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Known Issues (December) (Edited on Dec. 14, 17:27)

Uncharted Waters Origin
2023.12.06 Wednesday 13:40 (UTC + 9)

Enter into the Endless Possibility!

Hello, Admirals.

Here are the issues that have been discovered in the game so far.

We would like to apologize for the inconvenience. We will make an effort to provide more reliable services.

List of Known Issues

Combat: Issue where the Unreal Engine error pop-up is displayed and the app crashes when initiating Auto Combat on Steam

Combat: Issue where the background is displayed dark when entering Skirmishes on certain devices

Chronicles: Issue where the Sailing UI is displayed during the opening effects of the Chronicle of Otto Baynes

Policies: The issue where the Expertise effects of Sailing and Growth Levels 6, 13, and 18 are not applied (Added on Dec. 13 15:25)

World Map: Issue where the World Map is not refreshed when the 12 AM village events are refreshed (Added on Dec. 13 15:25)

- The events are displayed normally on the World Map after logging into the game again

Products: Issue where the location discovery mission for the Happy Holiday Privilege does not work properly (Added on Dec. 14 17:27)

Translation: Issue where the text for the Bureau Investment calculation time information is displayed in Korean (Edited on Dec. 8 15:15)

Translation: Issue where certain text in the Prime Minister content is displayed in Korean  (Edited on Dec. 8 15:15)

Events: Issue where an error occurs when logging into the game again while completing the limited request, 'Rescue a Merchant Fleet' (Added on Dec. 7) (Edited on Dec. 8 15:15)

- The request can be completed normally when you don't leave and log into the game again.

Products: Issue where the First Voyage Privilege is not displayed on the Privilege list after purchasing it (Dec.7 18:25 Edited) (Edited on Dec. 8 15:15)

Policies: The issue where the Expertise effects of Sailing and Growth Levels 6, 13, and 1718 are not displayed (Added on Dec. 12 16:02)

- The stats from the effects are applied normally.

Prime Ministers: The issue where the increase Sailing Speed by 3% effect of Royal Court's Nautical Technique Effect Pledge is applied as a 3 knot increase (Added on Dec. 10 10:12) (Edited on Dec. 13 15:10)

Prime Ministers: Issue where the effects of Adventure Policy Level 12 are applied as a 5% increase of Exploration Tool Purchase Prices instead of a 5% decrease (Added on Dec. 12 11:01) (Edited on Dec. 13 15:10)

Prime Ministers: The issue where the Exploration Combat Power, Observation, and Gathering Power effects of Adventure Policy Levels 6, 7, and 9 increase according to the number of ships assigned to a fleet (Added on Dec. 12 11:01) (Edited on Dec. 13 15:10)

We will make an effort to fix the issue as quickly as we can.

Thank you.

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