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[Edit] Dec. 6 Patch Note

Uncharted Waters Origin
2023.12.05 Tuesday 18:00 (UTC + 9)


Enter into the Endless Possibility!

Hello, Admirals.

Here are the changes that will be made during the Dec. 6 (Wed) scheduled maintenance.

* All times listed below are UTC+9.

Admiral: Hong Gildong will be added to the game.

■ Products available from Dec. 6 (Wed) (Added on Dec. 6)


Sales Period

Purchase Limit


Jeon Woochi Growth Privilege

12/06 - (UTC+9)

1 time

 $ 64.99

Amina Pass

12/06 - 2024/01/05 23:59 (UTC+9)

1 time

 $ 54.99

Amina Redeem Privilege

12/06 - 2024/01/05 23:59 (UTC+9)

1 time

 $ 10.99

Amina Growth Privilege

12/06 - 2024/01/05 23:59 (UTC+9)

1 time

 $ 64.99

Tew Pass

12/06 - 2024/01/05 23:59 (UTC+9)

1 time

 $ 54.99

Tew Redeem Privilege

12/06 - 2024/01/05 23:59 (UTC+9)

1 time

 $ 10.99

Tew Growth Privilege

12/06 - 2024/01/05 23:59 (UTC+9)

1 time

 $ 64.99

Black Horn Privilege

12/06 - 12/12 23:59 (UTC+9)

1 time

 $ 10.99

Happy Holiday Package 1

12/06 - 2024/01/05 23:59 (UTC+9)

1 time

 $ 10.99

Happy Holiday Package 2

12/06 - 2024/01/05 23:59 (UTC+9)

1 time

 $ 21.99

Happy Holiday Package 3

12/06 - 2024/01/05 23:59 (UTC+9)

1 time

 $ 54.99

Happy Holiday Package 4

12/06 - 2024/01/05 23:59 (UTC+9)

1 time

 $ 54.99

Remote Shipbuilding Package

12/06 - (UTC+9)

1 time

 $ 21.99


Sales Period

Purchase Limit


Purchase Condition

Jeon Woochi Ticket

12/06 - (UTC+9)

20 times

200 Red Gems / 1 time

Own Admiral Hong Gildong

Jeon Woochi Chest

12/06 - (UTC+9)


400 Red Gems / 1 time

Own Admiral Hong Gildong

Disguise: Colosseum Galley

12/06 - (UTC+9)

1 time

2,000 Red Gems


Combat Repel Support

12/06 - (UTC+9)

10 times / 1 day

100 Red Gems / 1 time


Black Horn Chest

12/06 - 12/12 23:59 (UTC+9)


400 Red Gems / 1 time


■ Products available from Dec. 8 (Fri) (Added on Dec. 8)


Sales Period

Purchase Limit


Weekend Privilege 3

12/08 12:00 - 12/10 23:59 (UTC+9)

1 time

 $ 10.99

■ Products available from Dec. 13 (Wed) (Added on Dec. 13)


Sales Period

Purchase Limit


Band Leader Pass

12/13 12:00 - 2024/01/12 23:59 (UTC+9)

1 time

 $ 21.99

Dark Wind Privilege

12/13 12:00 - 12/19 23:59 (UTC+9)

1 time

 $ 10.99

Happy Holiday Privilege

12/13 12:00 - 2024/01/05 23:59 (UTC+9)

1 time

 $ 43.99


Sales Period

Purchase Limit


Dark Wind Chest

12/13 12:00 - 12/19 23:59 (UTC+9)


400 Red Gems / 1 time

■ Products available from Dec. 15 (Fri) (Added on Dec. 13)


Sales Period

Purchase Limit


Weekend Privilege 4

12/15 12:00 - 12/17 23:59 (UTC+9)

1 time

 $ 10.99

■ Products available from Dec. 20 (Wed)(Added on Dec. 20)


Sales Period

Purchase Limit


Natasha Pass

12/20 12:00 - 2024/01/19 23:59 (UTC+9)

1 time

 $ 54.99

Natasha Redeem Pass

12/20 12:00 - 2024/01/19 23:59 (UTC+9)

