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[Edit] 🌟 Competition Shop (Season 1) Open 🌟

Uncharted Waters Origin
2024.06.28 Friday 16:00 (UTC + 9)

Enter into the Endless Possibility!

Hello, Admirals.

The Competition Shop will be opened starting from this Competition Event!

Please note that the Competition Shop will be opened seasonally and will be time-limited during each season.

Exchange 'Competition Tokens' obtained through Ranking Rewards in the Competition Event for special items!

Please see below for more details.

◆ Competition Shop (Season 1)

Shop Open Period

 - Jul. 1 (Mon) - Sep. 29 (Sun) (UTC+9)

Event Details

 - You can exchange 'Competition Tokens (Season 1)' obtained through the Competition Event for items from the Shop.

 - Exchange limits vary by item.

* You can see more details from the [Perk > Competition > Competition Shop (Season 1)] tab in the game.

(Added on Jul. 3, 19:10)

- The Competition Event, from which you can obtain 'Competition Tokens (Season 1)',

will take place 8 times over a period of 12 weeks starting from Jul. 1 (Mon).

       - Weeks 1 to 8: The Competition Event will take place as usual, occurring once every 2 weeks for a total of 4 events.

       - Weeks 9 to 12: Unlike before, the Competition Event will take place once every week for a total of 4 events.

- Due to a shortened schedule, there may be changes in the basic rewards, but the 'Competition Tokens (Season 1)' needed to make purchases at the Competition Shop will be provided consistently so you can obtain them faster towards the end of the season.

* After the Competition Shop (Season 1) ends, you will no longer be able to use the 'Competition Tokens (Season 1)' you own.

Please make sure to use the 'Competition Tokens (Season 1)' at the Competition Shop while it is available.

Shop Items

 - S Grade Ship Part

 - Part Request Selection Voucher

 - A Grade Advanced Parts Selection Chest

 - Special Competition Mate Voucher (Season 1)

* Can be exchanged for S Grade Trade Mate 'Martinez'.

* If Martinez is already owned, can obtain 'Martinez Contract' instead.

* The Mate, Martinez, and his Contract can only be obtained from the Competition Shop.

* The Mate, Martinez, may appear again in the Competition Shop during different seasons in the future.

Martinez Mate Information







Portuguese LV4, Indigenous South American LV4





Obtain Condition

From the Competition Shop (Season 1)

Natural Effect

Intending Blow

Increase Additional Ram Critical Damage by 0.3%.

Job Effect

Increase Artillery Evasion LV 1

Increase Additional Artillery Evasion by 23.

Luxuries Trade Specialization LV 1

Increase Luxuries purchase quantity by 5.6%.

Homesickness Relieve LV 1

3.3% chance to relieve Homesickness status of the fleet.

Luxuries Discount LV 1

When purchasing Luxuries, get a 1% discount rate.

Character Effect

Superb Negotiation LV 1

Increase Success Rate by 1% on Barter Price Negotiation.

Metals Discount LV 1

When purchasing Metal, get a 1% discount rate.

Spice Discount LV 1

When purchasing Spices, get a 1% discount rate.

Trade Competitor LV 2

Increase Success Rate by 3.3% on Barter Quantity Negotiation

Mate Skill

Precise Artillery: Confusion LV 1

Damage Target for 115% of Artillery Attack,

with a 21% chance to afflict Confusion for 2 turns.

Increase Attack LV 2

Increase Attack of All Allies by 15.2% for 3 turns.

※ To Note

 - Event details may be subject to change.

 - Currency will be immediately added to your holdings.

 - Items will be added to Tool Storage/Parts Storage in [Storage].

Thank you.

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