About Game Crash During Land Exploration
Uncharted Waters Origin232
Hello, Admirals.
This is Chul-Woo Park, the Director of Uncharted Waters Origin.
An issue where the game occasionally crashes after a long Land Exploration because of increased memory use has been found.
This issue is occurring in every platform, although the rate of occurrence varies. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience.
We do understand that many Admirals are exploring lands because of the Adventure Competition Event. Therefore, we are doing our best to fix this issue as soon as possible, and our goal is to fix this issue in the next update.
It is confirmed that memory use increases after not only Land Exploration but also any repetitive actions.
We will do our best to fix similar issues occurring during other situations, including combats, as soon as possible.
We sincerely apologize again for the inconvenience caused to your gameplay.
We will pay extra attention to providing a more reliable service to Admirals.
Thank you.
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