Hello, Admirals.
I am Chul-Woo Park, the Director of Uncharted Waters Origin.
In our previous Origin Note, we hinted at this upcoming content, and we were amazed that some Admirals figured it out right away!
As it has been eagerly anticipated by many Admirals, we are working hard to deliver fun and great rewards with this content.
In this Origin Note, we would like to introduce the new trade content: Smuggling.
* Please note that the following details are currently in development and may be subject to change.
1. What is Smuggling?
If you happen to overhear this line, there's a Smuggling Ring hiding nearby!
▪ The Smuggling Ring is here! The Smuggling Ring is active in specific cities.
- You can trade Smuggled Goods with the Smuggling Trader, and use the Smuggling Ring Shop through the Smuggling Ring Branch Manager.
- The Smuggling Ring is currently hiding in the capital of each country. They will appear in more cities as the Smuggling Ring's influence grows.
▪ To make a Smuggling request, you must obtain a Smuggling Ring's Document Fragment and find a Smuggling Ring NPC.
- Smuggling Ring's Document Fragment can be obtained at set chance when you receive Trade Point Rewards at Market.
Based on your total profit you earn by trading Smuggled Goods, you can obtain Smuggling Ring's Credit Deeds.
Smuggling Ring's Credit Deed is the currency required to use the Smuggling Ring Shop.
2. Smuggled Goods
The Smuggling Ring is not a friendly group.
▪ The identities of Smuggled Goods are hidden, so they will be handled separately from the existing Trade Goods.
- New Smuggling-related exclusive effects will be added. The existing Trade Goods-related effects (such as Increased Purchase Amount, Discount, Surcharge, etc.) will not apply to Smuggled Goods.
- New effects related to Smuggling will be added to the existing Expertise.
- Because Market is not involved in Smuggling, new effects related to Negotiations will be added for the Smuggling Ring.
▪ Smuggled Goods are generally more expensive than the existing Trade Goods, but the distance-based selling multiplier is not very high. Therefore, the Trade Boosts based on cultural preferences, Expertise, and Mate Effects are more important than ever.
▪ Smuggled Goods have very strict Purchase Conditions. They may require Expertise for extra careful handling, a bad Reputation, or a large number of Mates with a specific job.
▪Because trading Smuggled Goods is not a trade between nations, taxes are not applied.
3. Smuggling Ring Shop
Smuggling Ring handles precious objects.
▪ When you make a certain amount of profit from trading Smuggled Goods, you can obtain 'Smuggling Ring's Credit Deed.' This score represents your Contribution and Trade Points. The amount of deeds you can obtain is proportional to your total profit.
- If your Company LV is low, the total profit threshold will be low as well.
▪ Use the Smuggling Ring's Credit Deed to purchase Tools and other items from Smuggling Ring Branch Manager.
- You may be able to obtain better rewards from Smuggling Ring Manager who will appear in the future.
▪ The items available in the Smuggling Ring Shop will vary depending on the city.
4. Things to Watch Out for When Smuggling
Watch out for inspections!
The Smuggling Ring does not pay taxes! Which is why nations strictly regulate and monitor suspicious activities.
- When you possess Smuggled Goods, you may be subjected to random inspections at Harbor and Immigration Office.
- When you trade Smuggled Goods, the Allied Nation Reputation will decrease.
- When you trade Smuggled Goods, your Notoriety will increase.
Be cautious as you may experience losses instead of big gains due to the inspection.
- If you fail to respond properly to inspections, you will have to pay a fine and your Smuggled Goods will be confiscated.
The dev team is working hard to prepare new content beyond Smuggling, and will keep working hard to keep introducing new enjoyable experiences for Admirals.
Have some hints for the next Origin Note!🍄
-Powerful fleets that will challenge your fleet are headed this way!
-To follow up on Assaults, we are preparing a new PvE combat content! Please look forward to it!
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