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[Edited] Oct. 11 Patch Note

Uncharted Waters Origin
2023.10.10 Tuesday 14:10 (UTC + 9)


Enter into the Endless Possibility!

Hello, Admirals.

Here are the changes that will be made during the Oct. 11 (Wed) scheduled maintenance.

Admiral: Nui Hoku will be added to the game.

■ Products Available from Oct. 11 (Wed) (Added on Oct. 11) /  (Edited on Oct. 18 11:42)


Sales Period

Purchase Limit


Urdaneta Growth Privilege

10/11 - (UTC+9)

1 time

 $ 64.99

Choi Museon Pass

10/11 - 11/10 23:59 (UTC+9)

1 time

 $ 54.99

Choi Museon Redeem Privilege

10/11 - 11/10 23:59 (UTC+9)

1 time

 $ 10.99

Choi Museon Growth Privilege

10/11 - 11/10 23:59 (UTC+9)

1 time

 $ 64.99

Sultan Pass

10/11 - 11/10 23:59 (UTC+9)

1 time

 $ 54.99

Sultan Redeem Privilege

10/11 - 11/10 23:59 (UTC+9)

1 time

 $ 10.99

Sultan Growth Privilege

10/11 - 11/10 23:59 (UTC+9)

1 time

 $ 64.99

Radiant Crystal Privilege

10/11 - 10/17 23:59 (UTC+9)

1 time

 $ 10.99

Returning Voyager Package 1

10/11 - (UTC+9)

1 time

 $ 4.99

Returning Voyager Package 2

10/11 - (UTC+9)

1 time

 $ 10.99

Returning Voyager Package 3

10/11 - (UTC+9)

1 time

 $ 34.99

Sweet Autumn Privilege

10/11 - 10/24 23:59 (UTC+9)

10 times / 1 day

1 time

 $ 94.99


Sales Period

Purchase Limit


Urdaneta Ticket

10/11 - (UTC+9)

20 times

200 Red Gems

Returning Voyager's Protection

10/11 - (UTC+9)

1 time

1,000 Red Gems

Radiant Crystal Chest

10/11 - 10/17 23:59 (UTC+9)


400 Red Gems / 1 time

Sweet Autumn Chest

10/11 - 10/24 23:59 (UTC+9)


10 times / 1 day

400 Red Gems / 1 time

■ Products Available from Oct. 13 (Fri) (Added on Oct. 13)


Sales Period

Purchase Limit


Weekend Privilege 3

10/13 - 10/15 23:59 (UTC +9)

1 time

 $ 10.99

■ Products Available from Oct. 18 (Wed) (Added on Oct. 18)


Sales Period

Purchase Limit


Lord of the Storm Pass

10/18 - 11/17 23:59 (UTC +9)

1 time

 $ 21.99

Dark Wave Privilege

10/18 - 10/24 23:59 (UTC +9)

1 time

 $ 10.99


Sales Period


Dark Wave Chest

10/18 - 10/24 23:59 (UTC+9)

400 Red Gems / 1 time

■ Products Available from Oct. 20 (Fri) (Added on Oct. 20)


Sales Period

Purchase Limit


Weekend Privilege 4

10/20 - 10/22 23:59 (UTC +9)

1 time

 $ 10.99

■ Products Available from Oct. 25 (Wed) (Added on Oct. 25)


Sales Period

Purchase Limit


Hwang Jin Pass

10/25 - 11/24 23:59 (UTC+9)

1 time

 $ 54.99

Hwang Jin Redeem Privilege

10/25 - 11/24 23:59 (UTC+9)

1 time

 $ 10.99

Hwang Jin Growth Privilege

10/25 - 11/24 23:59 (UTC+9)

1 time

 $ 64.99

Galilei Pass

10/25 - 11/24 23:59 (UTC+9)

1 time

 $ 54.99

Galilei Redeem Privilege

10/25 - 11/24 23:59 (UTC+9)

1 time

 $ 10.99

Galilei Growth Privilege

10/25 - 11/24 23:59 (UTC+9)

1 time

 $ 64.99

GR 16 W Build Celebration Pack

10/25 - (UTC+9)

1 time

 $ 54.99

Special Grade 16 Blueprint Package

10/25 - 11/24 23:59 (UTC+9)

1 time

 $ 54.99

Halloween Package

10/25 - 11/07 23:59 (UTC+9)

1 time

 $ 34.99

Halloween Costume Package 1

10/25 - 11/07 23:59 (UTC+9)

5 times

 $ 25.99

Halloween Costume Package 2

10/25 - 11/07 23:59 (UTC+9)

5 times

 $ 25.99

Spooky Privilege

10/25 - 11/07 23:59 (UTC+9)

1 time

 $ 21.99


Sales Period

Purchase Limit


Halloween Cannon Chest

10/25 ~ 11/07 23:59 (UTC+9)

1 time

1100 Red Gems

Halloween Ram Chest

10/25 ~ 11/07 23:59 (UTC+9)

