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Origin Note

Sincerest Apologies for the Prolonged Aug. 14 Maintenance

Uncharted Waters Origin
2024.08.14 Wednesday 21:01 (UTC + 9)


Hello, Admirals.    

I am Chul-Woo Park, the Director of Uncharted Waters Origin.

We planned to start today's maintenance early at 6:00 AM and complete it by 12:00 PM.

However, after the service opened, we continued to experience server instability, preventing some Admirals from logging in.

To provide a smoother gameplay experience for our respected Admirals, we conducted additional emergency maintenance to identify and address the issues.

We apologize for the prolonged downtime.

We also regret that we were only able to provide a brief notice initially. We should have promptly issued an apology in such a critical situation.

Please note that the dev team is continuously monitoring the situation to ensure that server instability does not occur again after maintenance, and we will do our utmost to avoid causing further inconvenience.

We recognize our gravest mistake was failing to provide a stable and safe environment for Admirals who have been nothing but patient with us.

We will reflect on the causes of this incident and work diligently to ensure that you will not be disappointed again when playing Uncharted Waters Origin in the future.

As a token of our sincere apologies for the extended downtime, we have prepared a compensation package.

  1. Blue Gem x3,000
  2. Enhance Protectant x3
  3. Premium Training Material Selection Voucher x3

Once again, we sincerely apologize for not being able to provide you with a smooth gameplay experience for an extended period.

We will strive to improve our monitoring and verification procedures during maintenance to prevent such situations in the future. Thank you for your understanding.

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