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[Edit] Aug. 14 Patch Note

Uncharted Waters Origin
2024.08.13 Tuesday 17:30 (UTC + 9)


Enter into the Endless Possibility!   

Hello, Admirals.    

Here are the changes that will be made during the Aug. 14 (Wed) scheduled maintenance.

※ Please note that the announcement details and schedule may be subject to change during development.

▪ Products available from Aug. 14 (Wed) (Added on Aug. 14 (Wed))


Key Item

Sales Period

Nita Package

* Products suggested upon reaching Friendship LV 4


Nita Contract

Promotion Stage 3 Material Selection Voucher

08/14 - (UTC+9)

Cornelia Package

* Products suggested upon reaching Friendship LV 4


Cornelia Contract

Promotion Stage 3 Material Selection Voucher

08/14 - (UTC+9)

Nita's Swimsuit

* Product suggested if this mate is owned

Nita's Swimsuit

08/14 - (UTC+9)

Kirch's Swimsuit

* Product suggested if this mate is owned

Kirch's Swimsuit

08/14 - (UTC+9)

Peter I Admiral Package

Peter I

Peter I Contract

Promotion Stage 4 Material Selection Voucher

08/14 - (UTC+9)

Pet: Feather


08/14 - (UTC+9)

Pet: Silver


08/14 - (UTC+9)

1.5the Anniversary Package 1

Red Gem

Promotion Stage 2 Material Selection Voucher

08/14 - 09/10 23:59 (UTC+9)

1.5the Anniversary Package 2

Red Gem

Promotion Stage 3 Material Selection Voucher

08/14 - 09/10 23:59 (UTC+9)

1.5the Anniversary Package 3

Red Gem

Promotion Stage 4 Material Selection Voucher

08/14 - 09/10 23:59 (UTC+9)



08/14 - 09/10 23:59 (UTC+9)


Key Item

Sales Period

Legendary Salvage Rope

Legendary Salvage Rope

08/14 - (UTC+9)

Legendary Key

Treasure Chest Key

08/14 - (UTC+9)

Special Salvage Chest 1

Legendary Salvage Rope

Treasure Chest Key

08/14 - 08/27 23:59 (UTC+9)

Special Salvage Chest 2

Legendary Salvage Rope

Treasure Chest Key

08/14 - 08/27 23:59 (UTC+9)


Sales Period

1.5th Anniversary Ticket Chest

08/14 - 09/10 23:59 (UTC+9)

▪ Products available from Aug. 16 (Fri) (Added on Aug. 16 (Fri))


Key Item

Sales Period

Weekend Privilege 3

Pick-Up Mate Ticket

08/16 - 08/18 23:59 (UTC+9)

▪ Products available from Aug. 21 (Wed) (Added on Aug. 21 (Wed))


Key Item

Sales Period

10 Day Ticket Voucher

Red Gem

Superior Ticket Selection Voucher

08/21 - (UTC+9)


Key Item

Sales Period

Month-end Special Ticket Package 1

Superior Ticket Selection Voucher

08/21 - 08/27 23:59 (UTC+9)

Month-end Special Ticket Package 2

Superior Ticket Selection Voucher

08/21 - 08/27 23:59 (UTC+9)

Month-end Special Ticket Package 3

Superior Ticket Selection Voucher

08/21 - 08/27 23:59 (UTC+9)

▪ Products available from Aug. 23 (Fri) (Added on Aug. 23 (Fri))


Key Item

Sales Period

Weekend Privilege 4

Chronicle Mate Ticket

08/23 - 08/25 23:59 (UTC +9)

▪ Products available from Aug. 28 (Wed) (Added on Aug. 28 (Wed))


Key Item

Sales Period

Company LV 86 Celebration Pack

Red Gem

S Grade Common Contract

08/28 - (UTC+9)

Ocean Voyage Package 1

Red Gem

Appellation: New Wave

08/28 - (UTC+9)

Ocean Voyage Package 3

Red Gem

Distant Island Armor

Distant Island Sail

Enhanced Anchor of Departure

08/28 - (UTC+9)

Ocean Voyage Package 5

Paid Admiral Selection Voucher

08/28 - (UTC+9)

▪ Products available from Aug. 30 (Fri) (Added on Aug. 30 (Fri))


Key Item

Sales Period

Weekend Privilege 1

Employee Contract Ticket

08/30 - 09/01 23:59 (UTC+9)

▪ Products available from Sep. 1 (Sun) (Added on Sep. 1 (Sun))


Key Item

Sales Period

September Ticket Pass

Red Gem

Superior Mate Ticket

Superior Item Ticket

09/01 - 09/30 23:59 (UTC+9)

September Premium Ticket Pass

Red Gem

Chronicle Mate Ticket

Employee Contract Ticket

Pick-Up Mate Ticket

09/01 - 09/30 23:59 (UTC+9)

September Growth Pass

Red Gem

Promotion Stage 4 Material Selection Voucher

09/01 - 09/30 23:59 (UTC+9)