1 time

 $ 10.99

Natasha Growth Pass

12/20 12:00 - 2024/01/19 23:59 (UTC+9)

1 time

 $ 64.99

Kirch Pass

12/20 12:00 - 2024/01/19 23:59 (UTC+9)

1 time

 $ 54.99

Kirch Redeem Privilege

12/20 12:00 - 2024/01/19 23:59 (UTC+9)

1 time

 $ 10.99

Kirch Growth Privilege

12/20 12:00 - 2024/01/19 23:59 (UTC+9)

1 time

 $ 64.99

Black Stronghold Privilege

12/20 12:00 - 12/26 23:59 (UTC+9)

1 time

 $ 10.99

Natasha Attire Package

12/20 12:00 - 2024/01/02 23:59 (UTC+9)

1 time

 $ 12.99


Sales Period

Purchase Limit


Disguise: Toy Ship

12/20 12:00 - 2024/01/02 23:59 (UTC+9)

1 time

500 Red Gems

Black Stronghold Chest

12/20 12:00 - 12/26 23:59 (UTC+9)


400 Red Gems / 1 time

■ Products available from Dec. 22 (Fri)(Added on Dec. 22)


Sales Period

Purchase Limit


Weekend Privilege 1

12/22 12:00 - 12/24 23:59 (UTC+9)

1 time

 $ 10.99

■ Products available from Dec. 27 (Wed)(Added on Dec. 27)


Sales Period

Purchase Limit


Dark Flame Privilege

12/27 12:00 - 2024/01/02 23:59 (UTC+9)

1 time

 $ 10.99


Sales Period

Purchase Limit


Dark Flame Chest

12/27 12:00 - 2024/01/02 23:59(UTC+9)


400 Red Gems / 1 time

■ Products available from Dec. 29 (Fri)(Added on Dec. 29)


Sales Period

Purchase Limit


Weekend Privilege 2

12/29 12:00 - 12/31 23:59 (UTC+9)

1 time

 $ 10.99

New Content and Changes

Prime Ministers: The Prime Minister system will be added.

- Prime Minister votes, Pledges, National Budgets, Budget Donations, and Policy systems will be added.

- Due to the addition of the Prime Minister system, existing systems, such as investing and immigration, will be unavailable at certain times.

[Link to Notice on Adjustments to Selected Content with Prime Minister Update]

Vote: Prime Minister votes will be held.

Prime Minister votes will be held once every 2 weeks.

Prime Minister votes will consist of the candidate registration period and the voting period.

- Candidate Registration

  1. Candidates can be registered from 00:00 (Sun) - 23:30 (Sun) and 00:30 (Mon) - 23:59 (Tue) (UTC+9).
  2. To accurately calculate the ballots, city investments will be restricted from 23:30 (Sat) - 00:30 (Sun) and 23:30 (Sun) - 00:30 (Mon) (UTC+9).
  3. Mayors can be registered as candidates of their Home Nation.
  4. If a Mayor loses their position, they will also lose their candidacy. (Includes Mayors who lost their position due to immigrating or withdrawing their account.)
  5. When registering a candidate, every ballot you own will be converted to the national budget and donated.
  6. 8 Pledges can be designated when registering a candidate.
  7. Pledges consist of 4 Target Pledges and 4 Effect Pledges and Effect Pledges require Pledge Costs.
  8. Candidates can only be registered once all 8 Pledges are registered.
  9. Pledges can be changed freely during the Candidate Registration Period, but Pledge Costs are needed to change Pledges, and spent Pledge Costs are not refunded.
  10. If a Target Pledge is achieved, all users in a Nation can obtain rewards when the Prime Minister's term ends.
  11. Effect Pledges are applied to all users of a Nation during a Prime Minister's term if the user that registered the Effect Pledge is elected.