1 time

1100 Red Gems

Halloween Gear Chest

10/25 ~ 11/07 23:59 (UTC+9)

1 time

1100 Red Gems

Spooky Chest

10/25 ~ 11/07 23:59 (UTC+9)


400 Red Gems / 1 time

■ Products Available from Oct. 27 (Fri) (Added on Oct. 27)


Sales Period

Purchase Limit


Weekend Privilege 1

10/27 - 10/29 23:59 (UTC +9)

1 time

 $ 10.99

■ Products Available from Nov. 1 (Wed) (Added on Nov. 1)


Sales Period

Purchase Limit


GR 17 E Build Celebration Pack

11/01 - (UTC +9)

1 time

 $ 54.99

■ Products Available from Nov. 3 (Fri)(Added on Nov. 3)


Sales Period

Purchase Limit


Weekend Privilege 2

11/03 - 11/05 23:59 (UTC +9)

1 time

 $ 10.99

⚓New Content and Changes

Assign: Dispatch Placement Settings will be updated to save Mate Effects.

Guilds: Guild members' permissions by LV will be displayed.

Harbor: Load Ratio will be changed.

- Minimum ratio of Water and Food will be changed from 5% to 1%.

Shipyard: Function to cancel during building will be added.

UI: Checkboxes to filter Effect Info in Manage Fleet will be added.

UI: You will be able to see Mileage, Contribution, and Guild Currency in Company Overview after the update.

⚓Balance Fixes

Combat: Formation effects will be unlocked.

- Blocking Retreat

- Rear Assembly

- Noble Unity

- Swift Artillery

- Brave Charge

- Merciless Charge

- Focused Barrage

- Coordinated Fire

- Sacred Protection

- Determined Counterattack

Event: Hot Time Bonus Rewards will be updated.

Event: New User Attendance rewards will be changed.

Combat: 2 new Critical-related stats will be added.

- Critical Chance Resist

- Critical Resist

Trade: Occupied Limited Area Trade Goods will be added.

Occupied Limited Area Trade Goods are not affected by seasonal quantity.

- Neroli, Perfume: North Africa

- Copper, Wares: Northern Europe

- Camel, Livestock: North Africa

- Henna, Dye: India

- Silver Ore, Ore: Northeast America

- Mookaite, Jewelry: Oceania

- Dreamcatcher, Crafts: Caribbean

- Mead, Liquor: Britain

- Japanese Long Spear, Weapons: Japan

- Superior Hat, Fabrics: Russia

- Balafon, Crafts: South Africa

- Large Shield, Weapons: Southern France

- Rambutan, Luxuries: Malay

- Woodcarving, Artwork: Northern Europe

- Sumac, Spices: Persia

- Terracotta, Crafts: West Africa

- Cubeb, Spices: Malay

- Juniper, Wares: Joseon

- Vacuna Fur, Textile: Southwest America

- Shu Brocade, Fabrics: Ming

- Mortar, Firearms: Near East

- Luxurious Garment, Fabrics: Italy

Trade: Boosts for Trade Goods will be added.

- Realgar: India, +50%

- Dreamcatcher: Polynesia, +70%

- Superior Hat: West Africa, +30%

- Balafon: Northwest America, +50%

- Large Shield: Ming, +40%

- Terracotta: Oceania, +50%

- Vacuna Fur: Northern Europe, +70%

- Vacuna Fur: Northern France, +100%

- Vacuna Fur: Southern France, +100%

Trade: The values of the Trade Goods below will be increased and accordingly, their quantities will be decreased.

- Realgar

Trade: Certain Trade Goods will be added to some countries.

- Whanganui: Pearl

Trade: The standard quantity of certain Trade Goods will increase.

- Atuona: Pearl, +20%

- Mahina: Pearl, +20%

- Suva: Pearl, +20%

Trade: Sales Set difficulty will be adjusted.

- The quantity of certain Sales Sets will be adjusted to match their difficulty.

Trade: Minimum Purchase Limit Ratios will be added to changes in Trade Goods Quantity that come about due to market prices.

- Trade Goods Quantity is affected by the average price in the Market.

- A limit will be added on the Minimum Quantity Multiplier so purchase quantity will not be below 0 when the average price is unusually high due to a Major Trend or Soaring.

Fishing: High-grade Fish Species Obtain Chance limiting stats will be increased.

Dock: Maximum Dock Limit will be increased by 10.

- Dock No. 28: 1,000 Red Gems

- Dock No. 29: 1,500 Red Gems

- Dock No. 30: 2,000 Red Gems

- Dock No. 31: 2,500 Red Gems

- Dock No. 32: 3,000 Red Gems

- Dock No. 33: 3,500 Red Gems

- Dock No. 34: 4,000 Red Gems

- Dock No. 35: 4,500 Red Gems

- Dock No. 36: 5,000 Red Gems

- Dock No. 37: 5,000 Red Gems

⚓Bug Fixes

Achievement: The issue where the icon displayed on fishing achievement appears as a combat icon will be fixed.