▪ Products available from Sep. 4 (Wed) (Added on Sep. 4 (Wed))


Key Item

Sales Period

Starter Gear package

Red Gem

Enhanced Sea Knights Captain Uniform

Enhanced Immortal Pirates Combat Attire

09/04 - (UTC+9)

Build Starter Chest 2

Small/Medium Ship Material Selection Voucher

09/04 - (UTC+9)

Mate Promotion Package 1

Red Gem

Promotion Stage 2 Material Selection Voucher

S Grade Common Contract

09/04 - (UTC+9)

Mate Promotion Package 2

Red Gem

Promotion Stage 4 Material Selection Voucher

S Grade Common Contract

09/04 - (UTC+9)

▪ Products available from Sep. 6 (Fri) (Added on Sep. 6 (Fri))


Key Item

Sales Period

Weekend Privilege 2

Superior Mate Ticket

09/06 - 09/08 23:59 (UTC+9)

⚓New Content and Changes

Admirals: Rozalia Polhem will be added to the game.

Rozalia Polhem


A Swede who is a Hungarian immigrant.

Was a scholar with a keen interest in engineering, but had to stop her studies and continue her family's business due to her father going missing and her family facing bankruptcy.

She sets sail after taking over her family business to build the strongest warship in the world.






Swedish LV4, Indigenous North American LV4


Shipyard Director


Support, Artillery

Natural Effect

Perfect Design

Increase Additional Repair Recovery by 0.5%.

Unhappy Past

Decrease Insomnia Prevention Rate by 0.3%.

Job Effect

Amplify Artillery Attack LV 1

Increase Additional Artillery Attack by 5%.

Advanced Repair at Start LV 1

35.2% chance to recover Durability by 6.1% at start of turn.

Amplify Artillery Defense LV 1

Increase Additional Artillery Defense by 5.3%.

Additional Artillery on Artillery LV 1

Attacks again for 6.5% Damage on Artillery Attack.

(The additional effect does not occur on the second attack.)

Character Effect

Reflect Damage LV 1

Reflect 7.5% of incoming damage to the attacker with a 13% chance when hit by All Attack.

Movement Hindering Artillery LV 1

29.1% chance to decrease Speed of enemy by 2 on Artillery Attack.

Ignore Artillery Damage LV 1

Negate incoming damage with 2.6% chance when hit by Artillery attack.

Defense Ignoring Artillery LV 2

43.3% chance of ignoring Defense by 16.4% when Artillery Attack is used.

Naval Combat Skill

Enhanced Artillery Strength LV 1

Increase Artillery Attack of Target by 18% and range by 1 for 3 turns.

Precise Artillery: Confusion LV 2

Damage Target for 117.5% of Artillery Attack, with a 26.5% chance to afflict Confusion for 2 turns.

Admiral's Order

Call Damage Recovery Team

Clear 1 Status Effect on All Allies, recover Durability and Crew HP by 25%, and recover Durability and Crew HP by 15% every turn for 2 turns.

(Dead Crew HP is not recovered.)

Eyeing Goods

Increase Purchase Quantity of Trade Goods by 10 for 10 m.

Overcharge Explosive Charge

Increases Artillery Range of All Allies by 1 and Additional Artillery Attack by 60%, but also increase All Direct Damage Received by 25%.

Double Protective Measures

Grant All Allies the ability to recover 15% of Max Durability and Crew HP when Durability or Crew HP becomes 0 or lower for 2 turns.

(This is only triggered once while the effect is active.)

Mates: Mates will be added.

- Peter I

- Sophia Alekseyevna

- Catherine I

Employees: Employees will be added.

- Nita

- Cornelia

Employees: Nita outfit "Nita's Swimsuit" will be added.

Salvages: Salvage

- Salvage is a new adventure content that will take place at specific areas in the ocean.

- To Salvage, players will need 'Salvage Rope', which can be purchased weekly from the Item Shop at a purchase limit.

Barter: The display of Stock for Barter will now be improved.

- You will be able to check the types of trade goods more easily.

- Stock will be expressed using icons for improved visibility.

Exchange: The display of schedule in Exchange will be improved.

Achievement: A new category 'Trade' will be added.

Dispatch: Honolulu and a remote island near the Indian Ocean will be added.

Discoveries: A new category 'Assault' will be added.

Shop: Discount wait time will be displayed for products that can be purchased consecutively.

Union: A Rare Request "Observe the giant stingray" will be added.

Combat: The delays between combat effect animations will be reduced.

Barter: The display for Preference will be improved to show values directly.

Assign: The costume effects will now be visible when assigning.

Prime Minister: The text at the bottom of the Cheer Shop has been improved.

Harbor: "Max Waiting Time" feature, which allows the maximum number of Standby Crew to be evenly distributed, will be added.

Harbor: The option to evenly distribute crew and cargo will be added.

Enhancing: A global notification for achieving LV 10 on part or gear will be added.