- Voting Period

  1. Voting is held from 00:00 (Wed) - 23:30 (Sat) (UTC+9).
  2. 1 ballot is given for every 500 Total Investment Points owned currently.
  3. Ballots can only be cast for 1 candidate.
  4. Additional ballots are given if the Total Investment Point increases during the voting period. If ballots have been cast for a candidate, the additional ballots are automatically cast for that candidate.
  5. Once the calculation is complete after the voting period is over, small rewards are given to users who voted.
  6. If a user loses their nationality during the voting period, the votes they cast will be invalidated. (Due to immigration or account withdrawal)

- Election

  1. The user that gets the most votes out of the candidates will be elected. (Does not apply to candidates who receive 0 votes)
  2. When candidates receive the same amount of votes, the user that meets the following criteria will be elected.
  3. The user with the higher Investment Point
  4. When the candidates have the same amount of points, the user that has the higher LV
  5. When the candidates have the same LV, the user that is the Mayor of more cities
  6. When the candidates are the Mayor of the same number of cities, the user that created their ID earlier
  7. The elected user will be inaugurated as Prime Minister from 00:30 (Sun) (UTC+9) once the calculations are complete.
  8. A Prime Minister's term is 14 days.
  9. The elected Prime Minister can obtain Weekly Pay every 7 days of their term.
  10. Weekly Pay is a set ratio of a Nation's total tax.
  11. When the Government Post system is added, the Weekly Pay ratio will be directly adjustable within the Weekly Pay budget.
  12. Prime Ministers who lose their position as Mayor during their tenure as Prime Minister will lose their position as Prime Minister. (Includes immigration and account withdrawal.)

Policies: Prime Ministers can implement National Policies.

- Policies

  1. Prime Ministers can implement National Policies.
  2. There are 4 types of policies in total and each type has 20 levels.
  3. Budget is required to raise the policy level. The budget spent increases the higher the Nation Rank is.
  4. Budget is spent as policy maintenance costs every day to keep the policy level. The maintenance costs spent increase the higher the Nation Rank is.
  5. When there are insufficient maintenance costs, the policy level decreases from the highest level until the costs can be paid.
  6. Policies are reset to LV 1 every time a Prime Minister takes office (once every 2 weeks).
  7. When a Prime Minister loses their position mid-term, policy levels decrease by 2 before being applied.

※ Later, additional budget will be obtainable from Nation content such as national missions and Government Posts and this may cause the amount of budget spent for policies to change.

- Budget

  1. Budget is required to raise policy stages and to maintain the stages.
  2. National budget can be obtained through the following routes.
  3. Donating budget
  4. 5% of a Nation's total capital, territory, and ally port taxes
  5. The budget conversion rate may change according to future data.
  6. Budget and Weekly Pay are handled separately from the existing Dividend and Mayor Weekly Pay systems and do not affect each other.

- Donating budget

  1. Users in a nation can donate Ducats and increase the budget.
  2. If there are a small number of total users in the server when the Ducats are converted to budget, the Ducats are converted into more budget.
  3. Donations can be made from 00:30 - 23:30 (UTC+9) every day.

Combat: A Repel function will be added.

- If your fleet's Combat Power is equal to or higher than 1.3 times the enemy fleet's, Repel Support can be used to immediately win combat.

- A Repel button will be added on the Surveillance screen.

- A Use Repel Support checkbox will be added on the Fleet List screen.

- Repel Supports can only be used on normal fleets and cannot be used in quests and against powerful opponents and event fleets.

- Free Repel Supports can be obtained as a reward for completing all Daily Tasks and up to 300 free Repel Supports can be owned.

- 30 Free Repel Supports will be added to the Complete All Daily Tasks Rewards.

- Paid Repel Supports can be purchased at the shop and there is no limit on the number of paid Repel Supports that can be owned.

- Free Repel Support will be used first over paid Repel Support.

- Different amounts of Repel Support are used depending on how much share your affiliated nation has in a Limited Area.

- When not occupying a Limited Area (Standard): Use 5 Repel Supports

- When occupying a Limited Area: Use 4 Repel Supports

- When monopolizing a Limited Area: Use 3 Repel Supports

- However, benefits related to occupying or monopolizing a Limited Area are not applied in Limited Areas with a nation’s capital. The standard amount of Repel Support is always used in those areas.

- Through Repel, the basic rewards from combat can be obtained except for supplies.

Assault: The display for the assault rewards per rank will be improved.

- The display will be edited to show up to the second decimal.

Trade: Occupied Limited Area Trade Goods display will be added.

