So i have been watching this for quite some time and it was annoying in the arctic area around Dikson already, but has become a whole new level of annoyance in the new Alaska arctic area.
You lock us players off from areas with the lvl 99 restriction, but the NPCs can roam there just fine.
This results in Treasure fleets end up "stuck" in that area unreachable by us players and in the new zone with its even more secluded areas it becomes even worse than in open waters.
Now a treasure fleet managed to move itself into a very secluded area, which it probably never being able to get out off.
I would add a screenshot, but despite the option to do so in the menue it doesn't show up...
You also put a low lvl astronomical discovery in such a zone btw...
Also your markings on the map do not match with the actual zones... by a country mile.
Would be nice if you could fix those things.
Move to the Login page?
Move to the login page?
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