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[Edit] Dec. 6 Patch Note

Uncharted Waters Origin
2024.12.04 Wednesday 16:00 (UTC + 9)


Enter into the Endless Possibility!

Hello, Admirals.

Here are the changes that will be made during the Dec. 6 (Fri) scheduled maintenance.

Please see below for more details.

Please note that the announcement details and schedule may be subject to change during development.

New Content and Changes

Mates: 2 Mates will be added.

- Sophie Rosaline Vidocq

- Beatrice Elena

Sophie Rosaline Vidocq






French LV5, German LV3


Jewel Trader



How to Obtain

Through Purchase

Party Ports

Nantes, Bordeaux, Montpellier, Lisboa, Naples


A French jeweler and a thief.

She was bright in math and interested in art, having been raised by a father who ran a merchant guild.

She found out her talent for theft which began as an act of defiance, and started her mission to redistribute the nobles' wealth to the poor.

To keep her double life undiscovered, she is committed to her role as a only daughter of an upper-class man.

Natural Effect

Secretive Insurgent

Increase Metal Sales Surcharge by 0.2%.

Job Effect

Increase Ram Attack LV 1

Increase Additional Ram Attack by 41%.

Jewelry Trade Specialization LV 1

Increase Jewelry purchase quantity by 5.6%.

Metal Trade Specialization LV 1

Increase Metal purchase quantity by 5.6%.

Jewelry Discount LV 1

When purchasing Jewelry, get a 1% discount rate.

Character Effect

Enchanted Ability LV 1

Decrease Trade Goods consumption by 1% when Bartering.

Elusiveness LV 1

18% chance to increase all Attack by 7.5% at start of turn, 18% chance to increase all Defense by 6.1% at the end of action.

Advanced Medical at Start LV 1

35.2% chance to recover Crew HP by 6.1% at start of turn.

Jewelry Sales Surcharge LV 2

When selling Jewelry, sell at a 2.5% higher price.

Potential Effect

Jewelry Sales Expert LV 1

When selling Jewelry, sell at a 2.5% higher price.

Metal Trade Expert LV 1

Increase Metal purchase quantity by 13%.

Mate Skill

Seal Skill LV 1

26.3% chance to seal Use Skill of Target for 2 turns.

Enhanced Ram Strength LV 2

Increase Ram Attack of Ally within range by 26% and range by 1 for 3 turns.

Beatrice Elena






Latin LV5, Greek LV3


Food Trader



Found In

Venice, Naples, Athens, Beirut, Ceuta


A Venetian baker.

While she took care of her sick mother as a child, she found solace in the smell of bread and coffee from a café.

She dreams of giving children warm bread with a happy smile.

She sails across the world on her own with a dream of opening her own café.

Natural Effect

Happiness From A Piece Of Bread

Increase Food Sales Surcharge by 0.2%.

Job Effect

Increase Medical Recovery LV 1

Increase Additional Medical Recovery by 13.

Food Trade Specialization LV 1

Increase Food purchase quantity by 5.6%.

Seasoning Trade Specialization LV 1

Increase Seasoning purchase quantity by 5.6%.

Food Discount LV 1

When purchasing Food, get a 1% discount rate.

Character Effect

Charming Offer LV 1

Decrease Amity consumption by 1.1% on Barter Quantity Negotiation.

Amplify Artillery Critical Resist LV 1

Increase Additional Artillery Critical Resist by 5%.

Ram Critical Damage Resist LV 1

Increase Additional Ram Critical Damage Resist by 2.3%.

Food Sales Surcharge LV 2

When selling Food, sell at a 2.5% higher price.

Potential Effect

Food Sales Expert LV 1

When selling Food, sell at a 2.5% higher price.

Seasoning Purchase Expert LV 1

When purchasing Seasoning, get a 2.5% discount rate.

Mate Skill

Seal Action LV 1

35% chance to seal Action of Target for 2 turns.

Enhanced Melee Attack LV 2

Increase Melee Attack of Ally within range by 34.6% for 2 turns.

Mates: 2 Employee Mates will be added.

- Malinalli

- Ulloriaq







Indigenous North American LV5, Indigenous South American LV3





Purchase Condition

Product purchasable upon reaching Friendship LV 4 and if this mate is not owned

Party Ports



An employee at Panama Inn.

Despite her parents' insistence that she carry on the family business, she became an employee at an inn, seeking freedom.

With her cheerful service, she's the one who draws customers to Panama Inn. Her interests are wide-ranging, but she loves dancing and music more than anything, which is why she prepares for the dance competition whenever there is a town festival.

