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Origin Note

New 'Salvage' Content and a Message from the Director

Uncharted Waters Origin
2024.07.25 Thursday 13:00 (UTC + 9)


Hello, Admirals.

I am Chul-Woo Park, the new Director of Uncharted Waters Origin.

It's a great pleasure to meet you all in this capacity for the first time.

Uncharted Waters Origin will soon celebrate its 1.5th anniversary.

Thanks to your love and support, we have reached this milestone smoothly.

Going forward, I am committed to staying connected with you and ensuring that we continue to enjoy the refreshing waves together.

In the future, we aim to bring you enjoyable content and resolve any issues you might encounter.

To achieve this, both I and the entire development team are working hard together.

We’ll do our best to keep you informed about our efforts through Origin Note.

In this Origin Note, we are excited to introduce the upcoming adventure content, ‘Salvage'.

* Please note that the details below are based on ongoing development and may differ from the final update.

1. What is Salvage?

- Salvage is a new adventure content where players search for and salvage sunken ships across the world's oceans to obtain various rewards.

- To Salvage, players will need the newly added tool, the 'Salvage Rope'.

  1. Salvage Ropes can be purchased weekly from the Item Shop in varying grades.
  2. All Ropes share a purchase limit.

- Players can only Salvage in specified areas marked on the World Map and Navigational Map,.

2. Salvage Effect

- Salvage areas are categorized into the Celestial Sea and Deep Sea, each offering unique characteristics for the Salvage minigames.

  1. Various Salvage categories will be added in future updates.

- The difficulty of the Salvage minigames varies depending on the Grade of the Ropes used.

- Rewards can be obtained upon completing the Salvage minigames.

- The mysterious effects of some mates will be changed to Salvage-related effects.

3. Minigames

- Players can play the minigames upon starting Salvage.

- By collecting positive objects and avoiding negative ones, players can obtain more rewards based on the high score achieved within the given time.

- While not directly related to the score, there are also various objects with different effects that can impact the game.

4. Rewards

- Rewards are based on Fleet 1's Aesthetics Expertise LV and the score achieved in the minigames.

- There is a low chance of obtaining ‘Rare Treasure Chests', which can be opened to obtain parts, gear, ships, and more.

  1. To open Rare Treasure Chests, a newly added item, the ‘Treasure Chest Key', is required. This key can be purchased weekly from the Item Shop.

The Uncharted Waters Origin development team is committed to working hard to bring you enjoyable content.

We will also carefully review any suggestions you share through the community or customer support and make the necessary improvements.

I hope we can continue to bring you fun content for a long time, well beyond the upcoming 1.5-year anniversary. 🍄

Here's a little hint for the next Origin Note!

  1. We are diligently working on the new Trade content you have been eagerly waiting for!

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