Royal Orders: The issue where the Ottoman Royal Order, 'Hidden Shadow', is not marked as complete when the Fishing Objective is completed in a port will be fixed.

Royal Orders: The issue where Auto Move is impossible in the England Royal Order, 'New Wind', will be fixed.

Royal Orders: The issue with the delivery quantity of peanuts in the England Royal Order, 'New Wind', will be fixed.

Royal Orders: The issue where progressing in the España Royal Order, 'Base at the Cape of Good Hope', is occasionally impossible, will be fixed.

Requests: The issue where the portrait of the Algiers Assassin is displayed differently inside and outside of the building in the Request, 'True Strength', will be fixed.

Requests: The issue where the objectives for the Port Protection Request are displayed incorrectly will be fixed.

Requests: The issue where an error occasionally occurs when a Request with a Sailing Day Limit expires while docking at a port will be fixed.

Sailing: The issue where certain Effects are not applied in Offline Sailing will be fixed.

Sailing: Auto Sail will be available for undiscovered villages.

Sailing: The issue where Ships leave the map at a certain location in Unalaska will be fixed.

Sailing: The issue where the port name is displayed on the Auto Supply pop up after Auto Moving to an undiscovered port will be fixed.

Sailing: The issue where a Disaster warning pop up is displayed after closing the Maritime Protection page will be fixed.

Sailing: The issue where an error occasionally occurs when tracking an NPC will be fixed.

Adventure: The issue with the awkward flow of Stargazing will be fixed.

Adventure: Land Exploration name will be changed.

- Near Chersky -> Chuckchi Peninsula

Adventure: The issue where Discoveries obtained through Looting are not displayed in the Loot Result pop up will be fixed.

Combat: The issue where tooltips are not displayed for Salvage Tools used during Consecutive Combat will be fixed.

Combat: The issue where Melee Ship's Crew HP does not recover after Combat ends will be fixed.

Combat: The issue where Decrease Speed Effect is not applied on the turn activated when using Hong Gildong's Order, 'Possess', on the user has been fixed.

Trade: The issue where the number of owned goods is not refreshed after accepting a Purchase Request and selling or purchasing the requested Trade Goods will be fixed.

Trade: The issue where the number of Trade Goods being sold does not decrease when selling rejected Trade Goods at countries in the Islamic cultural sphere will be fixed.

Collections: The issue where Grade 17 Ship information is not displayed in Blueprints and Ships will be fixed.

Products: The issue where occasionally rewards cannot be obtained at the Privilege page immediately after purchasing the Privilege will be fixed.

Products: The issue where the English information for 'Great Merchant's Blessing' displays Ranks differently from other products will be fixed.

- Grade -> Rank

Guilds: The issue where 'Chain Recovery' of Guild Effects did not apply to recovery from Events will be fixed.

Guilds: The issue where the Learn and Enhance Guild Effect buttons activate even with insufficient Guild Currency will be fixed.

Guilds: The issue where the quantity of Materials needed to enhance Guild Effects is displayed as the set quantity of another chosen Material will be fixed.

Guilds: The issue where an error occurs when rejecting a Guild join request will be fixed.

Guilds: The issue where the previous notice or introduction is displayed as blank when changing the notice or introduction will be fixed.

Challenge: The issue where AUTO is available for content where AUTO is impossible will be fixed.

Appellation: The issue where Appellations can be equipped and unequipped during Sailing will be fixed.

Appellation: The issue where the Appellation Symbol is not displayed when an Appellation of a different account is changed on the same device will be fixed.

Appellation: The issue where the Symbol colors of other users' Appellations are not properly displayed will be fixed.

Journal: The issue where Discoveries obtained from the Date Masamune Chronicle are not visible in the Journal will be fixed.

Ships: The issue with the area of the Decorate Ship guide will be fixed.

Ship Disguise: The size for 'Shell and Crab' will be changed from Medium to Massive.

- The issue where the 'Shell and Crab' and 'Angelic Prayer' Appearance would overlap when displayed together will be fixed as the size of 'Shell and Crab' is adjusted.

Auction House: The issue where the stats of ships change after acquisition when purchasing registered ships will be fixed.

- Will be fixed to show the stats of users' modified cabins.

Harbor: The issue where the 'Departure' button is occassionally deactivated will be fixed.

Market: The issue where the currency purchase confirmation pop up is not displayed when repeatedly purchasing Trade Goods with insufficient Ducats will be fixed.

Tools: The issue where the Contract icon for certain Mates is different from Mate Grade will be fixed.

UI: The issue where the units for Total Combat Power stats in Fleet Details are not displayed will be fixed.

UI: The issue where the displayed Promotion Rank is different when selecting Mates in [Manage Fleet] > [Languages Known] tab will be fixed.

UI: The issue where the units of Trade Strategy Effect's Price Info Update Range are not displayed with a comma in Fleet Expertise will be fixed.

Thank you.

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