Natural Effect

Joyful Songs

Increase Quarreling Prevention Rate by 0.2%.

Job Effect

Increase Melee Critical Chance LV 1

Increase Additional Melee Critical Chance by 166.

Amplify Melee Critical Chance LV 1

Increase Additional Melee Critical Chance by 5%.

Increase Melee Attack LV 1

Increase Additional Melee Attack by 172.

Additional Melee Critical Damage LV 1

Deals 2.3% Additional Damage on Critical Melee attacks.

Character Effect

Metals Discount LV 1

When purchasing Metal, get a 1% discount rate.

Extra Fixed Damage on Melee LV 1

14.4% chance of additional 43 Fixed Damage on Melee Attack.

Amplify Melee Critical Resist LV 1

Increase Additional Melee Critical Resist by 5%.

Additional Melee on Melee LV 2

Attacks again for 17.5% Damage on Melee Attack. (The additional effect does not occur on the second attack.)

Potential Effect

Advanced-amplify Melee Attack LV 1

Increase Additional Melee Attack by 10%.

Lethal Poison Melee LV 1

Inflict Lethal Poison to the enemy on Melee Attack. Crew HP decreases by 10% on enemies affected by Lethal Poison every turn for 3 turns.

Mate Skill

Enhanced Melee: Damage Rudder LV 1

Expand Range to deal 148.5% of Melee Attack as damage with a 100% chance of inflicting Damaged Rudder status for 2 turns. (Damaged Rudder: Additional Mobility 20.8% Decrease Effect)

Precise Melee: Confusion LV 2

Damage Target for 121.1% of Melee Attack, with a 26.5% chance to afflict Damaged Rudder for 2 turns.







Indigenous North American LV5, Indigenous Caribbean LV3





Hire Info

Upon reaching Friendship LV 4

Found In



An employee at Cohasset Inn.

Born with an ability to hear the voice of stars. Since her childhood, she mumbled incomprehensible words, and the villagers avoided her after witnessing her mumbling becoming reality.

However, she is working at an inn waiting for a mate who will find her the last destination of the stars. Unlike her cold tone, she kindly lets the visitors know of nearing accidents and helps them avoid the disasters.

Natural Effect

Star's Voice

Increase Anxiety Prevention Rate by 0.2%.

Job Effect

Increase Melee Evasion LV 1

Increase Additional Melee Evasion by 23.

Quarreling Relieve LV 1

3.3% chance to relieve Quarreling status of the fleet.

Homesickness Relieve LV 1

3.3% chance to relieve Homesickness status of the fleet.

Mental Therapy LV 1

3.3% chance to prevent Anxiety from occurring to the fleet.

Character Effect

Sweet Talker LV 1

Decreases Profit Standard regarding Trade Points by 0.4%.

Amplify Melee Critical Resist LV 1

Increase Additional Melee Critical Resist by 5%.

Melee Critical Damage Resist LV 1

Increase Additional Melee Critical Damage Resist by 2.3%.

Deep Sea Salvage Treasure Hunter LV 1

Increase Deep Sea Salvage Reward Gain by 1.

Potential Effect

Scrupulous Explorer LV 1

Increase Loot obtain rate by 7% during explorations.

Unknown Strength LV 1

Can be learned naturally over the flow of time.

Mate Skill

Enhanced Ram Strength LV 1

Increase Ram Attack of target by 18%, and Range by 1 for 3 turns.

Seal Action LV 1

35% chance to seal Action of Target for 2 turns.

Trade: Booming Trade Event will be renewed.

- The renewed Booming event may occur at 4, 12, and 20 o’clock every day by chance.

- If Booming did not occur at the last time, the chance of Booming at the next time increases.

- The affected trade good is one least sold from the previous possible Booming time to the next possible Booming time. Therefore, there is a high chance of a trade good that was not likely to be traded being selected.

- Once a trade good is selected, a random city other than cities that sell the affected trade good is selected.

- Trade goods price during Booming starts between 2,000% and 4,000% of the usual price, and the rate of change varies depending on the trade goods.

- A Remaining Purchase Quantity is set once the Booming begins. Servers with a larger population will have larger Purchase Quantities. The Remaining Purchase Quantity decreases when time passes or when Admirals sell the affected trade good. Once the Remaining Purchase Quantity reaches 0, the event ends.

- Until the Remaining Purchase Quantity becomes 0, the price constantly increases every hour, up to 10,000%.

[Link to the Origin Note about Booming]

Trade: The Negotiation Success Rate will be displayed in numbers for trade and smuggling negotiation.

