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September Update Preview

Uncharted Waters Origin
2023.09.06 Wednesday 15:00 (UTC + 9)


Enter into the Endless Possibility!

Hello, Admirals.

The autumn month of September has arrived! 🍂 

Here is a preview of the updates that will be taking place in September.

Some of the details in this preview may change when the actual update takes place.

We will inform you through our notices if there are any such changes.

The update will take place on Sept. 13 (Wed).

Please see below for more details.

📢 September Updates

Events: A 200 Day Celebration Event Attendance will be added.

  1. Event Period: Sept. 16 (Sat) – Oct. 6 (Fri) (UTC+9)

Admirals: Date Masamune will be added to the game and you will be able to play his Chromnicle.

  1. Required level for purchase: Company LV 45
  2. Requirements for clearing Chronicle: Company LV 65, Seaworthiness 120, Momentum 50, Ice Breaking 75

Mates: Hernan Chavez will be added.

General: New Ranking and Appellation systems will be added.

  1. Integrated weekly rankings for sunken ship counts for PvP content, trade profits, investment ranks,

           and ranks for reporting discoveries will be added.

Combat: The game's Combat UI and Speed/Mobility systems will be renewed.

  1. Combat UI will be improved in consideration of the game's combat UX.
  2. Changes will be made so that ships each have their own unique Speeds and so that skills can be used through Mobility.

Guilds: A Guild Effect system will be added.

  1. Effects that can be granted to Guilds through Guild Points will be added.
  2. Guild Effects can be unlocked by the Guild Manager, and all Guild Members are granted the effects.

Guilds: Monopolizing Guild Trade Goods will be added.

  1. Monopolizing Guild Trade Goods for cultural regions, including their capitals and territories, will be added.

Security: Hardware macros will become restricted due to upgrades in macro-blocking.

  1. The use of macro-enabled software and hardware will be blocked.
  2. You will not be able to play the game when you run it simultaneously with third-party apps such as Auto Clicker.
  3. As the game is also available on the FLOOR PC Client, measures will be put into place to prevent the game

          from being run through app players.

📢 Future Updates

Here is a preview of some of our planned updates for the future.

* Please note that the following details are still in development, and may be subject to change.

October Updates

  1. Trade: Barter feature
  2. Trade: Addition of Occupied Limited Area Trade Goods
  3. Ships: Addition of Cancel Build feature
  4. Mates: Addition of [Gear] > [Change Appearance] system
  5. Guilds: Addition of Guild Management feature

November Updates

  1. Nations: Vote and title system for Prime Ministers
  2. Combat: Wanted feature
  3. Trade: Renewal of Negotiation system

The update schedule and its details may be subject to change.

There will be more details about the update in our September patch note.

We hope you continue to enjoy playing Uncharted Waters Origin,

and as a token of our gratitude, here is a coupon that can be used after the update:

Thank you.

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