Notice Regarding the New Year Special Transcendence Chest Product Issue
Uncharted Waters OriginEnter into the Endless Possibility!
Hello, Admirals.
We have confirmed that the price of the 'New Year Special Transcendence Chest', which has been on sale since January 15 at 12:00 (UTC+9), is being displayed incorrectly.
We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience caused by this price display issue to our players.
Please check below for more detailed information regarding this matter.
: The price of the New Year Special Transcendence Chest is displayed as 3,000 Red Gems
* This product was intended to be priced at 5,000 Red Gems, but was incorrectly displayed in the shop.
: We have adjusted the price to 3,000 Red Gems to match the displayed price in the shop.
: For those who purchased this product before Jan. 16 (Thu) 12:16, we will refund the difference of 2,000 Red Gems.
We at Uncharted Waters Origin will strive to provide improved services in the future.
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