Enter into the Endless Possibility!
Hello, Admirals.
Uncharted Waters Origin has finally reached its 2nd anniversary! 🚢✨
We deeply thank all the Admirals who have been with us so far,
and we will do our best to continue sharing wonderful voyages with you in the future.
We have prepared special events and abundant rewards to celebrate the 2nd anniversary.
Please check below for more details!
We look forward to your continued support!
🎉 2nd Anniversary Event Announcement
🔷 2nd Anniversary Special Attendance
📌 Event Schedule
- From after the 03/05 maintenance ~ 4/1 23:59 (UTC+9)
📌 Event Details
- During the event period, you can obtain rewards for each day by logging into the game.
* You can claim the event rewards in the [Benefits] tab under the [Event Icon] in the game.
📌 Daily Attendance Rewards
Day | Reward | Qty |
1 | Appellation: 2nd Anniversary Fireworks Salute | 1 |
2 | Gold Astrolabe | 100 |
3 | Acceleration Selection Voucher | 200 |
4 | Diamond Astrolabe | 50 |
5 | Acceleration Selection Voucher | 200 |
6 | Fortifier | 10 |
7 | Enhance Protectant | 2 |
8 | Acceleration Selection Voucher | 200 |
9 | Legendary Salvage Rope | 20 |
10 | Acceleration Selection Voucher | 200 |
11 | Treasure Chest Key | 10 |
12 | Acceleration Selection Voucher | 200 |
13 | Gear Request Selection Voucher | 2 |
14 | Part Request Selection Voucher | 2 |
✅ Additional Information
- The effect of the 2nd anniversary special attendance reward '2nd Anniversary Fireworks Salute' is as follows:
ㆍEffect when equipped as a title: All additional attack power increases by 2%.
- On the first day of attendance, you will receive the '2nd Anniversary Blessing' effect, which lasts for 28 days.
ㆍApplied effect: Fleet speed increases by 2 knots, selling price surcharge increases by 5%, and repel support consumption decreases by 1 when repelling.
* You can check this by touching the 'Effect' display area in the upper left corner of the game.
🔷 2nd Anniversary Limited Requests
📌 Event Schedule
- From after the 03/05 maintenance ~ 4/1 23:59 (UTC+9)
📌 Event Details
- During the event period, you can obtain '2nd Anniversary Celebration Tokens' through limited requests.
* The faster you complete the limited requests, the more '2nd Anniversary Celebration Tokens' you can obtain.
📌 Event Reward
- 2nd Anniversary Celebration Token
🔷 2nd Anniversary Festival Event Shop
📌 Event Schedule
- From after the 03/05 maintenance ~ 4/8 23:59 (UTC+9)
📌 Event Details
- You can exchange the '2nd Anniversary Celebration Tokens' obtained through event-limited requests for various rewards.
📌 Event Shop Exchange Items
Name |
Ernst's Robe |
Paula's Jade Necklace |
Ernst's Jade Necklace |
Improved Ship of the Line |
Improved Clipper |
Improved Ottoman Galleon |
Improved Treasure Ship |
Massive Keel |
* As the number of exchanges possible and the required number of tokens differ for each item, please check the game for detailed information.
🔷 2nd Anniversary Build Festival
📌 Event Schedule
- From after the 03/05 maintenance ~ Until the April regular maintenance
📌 Event Details
- A construction festival is being held at the headquarters of each nation. If you meet the Construction LV and construction material requirements, you can build ships up to Grade 22.
* Grade 22 ships can be constructed when investment conditions are met.
🔷 2nd Anniversary Inn Festival
📌 Event Schedule
- From after the 03/05 maintenance ~ 4/1 23:59 (UTC+9)
📌 Event Details
- During the event period, the following S-grade mates may appear for dinner parties at the inns on 'Soda Island' and 'Santa Island'.
Soda Island | Santa Island |
Safiye Sultan | Galileo Galilei |
Julie d'Aubigny | Cara Rhumru |
Maria Margarethe Kirch | Thomas Tew |
Mahidevran | Cesare Borgia |
Janggeum | Christopher Columbus |
Hwang Jin | Leonardo da Vinci |
Amina | Horatio Nelson |
Jeanne d'Arc | Choi Museon |
Alamat Ni Urduja | John Hawkins |
Mochizuki Chiyome | Alfred Lowe |
Weng Enxue | Ipbu |
White Fox | Oruç Reis |
Natasha | Hakobo Portunde |
Angelica | Stede Bonnet |
Yeva | Edward Teach |
Ingeborg | Yan Shiqi |
Xiang Jing | Miyamoto Musashi |
Cheng Lin | Shen Guangwen |
Fernando de Magallanes | |
Tokugawa Ieyasu |
✅ To Note
- Please note that rewards given through events will not be restored.
- Event schedules, rewards, etc. may be subject to change due to internal circumstances.
- Currency will be immediately added to your balance, and items will be added to your storage.
Thank you.
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