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[Important Reminder] Product Improvements and End of Sales

Uncharted Waters Origin
2024.05.17 Friday 19:10 (UTC + 9)

Enter into the Endless Possibility!

Hello, Admirals. 


Tickets and Ticket products will be updated and certain products will no longer be available for purchase after the May scheduled maintenance.


Please see below for more details.


1. Ticket and Ticket Product Improvements


- Schedule for Improvements: After the May scheduled maintenance

- Details:  

: Chronicle Mate and Pick-Up Mate Tickets will be combined

- Tickets obtained before the update can be exchanged for Tickets of the same value at the Fortune Teller.

: Chronicle Mate Tickets like Oda Nobunaga Tickets > Chronicle Mate Tickets

: Pick-Up Mate Tickets like John Hawkins Tickets > Pick-Up Mate Tickets

- Affected Chronicle Mate Product

Albert Ticket

Cook Ticket

Davis Ticket

Roberts Ticket

Ezequiel Ticket

Gama Ticket

Leis Ticket

Oda Ticket

Remington Ticket

Tinocatl Ticket

Christina Ticket

Chavez Ticket

Drake Ticket

Silver Ticket

Rudolph Ticket

Urdaneta Ticket

Antoinette Ticket

Qin Liangyu Ticket

Nanami Ticket


Jeon Woochi Ticket

Aredvi Ticket

Pasha Ticket



2. End of Sales for Privilege Products


- End of Sales Schedule: After the May scheduled maintenance

- Details:  

: Mate Redeem Privileges and Growth Privileges that have no end dates will no longer be available

: The deadline to obtain the rewards for Passes that will no longer be available will be extended to May. 22 (Wed), 2025

- Affected Product 

Oda Growth Privilege

Jeon Woochi Growth Privilege

Nanami Growth Privilege

Ipbu Redeem Privilege

Chavez Growth Privilege

Qin Liangyu Growth Privilege

Yi Sun-sin Redeem Privilege

Ipbu Growth Privilege

Urdaneta Growth Privilege

Aredvi Growth Privilege

Yi Sun-sin Growth Privilege

Pasha Growth Privilege

Antoinette Growth Privilege





3. End of Sales for Superior Item Chests


- End of Sales Schedule: After the May scheduled maintenance

- Details:  

 : Superior Item Chests will be improved to 6 new item chests after the scheduled maintenance

 : Superior Item Chest Tickets will be usable on new Item Chests

- Affected Product 

 : Superior Item Chest    

* The Ceiling Points will expire after the May scheduled maintenance.

* Please understand that the expired points cannot be recovered or redistributed afterward.


4. End of Sales for Voucher Products


- End of Sales Schedule: After the May scheduled maintenance

- Details:  

 : After the sales of Voucher products end, they will be improved to new Voucher products

- Affected Product 

Novice Voucher

Intermediate Voucher

Superior Voucher


Thank you.  

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