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The game could have some easy quick wins

2024.11.03 Sunday 23:28 (UTC + 9)


I've been playing this game since the beta, I like it

But there are still somethings the devs could change and I think it would be really nice, some are just bug fixes and others are QoL, so here goes:

1 - The devs split some sea regions into two, but those sea regions aren't part of the "Seal Designated Limited Area" pledge which gives 300 BG - for example the mozambique area is only SE Africa but there's no SW Africa

2 - I'm level 86 at the moment and only now do I get T18 shipbuilding materials from trade points chests. I'm betting at lvl 98 (the cap) I'll be getting T19 but we already have T21 ships, and on top of that, at my level I can already get T20 and T21 from LE and combat. It feels like at lvl 40 you should be getting T13 mats and every 5 or 6 levels the tier should go up (at the minimum)

3 - Apart from the asian nations, only the ottomans can have a monopoly on their capital sea waters region, the other start nations need to fight and can only get a occupation. This is hardly fair, either the ottos need to be nerfed or (and what I think is what makes sense) the other nations should have monopoly bonuses applied if they have just occupation on the capital sea region

4 - You can't repel guild assaults, that just feels like an oversight from the devs

5 - Guild assaults only last 24 hours (like before, another oversight)

6 - The chat system is so bad, you can't track multiple chats easily and PMs get lost, I've pretty much given up on it

7 - Smuggling doesn't make a lot of sense, you get minimal amounts of trade goods and you lose nation reputation just by buying the goods and not when you only get caught. If I were to fill my cargo with nothing but smuggled goods it would take the part of a week and by the end my reputation would be close to 0%, make it make sense

8 - This forum is a pain to write, you put an empty space at the end and it auto-trims it, Im writing this text on a text editor because it's terrible

Thanks, and I'd love to hear from other players :)

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