🏖️ Visit Soda Island! Half Anniversary Special Summer Event!
Uncharted Waters OriginEnter into the Endless Possibility!
Hello, Admirals.
Participate in the special event we have prepared to celebrate Uncharted Waters Origin’s half anniversary!
From the summery, sparkling Soda Island ✨ to Summer Festival Attendance Rewards 🌞, enjoy the many things we have prepared to brighten up your journeys!
Experience a more marvelous Uncharted Waters Origin with this Half Anniversary Special Summer Event!
Please see below for more details.
◆ Event 1: Summer Festival Attendance Event
Event Period
- After the Aug. 16 (Wed) maintenance – Sept. 12 (Tue) 23:59 (UTC+9)
Attendance Rewards
Day | Item | Amount |
1 | Shipbuilding Acceleration (6 hrs) | 4 |
2 | Bronze Astrolabe | 100 |
3 | Small Ship Common Blueprint | 30 |
4 | Blue Gem | 300 |
5 | Crafting Acceleration (6 hrs) | 4 |
6 | Special Investment Deed | 5 |
7 | Summer Festival Figurehead | 1 |
8 | Silver Astrolabe | 50 |
9 | Training Acceleration (6 hr) | 4 |
10 | Shipbuilding Acceleration (6 hrs) | 4 |
11 | Mate EXP Potion | 10 |
12 | Blue Gem | 300 |
13 | Special Investment Deed | 5 |
14 | Summer Festival Cannon | 1 |
※ To Note
- Once the event period is over, the event will immediately end and you will not be able to receive the attendance rewards for any remaining days.
- Event items cannot be restored.
- Event details may be subject to change.
◆ Event 2: New Update! Soda Island Special Benefits!
Event Details
- During the event period, each building on Soda Island will offer special benefits.
🏖️ Where is Soda Island?
- Entry Conditions: Company LV 20 or higher, Seaworthiness 7 or higher
- Languages: Indigenous South American and Mande required
* As a Free Port, anyone can invest in Soda Island, and it can also be occupied.
🏨 Soda Island Inn
- During the event period, the mates in the table below will appear in Soda Island’s Inn.
- The S Grade mates ‘Tokugawa Ieyasu’ and ‘Fernando de Magallanes’, and the A Grade mate ‘Barbara Palmer’, will visit the Inn more often.
- If another mate is required before you can hire a certain mate, those conditions must first be met before the mate appears at the Inn.
* Privilege mates are excluded.
Mate | Grade |
Tokugawa Ieyasu | S |
Fernando de Magallanes | S |
Barbara Palmer | A |
Diane de Poitiers | A |
Keumalahayati | A |
Mumtaz Mahal | B |
Kristina Alexandra | B |
Tajlu Khanum | B |
Shen Yunying | B |
Rachel Wall | B |
Marie Anne | B |
Tecuichpoch Ixcaxochitzin | B |
Ingela Gathenhielm | B |
Charlotte Corday | B |
Catalina de Erauso | B |
Habba Khatoon | C |
Tarabai | C |
Ana María de Soto | C |
Maria Bartola | C |
Tanneke Sconyncx | C |
Sidonia von Borcke | C |
Katharina Henot | C |
Anna Janssens | C |
Valpuri Innamaa | C |
Kaarina Multiala | C |
Elizabeth Barton | C |
Jeanne de Chantal | C |
Asarpay | C |
Isabella Whitney | C |
Kenau Hasselaer | C |
Catherine Cornaro | C |
Anna Åkerhielm | C |
🚢 Soda Island Shipyard
- You will be able to build up to Grade 16 ships if you meet the Build LV and materials required.
- All the items sold at all the Parts Shops around the world will be available at Soda Island’s Parts Shop.
Each week, the materials needed for building Grade 5-15 ships will also be available to purchase in limited quantities (however, Grade 5-15 Ship Blueprints will not be sold).
- Excluding Grade 17 ships, all ships can be built (however, the Grade 17 special ship, ‘The Amity’, can be built).
⚒️ Soda Island Item Shop
- All the gear sold at all the Item Shops around the world will be available at Soda Island’s Item Shop, and the same tools sold at big cities will also be available.
- All items sold at all the Black Markets around the world will be available at Soda Island’s Black Market.
