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Uncharted Waters Origin Operational Policy Changes

Uncharted Waters Origin
2024.04.26 Friday 15:00 (UTC + 9)

Enter into the Endless Possibility!

Hello, Admirals.  

Uncharted Waters Origin's Operational Policies be changed on May. 03 (Fri) 2024.

Please take note when using the service.

1. Subject of Change

    - Uncharted Waters Origin Operational Policy

2. Effective Date

    - May. 03 (Fri) 2024

3. Changes

11. Protective Health Measures for Customer Service Workers

① If, during the consultation process for resolving inquiries arising from game use, any act that disrupts the duties of a customer service worker occurs and causes physical or mental distress to the customer service worker as described in the second paragraph, measures may be taken to limit consultations and game usage to prevent and protect the customer service worker from health hazards under Article 41 of the Occupational Safety and Health Act.

② Acts that disrupt the duties of a customer service worker include the following:

(1) Making an inquiry that includes characters, symbols, images, audio, or videos that induce fear or anxiety.

(2) Making an inquiry that includes characters, symbols, images, audio, or videos that provoke sexual humiliation or repugnance.

(3) Making an inquiry that includes characters, symbols, images, audio, or videos that cause personal insult.

(4) Making an inquiry that contains expressions such as profanity and such that may directly or indirectly cause mental harm.

(5) Making an inquiry that contains jokes or expressions unrelated to the consultation that may cause discomfort.

③ If a customer service worker is disrupted from performing their duties, the following restrictions may apply in accordance with the operational policies.


1st Offense

2nd Offense

3rd Offense

Disruption in the consultation duties of a customer service worker

Warning and termination of consultation

Termination of consultation and a 3-day game restriction

Termination of consultation and a 7-day game restriction

* Disrupting consultation duties may result in the termination of the consultation and game restrictions according to the policies in place.

* If operations are disrupted multiple times after the third offense, the 7-day game restriction may be accumulated.

* If consultation duties are disrupted by multiple accounts from the same device or network connection, it may be considered as being caused by the same user, and game restrictions may be imposed accordingly.

* Users who do not express any separate disagreement regarding the revised Operational Policy before its implementation date will be understood as agreeing to the revised policy and it will therefore be put into effect.

Check the [Uncharted Waters Origin Operational Policy] here.

Thank you.

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