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Origin Note

New Content 'Lighthouse of the Ruins' And Future Combat Balance Adjustment

Uncharted Waters Origin
2024.10.08 Tuesday 12:00 (UTC + 9)


Hello, Admirals.

This is Chul-Woo Park, the Director of Uncharted Waters Origin.

Currently, the development team is conducting the final test for the upcoming October Updates.

We will complete testing the contents to be added and present you with a detailed Patch Note as soon as possible.

This Origin Note will be about a new combat content called ‘Lighthouse of the Ruins’, which will be added in the upcoming update.

* Please note that the details below are based on ongoing development and may differ from the final update.

1. What is Lighthouse of the Ruins?

・Lighthouse of the Ruins is a monthly refreshed combat content, and you can find it in the Challenge menu.

- Lighthouse of the Ruins will be refreshed on the first day of every month, and you can Repel in proportion to the Waters you have cleared before, after the Refresh.

- Lighthouse of the Ruins consists of 30 waters, and additional waters will become available as the limit of Admirals’ strength extends.

・You will fight against other fleets seeking for the secrets of the Lighthouse.

- You will face stronger fleets as you advance through waters, and an opponent even more powerful than any existing Powerful Opponent is waiting for you in the final waters.

- Each try requires Energy.

- Redo or items cannot be used during the Lighthouse combat.

2. Enemy Fleet Composition

・Fleets in the Lighthouse of the Ruins are refreshed every month to provide Admirals with diverse and challenging combat contents.

・To achieve this, enemy fleets in high-level waters will have diverse unique effects, special combined parts, and enhanced Stats.

3. Rewards

・Rewards for the Lighthouse consist of waters rewards and rank rewards.

・Waters rewards are rewards given in accordance with your advance through waters and basically consist of Blue Gems and Shipbuilding Accelerations.

- Blue Gem rewards, in particular, are designed as a means through which Admirals can stably obtain the materials from combat contents based on their strength.

- You can obtain additional rewards in certain waters.

・You will win the higher rank if you clear higher waters using fewer turns. The Admiral who wins the top rank will earn a time-limited unique Appellation.

- When multiple Admirals win the same rank, the first Admiral will have the priority.

- You can spend Energy to retry for higher rank, but no additional reward will be given.

Uncharted Waters Origin largely consists of Trade, Combat, and Adventure.

The development team is not leaving a single element unattended and is currently focusing on the Combat contents.

In addition to the new PVE content, we are doing our best to present you with

a real-time Skirmish rather than the current Skirmish against AIs.

We are also listening to Admirals’ opinions on combat contents.

We examined opinions submitted via Support and diverse communities and are expecting the upcoming Lighthouse of the Ruins to be a proper response to your opinion that there is not enough combat contents.

You have also submitted concerns and opinions about balance adjustment of AoE Skills, imbalance in PvP, which rebalancing AoE Skills alone cannot solve,

Combat EXP, which is much harder to obtain compared to Trade EXP, and improvement of the current Notorious system based on Naval Protection. We are examining them and working on making corresponding improvements, with top priority.

1. AoE Skills Balance Adjustments

Many Admirals have expressed their concerns about the difficulty of Arctic waters, which were newly added in the Sept. Update.

We are conducting thorough internal examinations to maintain the existing experiences and feelings while adjusting the balance of enemy fleets.

2. PvP And Ship Balance

Many Admirals are concerned that rebalancing AoE Skills may not be enough to resolve the current monolithic combat meta.

We are carefully inspecting the PvP balance to prepare for the real-time Skirmish. We are adjusting the balance between upcoming Ships

because Artillery, Melee, and Rammer shall have more distinctive roles when the real-time Skirmish is added.

For example, like Artilleries with a long range in exchange for poor mobility, Melees with excellent mobility in return for the risk of close-range attacks,

and Rammers with diverse status effects to utilize the accuracy superiority, we are planning and revising renewals to give each type of Ships distinctive specialties.

We will make improvements in PvP, which is currently too focused on the offensive, through additional adjustments on defense

to provide Admirals with better chances to utilize recovery and status effects.

3. Improvement of Combat EXP and Adventure EXP Gain

Many Admirals have pointed out that Trade has many advantages in leveling up the Company and Mates, and the statistics support this.

We are internally examining the EXP gains and planning to increase the Combat EXP gain.

Although we have already increased Adventure EXP gain, increased Trade profits resulted in an EXP gain gap. Therefore, we will also increase the Adventure EXP gain slightly.

4. Notorious System

The current Naval Protection system was designed to reduce Admirals’ inconvenience caused by continuous combats, some Notorious Admirals are taking advantage of the system.

We will make some adjustments to the system in regard to Notorious Pirates and add some exclusive contents for Pirates as the risk of being Notorious increases.

We are also including your opinions on other topics in future improvements, and these improvements will be introduced in future Update Previews and Origin Notes.

The Uncharted Waters Origin development team is making full efforts to bring you diverse contents.

We hope you continue supporting us and promise you that we will provide flawless service and keep our word through constant improvement of gameplay.

Here are little hints for the next Origin Note! 🍄

・We are developing a new Trade event.

・it will be much more random compared to Major Trend, which is somewhat predictable.

・We aim to rediscover Trade Goods that have been neglected.

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