UI: Assigned Mates' acquired and possessed Effects will now be visible on Skill Info on Mates.

UI: A feature will be added to allow players to see the exact amount of currency in tooltips.

UI: The chance displayed in Shop > Chest, Guild > Combine will be improved.

UI: A feature to adjust the quantity of items in "Cargo Hold" will be added to the Insufficient Empty Space pop-up.

UI: The Remove button on the Insufficient Empty Space pop-up will be deactivated.

⚓Balance Fixes

Combat: Ship Capture Rate will be increased.

Admirals: The required level for purchase will be lowered to LV 25 for all Admirals.

Effects: The mysterious effects of some mates will be changed to Salvage-related effects.

- Natural Effects will be maintained as they are.

Assault: The Appellation you receive as the Assault Reward will now be effective for 2 weeks.

Trade: Trade Point Rewards will be improved.

- The issue where you received low grade Ship Material as your Trade Point Reward in certain locations despite your high Company LV has been fixed.

- Building Material Reward has been changed to Selection Voucher.

⚓Bug Fixes

Assign: The skills that are registered as Quick Skills but are inactive will be fixed to not appear.

Combat: The issue where Mobility became a negative number due to Mobility-decreasing effects and caused the turn to pass will be fixed. Mobility will not become a negative number.

General: Some of the abnormal termination issues on AOS will be fixed.

World Map: The issue where the World Map does not close if it is opened several times using shortcut keys will be fixed.

Sailing: The issue where players crash into the land when Auto Sailing from Bergen to Narvik will be fixed.

Assault: The description for Stingray Pup will be edited.

Mail: The issue where an error occurred when players try to receive currency that exceeds the limited quantity will be fixed.

City: The issue where a NPC from an Islamic cultural area mentions alcohol will be fixed.

Parts: The issue where Soda Island Female Warrior Statue appear incorrectly will be fixed.

Assault: The issue where the Assault Reward for Nations were incorrect will be fixed.

Appearances: The issue where the Purchase button is activated for the unavailable Full Moon Festival Ship will be fixed.

Symbol: The issue where the sail symbol on the Dokkaebi Galley sometimes disappeared in Appearances will be fixed.

Parts: The issue where the effects were not applied after enhancing "Rubber-coated Armor" will be fixed.

Mates: The issue where the sound effects did not play or incorrect sound effects were played when using the Admiral's Order will be fixed.

Achievement: The issue where Barter Achievement appeared as "- Expert" in Achievement will be fixed.

Achievement: The issue where the "City" category appeared as "Sudden Missions" when entering Achievement for the first time after login will be fixed.

Order: The issue where the sound effect did not play when using 'Legendary Fisherman' will be fixed.

General: The issue where icons appeared awkward during 'Slacking' will be fixed

Parts: The Appearances text 'Lead' will be fixed to 'Figurehead'.

UI: The issue where the Preference was not displayed for Round 3 of bartering will be fixed.

- The stats have been applied correctly.

- Target Trade Goods: Gamboge (Italy), Pounamu (Northeast America), Palepai (Britain), Bark Painting (Russia)

World Map: The issue where errors occurred intermittently when a disconnection happened in World Map screen will be fixed.

Adventure: The issue where Clue of Winter Diamond could not be obtained will be fixed.

Guild: The issue where an error occurred intermittently when players attempted Guild Combining several times will fixed.


Products: Some Hotspot products will be improved.

- Please refer below for an updated list of Hot Spot products.

- The Hot Spot products may be visible again to the customers who purchased products before the update.

Hot Spot Product List

GR 5 W Build Celebration Pack

Company LV 10 Celebration Pack

GR 8 E Build Celebration Pack

Company LV 20 Celebration Pack

GR 13 W Build Celebration Pack

Company LV 25 Celebration Pack

GR 13 E Build Celebration Pack

Company LV 30 Celebration Pack

Grade 14 Western Build Celebration Package

Company LV 40 Celebration Pack

GR 15 E Build Celebration Pack

Company LV 45 Celebration Pack

GR 16 W Build Celebration Pack

Company LV 50 Celebration Pack

GR 17 E Build Celebration Pack

Company LV 55 Celebration Pack

Grade 18 Western Build Celebration Pack

Company LV 60 Celebration Pack

Grade 19 Western Build Celebration Pack

Company LV 65 Celebration Pack

Grade 19 Eastern Build Celebration Pack

Company LV 70 Celebration Pack

Grade 20 Western Build Celebration Pack

Company LV 72 Celebration Pack

Grade 20 Eastern Build Celebration Pack

Company LV 74 Celebration Pack


Company LV 76 Celebration Pack


Company LV 78 Celebration Pack


Company LV 80 Celebration Pack









Products: The following products will no longer be available for purchase after Sep. 4 (Wed)12:00 (UTC+9).

- B Grade Exploration Gear Chest, B Grade Trade Gear Chest, and B Grade Combat Gear Chest

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