Products: A Remote Shipbuilding product will be added.

- Products that enable remote shipbuilding and free consignment will be added.

- Ships can be built remotely once the shipbuilding requirements of the city are met.

Products: The visual effects of 'White Night' will be improved.

- The glare effect will be slightly decreased.

Products: The descriptions in Privilege product information will be improved.

Events: Rewards for the Foundation for Growth event will be upgraded.

- Detailed information is available through the event link.

Royal Orders: The Invest in Another Country mission required in the daily Royal Order, Struggle for Commercial Supremacy, will be changed to Invest Anywhere.

Requests: Barter Requests will be added.

- Birch Tree: Barcelona, Santa Island

- Mastic: Nantes, Arguin

- Argan Oil: Tripoli, Antalya, Palma

- Bambara Groundnut: Las Palmas, Bordeaux

- Myrtle: Kakatuwah, Pinjarra

- Each Request can be completed once per day.

Requests: Long-distance requests exclusive to allied ports will be added.

- Southside > Whanganui

- Santo Domingo > Suva

- Hamburg > Suva

Adventure: Speech lines will be displayed when near a lighthouse or a sunken shipwreck.

Effects: The Collect Rainwater effect will be changed to be learnable.

Guilds: The Guild Investment Point system will be improved.

- When leaving a Guild, the points earned from investing after joining a guild will be excluded from the Monopolizing Guild's Investment Points.

- This is only pertinent to the Monopolizing Guilds' Investment Points and individual Investment Points will not change.

Item Shop: The sell all function will be improved.

Shipyard: The sell all function will be improved.

Tools: The displays for Relieve Tools' descriptions will be improved.

Tools: A limit on the maximum number of times a single Item Selection Voucher can be used will be imposed.

- Up to 100 vouchers will be able to be used at once, unlike the previous limitless system.

Load: The overload management system in ports will be improved.

- Overload will no longer be discarded but sold within ports.

- A Discard Overload button will also be added in the Manage Cargo menu.

Supplies: Supplies will be able to be sold at once in the Market and be sold in Ports.

- All owned supplies will be able to be sold at once in Markets.

- When supplies are removed in Ports, they will be sold.

UI: A Discard All function will be added to the Empty Storage pop up when there isn't sufficient space.

UI: The Parts, Tools, and Gear information UI will be upgraded from tooltips to pop ups.

UI: The images displayed in the loading screens after entering ports will be changed to match the type of the city.

UI: A function that displays the owned quantity of an item when it is selected in an Item Selection Voucher will be added.

UI: An animation will be displayed when special requirements are met in [Build].

UI: A UI for Increase Critical Chance when Auto Fishing will be added.

⚓Balance Fixes

Trade: The fluctuation rate for Barter Stock will be adjusted.

- Due to the general stock increase rate being set overly high, a limit on the rate of stock increase has been added.

- The maximum increase range will be decreased.

- The maximum increase range for the total stock will be restricted.

- The stock increase stats for calm and unstable village events will be decreased.

Trade: The required Amity for Bartering Trade Goods will be changed.

- The difficulty for obtaining Amity will be adjusted because excessive amounts of Amity were obtained for certain barters.

- The difficulty for obtaining Amity will be adjusted because Amity decreased excessively for certain barters.

Market Events: 50% less Blue Gems will be used to hold Market Events.

* The costs used for holding Market Events after the Nov. 8 (Wed) maintenance - before the Dec. 6 (Wed) maintenance will be refunded sequentially after this maintenance.

Cities: Santa Island will be changed from a territory to a Free Port, enabling Investment.

Palace: Grade 17 Build Materials will be added to the Palace Contribution Rewards.

Shipyard: Grade 17 Build Materials will be added to the Parts Shop of certain ports.

- Build Materials: K'gari / Tainan / Unalaska / Diu / Santo Domingo

- Large Keel: K'gari

Item Shop: Grade 17 Build Materials and Blueprints will be added to the Black Markets of certain ports.

Events: The Monthly Attendance Rewards will be upgraded.

⚓Bug Fixes

Chronicles: The issue where the target fleet does not appear occasionally during the 123th Anne Bonny Chronicle will be fixed.