Combat: December’s Lighthouse of the Ruins Combat will be added.

 - From Dec. 6 (Fri) scheduled maintenance until Dec. 31 (Tue) 23:00 (UTC+9), the new Lighthouse of the Ruins will open.

 - You should aim to properly set combat priorities against enemy ships.

 - Your progress and rewards will be reset, and you can Repel up to a certain number of Waters you have cleared before.

Requests: The location of the Discovery for Song of the Ocean, the 3rd Request of Employee Ulloriaq, will be changed.

Dispatch: New Dispatch will be added to Arctic waters.

 - The newly added dispatch will require the dispatched fleet to own certain effects.

UI: A button to move from the Goods Info to the Sales List of the item in the Auction will be added.

 - An interaction experience of accessing the Auction will be improved through the button to move to the product sales list in the Auction.

UI: Item search function will be added to Storage, Item Shop, Shipyard, Auction, and Guild Crafting.

UI: Complete All Daily Tasks item will be added to the quest list below the Minimap.

UI: The effect displayed when a Protection effect is activated will be changed from a full-screen animation to a brief pop-up.

UI: The Assault Info, which used to be fixed in the quest list below the Minimap, will be moved to a button on the left side of the screen.

 - An icon to access the Assault UI will be placed to improve the access to the Assault.

UI: An improvement will be made to display the reward info of nearby Powerful Opponents displayed on the World Map.

 - A function to click a Powerful Opponent icon on the World map and display the reward info of the Powerful Opponent will be added.

UI: An improvement will be made so that you can immediately check the coordinates of the destination when you move coordinates on the World Map.

- A function to display the coordinates of the destination when moving via the World Map will be added.

UI: Tooltips about effect LV and status effect stacks during combat will be improved.

 - An improvement of combat UI will be made to enhance the visibility of the increase of effect LV by effect stacks.

UI: Display of stats that reached the max limit in [Manage Fleet] > [Effect] > [Effect Info] will be improved.

Effects: Icons of Critical Additional Resist and Amplify Critical Damage Resist will be improved.

Appellation: Investment and Prime Minister appellations before the renewal will be removed from the list.

Combining: New Special Blue Sky Combining will be added.

 - Event Period: After the Dec. 6 (Fri) scheduled maintenance - Feb. 25 (Tue) 2025 23:59 (UTC+9) 

 - Blue Sky Parts and Gear will be added.

 - Blue Sky Token will be added.

 - Tokens of previous seasons can be exchanged with other Tokens or Request, at the Fortune Teller.

[Fleet Formation] 3 new formations have been added. (Added on Jan.23, 12:32)

Independent Battle : A formation that is specialized for individual battles

- Decrease Damage Received by 10% and Decrease Additional Mobility by 15.

Fierce Attack Only : A formation that reinforces the cooperation between the ships lined up in a row

- Increase damage dealt to the enemy by 15%, and decrease Additional Mobility by 40.

Mighty Charge : A formation specialized for charging at enemy formations at once

- Increase damage dealt to the enemy by 10%, increase Speed by 1 and decrease Additional Mobility by 35.

Balance Fixes

Trade: The maximum limit for Trade Points in each City will be increased from 50,000 to 200,000.

- The maximum Trade Points consumed per exchange for Trade Points Reward will remain at 50,000.

Investment: The maximum Ducat limit of a single investment will be increased from 1 billion Ducats to 100 billion Ducats.

Pets: The effect of Cotton's Support will be improved.

- Luxury Smuggled Goods Purchase Quantity 2  5

Bug Fixes

Chronicles: The issue where the event becomes unavailable when a disconnection occurs while playing the Imai Saki Chronicle No. 147 will be fixed.

Requests: Typos in the 1st Request of Employee Mere will be fixed.

Adventure: The Issue where Consecutive Exploration occasionally does not work will be fixed.

Adventure: The issue where the game occasionally stops after selecting an exploration tool will be fixed.

Adventure: The issue where an error pop-up is displayed when finding Discoveries in Pink Sand Beach will be fixed. (Added on Dec.6, 11:40)

Smuggling: The issue where the purchase condition in Peking is incorrectly set will be fixed.

Combat: The issue where the fleet with a Grade 18 ship does not appear if the Company LV is 89 or above will be fixed.

Combat: The issue where a combat cancellation pop-up is displayed if the the platform is changed during a combat will be fixed.

Combat: The Issue where Naval Protection status is occasionally not refreshed when repelling will be fixed.

