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May. 8 (Wed) New Mate Pick-Up

Uncharted Waters Origin
2024.05.08 Wednesday 12:00 (UTC + 9)

Enter into the Endless Possibility!

Hello, Admirals.

Here is information about the May. 8 (Wed) New Mate Pick-Up event and information about the Pick-Up mate.

Please see below for more details.

< Haya Belle >

■ Pick-Up Chest Sales Period

 : May. 8 (Wed) 12:00 – May. 21 (Tue) 23:59 (UTC +9)

■ Pick-Up Mate



Haya Belle


Haya Belle






Portuguese LV4, Indigenous South American LV3





Natural Effect

Eloquent Speaking Skills

Decrease Amity consumption by 0.2% on Barter Quantity Negotiation.

Job Effect

Increase Artillery Damage LV 1

Increase Additional Artillery Attack by 41.

Wares Trade Specialization LV 1

Increase Wares purchase quantity by 5.6%.

Firearms Trade Specialization LV 1

Increase Firearms purchase quantity by 5.6%.

Wares Discount LV 1

When purchasing Wares, get a 1% discount rate.

Character Effect

Enchanted Ability LV 2

Decrease Trade Good consumption by 2% when Bartering.

Wares Sales Surcharge LV 1

When selling Wares, get a 1% overcharge rate.

Ignore Artillery Damage LV 1

Negate incoming damage with 2.6% chance when hit by Artillery attack.

Firearms Sales Surcharge LV 1

When selling Firearms, get a 1% overcharge rate.

Mate Skill

Enhanced Artillery Strength LV 1

Increase Artillery Attack of Target by 18% and range by 1 for 3 turns.

Precise Artillery: Confusion LV 2

Damage Target for 117.5% of Artillery Attack, with a 26.5% chance to afflict Confusion for 2 turns.

< Alfred Lowe >

■ Pick-Up Chest Sales Period

 : May. 8 (Wed) 12:00 – Jun. 7 (Fri) 23:59 (UTC +9)

■ Pick-Up Mate



Alfred Lowe


Vilem Hein


Antoine Fitch


Jules Huigen


< Shen Guangwen >

■ Pick-Up Chest Sales Period

 : May. 8 (Wed) 12:00 – Jun. 7 (Fri) 23:59 (UTC +9)

■ Pick-Up Mate



Shen Guangwen


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