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April Update Preview

Uncharted Waters Origin
2024.04.19 Friday 19:30 (UTC + 9)


Enter into the Endless Possibility!

Hello, Admirals.

Here is a preview of the updates that will be taking place in April.

The update will take place on Apr. 24 (Wed).

If the scheduled maintenance date changes, we will share the details once more.

* Some of the details in this preview may change when the actual update takes place. We will inform you through our notices if there are any such changes.

⚓ April Update Events

Event: Ancient Treasure Exploration

  1. The 'Ancient Treasure Exploration' event will take place to celebrate Golden Week from Apr. 25 (Thu) to May. 15 (Wed).

Event: Special 14 Days Attendance

  1. A special attendance event will be held during the event period.
  2. Various rewards can be obtained such as the S Grade Combine Material Selection Chest, which can be used as Guild Combine Material, and Cloud Minister's Tokens.

Event: Special Land Exploration

  1. Additional rewards can be obtained after exploring land during a specific time at a specific place during the event period.
  2. The places where additional rewards can be obtained can be seen through the limited requests at unions.
  3. Ancient Golden Gear exclusive to this event along with event tokens and S Grade Combine Material Selection Chests can be obtained through Special Land Exploration.

Event: Special Monsters

  1. During the event period, Event Treasure Companies and Ghost Ships will appear during specific times near Santa Island, Atlantic Ocean, Island in the South, and Indian Ocean, Island in the West.
  2. Event tokens, Ship Build Materials, and Mate Promotion Materials can be obtained after defeating special monsters.

Event: Exchange

  1. An exchange where various products can be exchanged with event tokens will be added during the event period.
  2. Event tokens can be obtained through Special Land Exploration, defeating special monsters, and completing limited requests.

Event: Special Competition

  1. A special competition will take place during the Ancient Treasure Exploration event period.
  2. A special Appellation that helps with exploring land can be obtained if you rank 1st in the event.
  3. Details regarding the competition event will be available through a future notice.

⚓ April Updates

Admirals: Pilly Reis will be added to the game and you will be able to play his Chronicle.

  1. Required level for purchase: Company LV 30
  2. Requirements for clearing Chronicle: Company LV 34, Seaworthiness 65, Momentum 30

Mates: Alamat Ni Urduja will be added.

Limited Areas: Arctic waters will be divided.

  1. The Limited Arctic Area that was consisted of 'Reykjavík', 'Vardø', and 'Korf' previously will be separated.
  2. Arctic Sea A: Narvik, Reykjavík, Vardø
  3. Arctic Sea B: Okhotsk, Korf, Barrow (New), Chersky (New)
  4. Arctic Sea C: Arkhangelsk and 2 other cities
  5. Other Arctic cities will be revealed when the waters are added.

Limited Areas: New waters will be added.

  1. The Arctic Sea Entrance north of the Bering Strait will be unlocked.
  2. The new waters will include cities called 'Barrow' and 'Chersky' and new Explore Land content, Fishing content, and areas that require high Seaworthiness will be added.
  3. S Grade Parts and Gear Combine Material can be obtained by defeating Ghost Ships in areas that require high Seaworthiness and 4 Elite Pirates that will be added to the Arctic Sea Entrance.

(* The newly added Elite Pirates will appear every 6 hours.)

  1. Requirements for entering normal waters: Company LV 70, Seaworthiness 170, Ice Breaking 120
  2. Requirements for entering waters with high Seaworthiness: Company LV 70, Seaworthiness 175, Ice Breaking 120
  3. Requirements for receiving penalties in normal waters/waters with high Seaworthiness: Rowing 100
  4. Penalty: Decrease Sailing by 10 and decrease Ship Durability by 1 every 5 s.

Chronicles: The Recall system will be added.

  1. Certain parts of Chronicles that have been completed can be viewed again.

UI: The Share Placement Setting system will be added.

  1. A function that enables viewing other users' Placement Setting information will be added.
  2. The visibility of each Placement Setting can be set individually.
  3. The default visibility will be 'Private'.

The update schedule and its details may be subject to change.

There will be more details about the update in our patch note.

We hope you continue to enjoy playing Uncharted Waters Origin in April,

and as a token of our gratitude, here is a coupon that can be used after the update:

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