Uncharted Waters Origin ✨1st Anniversary Celebration Website Open
Uncharted Waters OriginEnter into the Endless Possibility!
Hello, Admirals.
Thanks to the support of many people, Uncharted Waters Origin is able to celebrate its 1st anniversary.
We would like to thank you for your generous support.
We have opened a page to celebrate the 1st anniversary, so make sure to visit.
You can see information about the 1st Anniversary Update, messages from the staff, and the grand OSTs of Uncharted Waters Origin.
▶ 1st Anniversary Celebration Page
Visit the Uncharted Waters Origin 1st Anniversary Celebration Page
▶ Check the 1st Anniversary Celebration Events
- [Uncharted Waters Origin 1st Anniversary Celebration] Admiral & Mate Popularity Contest
- [Uncharted Waters Origin 1st Anniversary Celebration] Your Amazing Achievements Over the Year!
- [Uncharted Waters Origin 1st Anniversary Celebration] Sailing Aptitude Test
Please look forward to the events.
Thank you.
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