[Extended] Sept. 20 Temporary Maintenance Schedule
Uncharted Waters OriginEnter into the Endless Possibility!
Hello, Admirals.
Uncharted Waters Origin will be undergoing temporary maintenance on Sept. 20 (Fri).
We apologize for the inconvenience caused by this maintenance.
Please refer to the following information for details about the maintenance schedule.
Temporary Maintenance
1. Temporary Maintenance Schedule
: Sept. 20 (Fri) 11:00 - 13:00 15:00 (UTC+9)
* Maintenance has been extended.
2. Issues To Be Fixed During Maintenance
Product: Issue where error pop-up appears when obtaining daily rewards of '7-Day General Shipbuilding' product
Effects: Issue where some descriptions of Oblation's effect are displayed in Korean
3. To Note
■ The maintenance schedule may be subject to change.
■ Please log out of the game in a safe zone as gameplay will be unavailable during maintenance.
We will always strive to maintain the quality and reliability of our services.
Thank you.
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