[Uncharted Waters Origin 1st Anniversary Celebration] Your Amazing Achievements Over the Year!
Uncharted Waters OriginEnter into the Endless Possibility!
Hello, Admirals.
Uncharted Waters Origin has finally reached its 1st anniversary. 🎂
Thank you so much for all the love you have shown Uncharted Waters Origin over the past year and for enjoying the game. 🙇
In celebration of the 1st anniversary, we have compiled records that our Admirals are bound to be curious about regarding Uncharted Waters Origin.
See the records of Uncharted Waters Origin below!
* The records were collected from Mar. 7 (Tue) 2023 until Jan. 31 (Wed) 2024, 23:59 (UTC+9) from all servers.
* Accounts that are being reviewed for violating the Operational Policy or have been restricted in the past have been excluded from the records.
We would like to sincerely thank you for being part of Uncharted Waters Origin's journey,
The staff will all make an effort to continue to keep Unchartered Waters Origin enjoyable and exciting.
Thank you.
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