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🌟4 Treasure Exploration Events

Uncharted Waters Origin
2024.04.24 Wednesday 17:30 (UTC + 9)

Enter into the Endless Possibility!

Hello, Admirals.

Ask for treasures in Uncharted Waters Origin and you shall receive!

Search for them not at sea, but on land for that is where they shall lie!

Uncharted Waters Origin will be holding a new event, the Treasure Exploration Event!

The event where you can kill two birds with one stone by finding treasure and fun at once!

Please see below and the game for more details.

* All times listed below are UTC+9.

◈ Event 1. Treasure Exploration Special 14 Day Attendance

Event Period

- Apr. 25 (Thu) 00:00 - May. 15 (Wed) 23:59 (UTC+9)

Event Details

- Special attendance events will take place when logging into the game during the times outlined above.


 - S Grade Combine Material Selection Chest

 - Cloud Minister's Token

◈ Event 2. Treasure Exploration Event Shop

Event Period

- Apr 25 (Thu) 00:00 - May. 22 (Wed) 23:59 (UTC+9)

Event Details

- The Treasure Exploration Event Shop will be opened when players log into the game during the period above.

- Purchase items from the shop using Ancient Gold Coins obtained by completing special Land Explore content and Limited Requests, along with defeating Event Enemy Fleets.

- Ancient Gold Coins can be obtained until May. 15 (Wed).


 - S Grade Combine Material Selection Chest

 - Grade 1-19 Ship Build Material

 - Large Keel

◈ Event 3. Treasure Exploration Limited Requests

Event Period

- Apr. 25 (Thu) 00:00 - May. 15 (Wed) 23:59 (UTC+9)

Event Details

- Limited Treasure Exploration Requests will be available during the period outlined above.

- Limited Requests can be obtained from the union at each port.

- Collect the event currency, Ancient Gold Coins, and exchange them for items at the Event Shop.


 - Ancient Gold Coin

Land Exploration Event

- When exploring the land in the event area during the event period between 8:00-11:00, 14:00-17:00, and 20:00-23:00, you can obtain additional rewards.

- The event area can be found through special Limited Requests that appear during the times specified above.

Land Exploration Event Rewards

 - Ancient Gold Coin

 - S Grade Combine Material Selection Chest

 - Ancient Gold Gear Set

◆ Event 4. Treasure Exploration Event Enemy Fleets!

Event Period

- Apr. 25 (Thu) 00:00 - May. 15 (Wed) 23:59 (UTC+9)

Event Details

- During the event period, Event Enemy Fleets will appear, and the following icons will be displayed on the World Map and Minimap.

 * Spawn Location: Santa Island / Atlantic Ocean, Island in the South / Indian Ocean, Island in the West

- Like Powerful Opponents, the locations of Event Enemy Fleets will be shared with all Admirals.

- Event Enemy Fleets will spawn for 1 hour at 1:00, 7:00, 13:00, and 19:00 (UTC+9).

- Mate Promotion / Ship Build Materials can be obtained by defeating Event Enemy Fleets, and high-grade Building Materials and Promotion Materials can also be obtained by defeating high-level enemies.


 * Ancient Treasure Company (LV 20-80)

 - Ship Build Material

 - Ancient Gold Coin

* Ancient Ghost Ship (LV 30-90)

 - Mate Promotion Material

 - Ancient Gold Coin

※ To Note

- Event details may be subject to change.

- Please note that gear and parts given through events cannot be recovered.

- Currency will be immediately added to your holdings and items will be added to Tool Storage/Parts Storage in Storage.

- You cannot check in for any remaining days once the attendance event ends. This event ends immediately after the event date.

- Rewards for remaining event currency that wasn't used during the event period will not be additionally given.

Thank you.

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