Chronicles: The issue where the HUD UI is displayed occasionally during the cutscenes of the Chand Bibi Chronicle will be fixed.

Achievement: The issue where Achievements related to Aredvi are not displayed will be fixed.

Sailing: The issue where ships crash into certain terrain when using Auto Sail from Sierra Leone to Bathurst will be fixed.

Sailing: The issue where ships crash into certain terrain when using Auto Sail from Pinjarra to Hobart will be fixed.

Sailing: The issue where ships teleport when using Auto Sail from Taganrog to Constantinople will be fixed.

Sailing: The issue where ships crash into certain terrain when using Auto Sail near the port of Copenhagen will be fixed.

Sailing: The issue where ships are teleported to Antalya after crashing into terrain near Pamukkale will be fixed.

Sailing: The issue where the border of the Land button is occasionally displayed will be fixed.

Sailing: The issue where ships move to the port they most recently departed from when moving to a certain location will be fixed.

Sailing: The issue where incorrect information is included in the speech lines of NPCs at the port of Baghdad will be fixed.

Sailing: The issue where the season for December in the southern hemisphere is displayed as winter will be fixed.

Sailing: The issue where the name of the village is not updated when using Auto Move to go to an undiscovered village will be fixed.

Combat: The issue where errors occur during PVP will be fixed.

Combat: The issue where errors occasionally occur in the loading screen will be fixed.

Combat: The issue where the game occasionally stops after sinking an enemy ship will be fixed.

Combat: The issue where the game stops when defeating enemy ships while Fast is not active will be fixed.

Combat: The issue where Mates with Reflect Melee Damage are assigned to NPC ships will be fixed.

Ships: The issue where the capture confirmation cost for Grade 18 ships is incorrectly applied will be fixed.

Tutorial: The issue where the dialogue lines of the World Map tutorial are awkward will be fixed.

Trade Points: The issue where B Grade Crafting Material is given instead of C Grade Crafting Material for North Sea Trade Point Rewards will be fixed.

Bartering: The issue where a village's Bartering Trade Goods are displayed as 0 when Amity is low will be fixed.

- The stats are applied normally when Bartering is used again after raising the Amity with gifts.

Amity: The issue where Village Amity Weekly Rewards and First Rewards are given in each other's place will be fixed.

Challenge: The issue where the game occasionally stops when retrying after losing the challenge will be fixed.

Challenge: The issue where the status effects of enemy flagships are not occasionally applied during The Fort Ship's Finale will be fixed.

Royal Orders: The issue where the effects are applied awkwardly in the Japan Royal Order, Find the Dragon's Whisker, will be fixed.

Royal Orders: The issue where Trade Goods that have been delivered remain in the Japanese Royal Order, A Guest from Afar, will be fixed.

Royal Orders: The issue where auto move is awkward in the Royal Order, Catching the Tail, will be fixed.

Requests: The issue where the Hirado Trade Fleet does not appear in the Pioneer Trade Route request will be fixed.

Shipyard: The issue where the Build LV UI is displayed when trying to build special ships will be fixed.

Shipyard: The issue where the prices for Grade 16 Build Materials that are purchasable in certain Parts Shops are abnormal will be fixed.

Cabins: The issue where the incorrect cabin is displayed when changing the cabin of a low-tier ship will be fixed.

Employees: The issue where the target fleet does not appear occasionally in the Employee Request, Searched One, will be fixed.

Employees: The issue where the dialogue lines in the Employee Request, Gift for Her, are awkward will be fixed.

Journal: The issue where the actual sources of Common Cuttlefish and the sources listed in the Journal are different will be fixed.

UI: The issue where text is displayed out of bounds in the Trade Info tab of Markets will be fixed.

UI: The issue where the Guild Leader icon overlaps with the Combat button in the Company List screen during sailing will be fixed.

UI: The issue where an error occurs when touching the Compare Gear button will be fixed.

UI: The issue where Load preset names over 10 characters in English are displayed out of bounds will be fixed.


Products: The Red Gem 'Sailing Toolbox' product will no longer be available.

* This product will no longer be available after the Dec. 6 (Wed) scheduled maintenance.

Thank you.

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