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November Update Preview

Uncharted Waters Origin
2023.11.06 Monday 18:10 (UTC + 9)


Enter into the Endless Possibility!

Hello, Admirals.

Here is a preview of the updates that will be taking place in November.

Scheduled maintenance for November will take place on Nov. 8 (Wed).

If the scheduled maintenance date changes, we will share the details once more.

* Some of the details in this preview may change when the actual update takes place.

We will inform you through our notices if there are any such changes.

⚓ November Updates

Admirals: Kim Mandeok will be added to the game and you will be able to play her Chronicle.

- Required level for purchase: Company LV 40

- Requirements for clearing Chronicle: Company LV 40, Seaworthiness 85, Momentum 40, Ice Breaking 1

Mates: Marie Antoinette will be added.

Ships: Grade 18 Ships will be added.

- Western Ship: Flemish Galleon

- Western Ship: Halve Maen

- Western Ship: Beagle

- Eastern Ship: Large Sha-chuan

- Eastern Ship: Ghanjah Dhow

Growth: The Mate EXP and rewards that can be obtained from combat and explorations will be increased.

Market Events: A new Market Event system will be added.

- A new Market Event system where mayors can hold trade events when they want during their term will be added.

- There will be 4 types of Market Events and the required number of terms and costs will differ depending on the type of the Market Event, the target Trade Goods, or the target types of Trade Goods.

- Market Events will last for an hour, and information related to the event will be visible on the World Map after registering an open Market Event.

Villages: The Amity system will be improved.

- The total amount of Amity will be increased, and maximum Amity will no longer be reachable just by giving gifts.

- Amity can be raised through Bartering, and Amity Stage Achievement Rewards and Weekly Rewards can be obtained depending on the Amity stage.

- The Amity of all villages will be reset to the basic stat when the update takes place, due to the rules regarding Amity changing and the Amity stat increasing overall, which will not enable the usage of the previous Amity stat. We hope you understand.

Trade: Bartering content will be added.

- Bartering will be updated in 4 steps at all villages around the world.

- This first Bartering update will enable Bartering in European and African villages.

- Trade Goods that can be obtained through Bartering will have a higher value in Ducat compared to previous Trade Goods.

- Amity can be obtained or lost from Bartering.

- Negotiations can take place during Bartering. Negotiation uses Amity.

- The amount of Amity spent from Negotiations will be reset when the stock is refreshed.

- Amity spent due to Negotiation will be finalized when the exchange is complete.

Trade: A function that enables obtaining all Trade Point Rewards will be added.

- When collecting Trade Point Rewards, all obtainable rewards will be obtained at once.

Sailing: A Water Procurement System will be added.

- Water can be collected when it rains while Sailing.

Sailing: Load Ratio presets will be added.

- The Load Ratio used when setting sail can be set with presets.

Ships: A system that forcefully changes the cabins of improved ships will be added.

- When the Build Lv is the same or higher than the grade of the improved ship, currency can be used to change to Blueprint Lv 1.

- Through this system, the cabins of improved ships purchased at the Auction House can be changed.

Limited Areas: Occupying and Monopolizing Limited Area effects will be upgraded.

- Occupying and Monopolizing Limited Area effects will be consisted of sailing effects and port effects.

  1. Sailing Effects
  2. Increase sailing speed slightly in a Limited Area when Occupying the Limited Area.
  3. Increase Chance of Capture Ship in a Limited Area when Occupying the Limited Area.
  4. Increase sailing speed drastically in a Limited Area when Monopolizing the Limited Area.
  5. Increase Chance of Capture Ship in a Limited Area when Monopolizing the Limited Area.
  6. Disable strikes from NPCs in a Limited Area when Monopolizing the Limited Area.
  7. Port Effects
  8. Decrease shipbuilding time slightly in a Limited Area when Occupying the Limited Area.
  9. Decrease shipbuilding time drastically in a Limited Area when Monopolizing the Limited Area.

Mate Gear: Mate Gear can be changed into Appearance.

- By using currency, Mate Gear can be changed into Appearance.

- When changing Mate Gear into Appearance, the Mate Gear's effect will disappear.

- However, when changing an Appearance back into Mate Gear, the existing Gear effect will return.

Guild Effects: 5 previously unavailable Guild Effects will be added.

- Trade: Friendly Tongue, Overpackaging, Appropriate Attire

- Adventure: Collect Flotsam, Deliver Drinking Water

The update schedule and its details may be subject to change.

There will be more details about the update in our November patch note.

We hope you continue to enjoy playing Uncharted Waters Origin in November,

and as a token of our gratitude, here is a coupon that can be used after the update:

Thank you.

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