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Disappointment by Support Center

2024.12.12 Thursday 13:43 (UTC + 9)


A few days ago, while trying to connect my Steam account to my Floor account, my active account was deleted. I applied to the Line Games Support department for help on this issue. 19 hours after the application, a response was received by e-mail and they said that they would take care of this issue. I sent what they asked for by e-mail 11 hours later because I had a long shift. But there has been no response since then. I don't know if what I sent right now is enough or if they received it. I've been waiting for 36 hours. As someone who spent 1850 hours in the game and spent that much money in almost 6 months, I find this very strange. Finally, I called the number on their website and listened to the answering system speaking only Korean for two minutes. It's a very bad look for a company that runs a truly global game. If I did something like this at my own workplace, I think my manager would have already sent me to the gallows 😍 I hope they take action against this as soon as possible. Because, as an online gamer for over 20 years, I have personally witnessed that companies that behave like this do not survive long. By the way, I would like you to know that I was really pleased with the removal of gatchas and the events in the game. I would just be happy if communication in the game became a little easier. But no matter what you do, technical support (and spare parts supply for some sectors) is the most important thing in your business. Hoist the colors and Bon voyage :)

                                                                                                                       still deleted Rhaegar from Utopia Server😁

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