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[Edited] Aug. 16 Known Issues

Uncharted Waters Origin
2023.08.16 Wednesday 14:01 (UTC + 9)

Enter into the Endless Possibility!

Hello, Admirals.

Please be informed of the known issues below to help reduce disruptions to your gameplay.

■ Aug. 16(Wed) Known Issues

Effects: Issue where the ‘Returning Company EXP Boost‘ effect is granted correctly but the description for the obtained effect is incorrect

Effects: Issue where the ‘Increase Beginner Company EXP’ effect is granted correctly but the description for the obtained effect is incorrect

Effects: Issue where the ‘Increase Obtained Hot Time EXP’ effect is granted correctly but the description for the obtained effect is incorrect

  - Currently, the EXP that is shown when you complete a mission only shows the amount of EXP increase according to National Laws.

  - All effects are granted properly in the EXP that can be seen in the growth of your Company and mates.

Effects: Issue where the ‘Increase Hot Time Daily Task Reward’ effect is displayed on the Task screen despite not being activated

Combat: Issue where Grade 15 ships appear instead of Grade 14 ships for LV 70 enemy ships

Journal: Issue where unavailable Discoveries are displayed with [???] in the Journal list

Shop: Issue where only part of the description for the Summer Festival Pass is shown

Shop: Issue where a part of the product description for the Large Ship Material Chest is different only in Japanese (Added on Aug. 17,14:55)


Gun Ports: Select one of Large Gun Port x102, Improved Large Gun Port x93, Enhanced Large Gun Port x83, Special Enhanced Medium Gun Port x40


Gun Ports: Select one of Large Gun Port x102, Improved Large Gun Port x93, Enhanced Large Gun Port x83, Special Large Gun Port x73, Special Improved Large Gun Port x66

Building: Issue where ship stat values are not displayed properly when building Improved ships (Added on Aug. 18,14:20)

Building: Issue where the numbers on the gauge for crew stats are displayed backwards when building Improved ships (Added on Aug. 18,14:20)

World Map: Issue where an error sometimes occurs when repeatedly entering and leaving the World Map quickly (Added on Aug. 18,18:23)

Event: Issue where Total Trade Points do not increase when selling Trade Goods at cities with 20,000 accumulated Trade Points during the Competitive Trade event (Added on Aug. 25,16:44)

Building: Issue where Massive Ship Common Blueprints are incorrectly shown as required materials when building Improved Long Schooner (Added on Aug. 28,18:12)

   - This will be changed so that Large Ship Common Blueprints are shown instead.

Product: Issue where some Privilege Missions cannot be completed (Added on Aug. 30,16:20)

  - Kirch Redeem Privilege

  - Kirch Growth Privilege

  - Da Vinci Redeem Privilege

  - Da Vinci Growth Privilege

We apologize for the inconvenience caused.

We will always strive to maintain the quality and reliability of our services.

Thank you.

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