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Sept. 21 Emergency Maintenance

Uncharted Waters Origin
2023.09.21 Thursday 11:55 (UTC + 9)

Enter into the Endless Possibility!

Hello, Admirals.

Uncharted Waters Origin will be undergoing Emergency maintenance on Sept. 21.

We apologize for the inconvenience caused by this maintenance.

Please refer to the following information for details about the maintenance schedule.

Sept.21 (Thu) Emergency Maintenance

1. Emergency Maintenance Schedule

: Sept. 21 (Thu) 14:20 - 16:00 (UTC+9)

2. Maintenance Details

Combat: The issue where Speed and Mobility aren't displayed on Ship Info during combat will be fixed.

Sailing: The issue where Powerful Opponents spawn outside of their zone will be fixed.

Sailing: The issue where flotsam that wasn't activated because it was far away remains unactivated after touching and approaching it will be fixed.

Adventure: The spawn location of the fish, Island Trevally, will be fixed.

Adventure: The issue where Fishing Discoveries cannot be reported will be fixed.

Guilds: The issue where pop-ups are displayed repeatedly when multiple UIs are touched simultaneously will be fixed.

Harbor: The issue where commas aren't displayed for Load Capacity during supplying will be fixed.

Building: The issue where Ship Build LV 17 cannot be achieved will be fixed.

* Build EXP will be sent successively to users who could not receive Build EXP after the Sept. 13 (Wed) maintenance via their mailbox. 

Market: The issue where Trade Info text is displayed out of bounds will be fixed.

Employees: The issue where the requirements for Employee Requests are displayed awkwardly will be fixed.

Requests: The issue where combat missions in the Acapulco Union cannot be carried out will be fixed.

Storage: The issue where Help is displayed as blank will be fixed. 

3. To Note

■ The maintenance schedule may be subject to change.

■ Please log out of the game in a safe zone as gameplay will be unavailable during maintenance.

We will always strive to maintain the quality and reliability of our services.

Thank you.

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