- Soda Island’s Black Market will be open 24 hours.
📜 Soda Island Union
- During the event period, special requests that only appear at Soda Island’s Union will be available.
- These requests can only be cleared once during the event period.
- There will be 2 requests for each Focus, and you can receive lots of event coins once you complete them.
- You will receive special rewards if you clear the [Challenge] difficulty level for the 2 requests that are available for your Focus.
※ To Note
- After the scheduled maintenance in September, Soda Island’s Inn, Shipyard, Item Shop, and Union will become the same as normal ports.
◆ Event 3: Summer Festival Prize Exchange
Event Period
- After the Aug. 16 (Wed) maintenance – Sept. 12 (Tue) 23:59 (UTC+9)
Event Details
- Gather the sparkling Soda Island Coins and exchange them for the items you want!
- How to get Soda Island Coins: Can be obtained through the event’s main/repeat quests.
※ To Note
- The Prize Exchange can only be used during the event period, and no additional compensation will be given for any remaining coins that are not used during the event period.
- Currency will be immediately added to your holdings and items will be added to Tool Storage/Parts Storage in [Storage].
- Event details may be subject to change.
NO. | Item | Exchange Limit |
1 | A Grade Part Selection Chest | 1 |
2 | Special Investment Deed | 10 |
3 | 1,000,000 Ducats | 100 |
4 | Alder Wood | 50 |
5 | Alder Wood Mast | 25 |
6 | Improved Medium Gun Port | 15 |
7 | Beech Wood | 50 |
8 | Beech Wood Mast | 25 |
9 | Enhanced Medium Gun Port | 15 |
10 | Rosewood | 50 |
11 | Rosewood Mast | 25 |
12 | Special Enhanced Medium Gun Port | 15 |
13 | Teak Wood | 60 |
14 | Teak Wood Mast | 30 |
15 | Large Gun Port | 15 |
16 | Walnut Wood | 60 |
17 | Walnut Wood Mast | 30 |
18 | Improved Large Gun Port | 15 |
19 | Ebony Wood | 60 |
20 | Ebony Wood Mast | 30 |
21 | Enhanced Large Gun Port | 15 |
22 | Enhanced Cedar Wood | 60 |
23 | Enhanced Cedar Wood Mast | 30 |
24 | Special Large Gun Port | 15 |
25 | Novice Training Book | 100 |
26 | Intermediate Training Book | 50 |
27 | Advanced Training Book | 20 |
28 | Premium Training Book | 10 |
29 | Small Ship Common Blueprint | 30 |
30 | Medium Ship Common Blueprint | 30 |
31 | Heavy Carrack Blueprint | 10 |
32 | La Reale Blueprint | 10 |
33 | Large Schooner Blueprint | 10 |
34 | Santa Catarina Blueprint | 10 |
35 | Prins Willem Blueprint | 10 |
36 | Large Galleon Blueprint | 10 |
37 | Razee Frigate Blueprint | 10 |
38 | Galleass Blueprint | 10 |
39 | Quebec Blueprint | 10 |
40 | D Grade Weapon Selection Chest | 3 |
41 | D Grade Torso Selection Chest | 3 |
42 | D Grade Head Selection Chest | 3 |
43 | D Grade Accessory Selection Chest | 3 |
44 | D Grade Face Decoration Selection Chest | 3 |
45 | D Grade Cape Selection Chest | 3 |
46 | C Grade Weapon Selection Chest | 2 |
47 | C Grade Torso Selection Chest | 2 |
48 | C Grade Head Selection Chest | 2 |
49 | C Grade Accessory Selection Chest | 2 |
50 | C Grade Face Decoration Selection Chest | 2 |
51 | C Grade Cape Selection Chest | 2 |
52 | B Grade Weapon Selection Chest | 1 |
53 | B Grade Torso Selection Chest | 1 |
54 | B Grade Head Selection Chest | 1 |
55 | B Grade Accessory Selection Chest | 1 |
56 | B Grade Face Decoration Selection Chest | 1 |
57 | B Grade Cape Selection Chest | 1 |
58 | Regular Fireworks | Unlimited |
59 | Extravagant Fireworks | Unlimited |
Thank you.
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