued inappropriate behavior will lead to restrictions on game use.

- Restrictions on game use may also be imposed depending on the number of violations that have been cumulated or the severity of the violation.

* Users who do not express any separate disagreement regarding the revised Operational Policy before its implementation date will be understood as agreeing to the revised policy and it will therefore be put into effect.

Check the [Uncharted Waters Origin Operational Policy] here.

Thank you.

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