Combat: The issue where the status is occasionally displayed as in-combat after the Lighthouse of the Ruins combat will be fixed.

Appearance: The issue where the Companion Maple Tree appearance is incorrectly displayed on certain ships will be fixed.

Products: The issue where some products' contents are displayed in an unintended order will be fixed.

Products: The issue where the 'First Voyage Package' product whose purchase condition is not met is displayed as purchasable will be fixed.

Rank: The issue where the Weekly Discovery Report rank is not displayed will be fixed.

- The rank has not been displayed on the UI, but the weekly top rank appellation has been correctly given.

Insurance: The issue where the discount by Insurance Fee Discount effect was not applied to the UI will be fixed.

Sailing: The issue where collision with land occurs during Auto Sail from Caracas to Hobart will be fixed.

Tasks: The issue where Energy consumed for the Lighthouse of the Ruins is not reflected in the task progress will be fixed.

Harbor: The issue where the game occasionally stops when attempting the departure.

World Map: The issue where the colors of legends and the actual region occasionally do not match will be fixed.

Parts: The issue where the tooltip and the actual effects of 'Valiant Lord's Choyogi' do not match will be fixed. 

- Since the addition to the game, the actual effect has been Additional Mobility +80, and the tooltip will be fixed from Additional Mobility +8% to +80 to match the actual effect.

Gear: The issue where Nibelung's Ring cannot be selected as a Combine Material will be fixed. (Added on Dec.6, 11:40)

Changes in Products and Exchanges

Products: Some products will be renewed.

- Sales of certain products below will end and be resumed with renewed contents.

※ Prices of certain products will change because of changes in the contents.




Key Item


Key Item

First Voyage Package 1

Red Gem

Lowest Mate EXP Potion

Golden Sampan




First Voyage Package 1

Red Gem

Mate EXP Potion

S Grade Common Contract

A Grade Common Contract

B Grade Common Contract

C Grade Common Contract

First Voyage Package 2

Red Gem

Sprout Cape

First Voyage Package 2

Red Gem

Sprout Cape

First Voyage Package 3

Red Gem

Special Investment Deed

Low Mate EXP Potion

First Voyage Celebration Armor

First Voyage Package 3

Red Gem

First Voyage Celebration Armor

Mate EXP Potion

Promotion Stage 1 Material Selection Voucher

Promotion Stage 2 Material Selection Voucher

Promotion Stage 3 Material Selection Voucher

Promotion Stage 4 Material Selection Voucher

First Voyage Package 4

Red Gem

Mahomet Sirocco

Mahomet Sirocco Contract

First Voyage Package 4

Red Gem

Mahomet Sirocco Voucher


* You can obtain the Admiral and Contract by using the Voucher.

LV 10 Celebration Pack

S Grade Common Contract

A Grade Common Contract

B Grade Common Contract

C Grade Common Contract

Wooden Astrolabe

Lowest Appointment Selection Voucher

Bronze Astrolabe

Low Appointment Selection Voucher

Mate EXP Potion

LV 10 Celebration Pack

S Grade Common Contract

A Grade Common Contract

B Grade Common Contract

C Grade Common Contract

Promotion Stage 1 Material Selection Voucher

Promotion Stage 2 Material Selection Voucher

Mate EXP Potion

LV 30 Celebration Pack

Red Gem

Manual Selection Voucher

Special Investment Deed

Large Board Selection Voucher

Large Mast Selection Voucher

Large Gun Port Selection Voucher

Large Keel

A Grade Common Blueprint

Acceleration Selection Voucher

LV 30 Celebration Pack

Red Gem

Novice/Intermediate/Superior Manual Selection Voucher

Acceleration Selection Voucher



LV 35 Celebration Pack

Red Gem

Board Selection Voucher

Mast Selection Voucher

Gun Port Selection Voucher

Keel Selection Voucher

Common Blueprint Selection Voucher

Acceleration Selection Voucher

LV 40 Celebration Pack

Growing Admiral's Copper Plate

Growing Admiral's Anchor

Growing Admiral's Ram

Mate EXP Potion


LV 40 Celebration Pack

Growing Admiral's Armor

Growing Admiral's Anchor

Growing Admiral's Ram

Growing Admiral's Breaker Panel

Mate EXP Potion

LV 45 Celebration Pack

Red Gem

Premium Training Material Selection Voucher

Acceleration Selection Voucher

LV 45 Celebration Pack

Red Gem

Premium Training Material Selection Voucher

Acceleration Selection Voucher

LV 50 Celebration Pack

Repel Support

Low Mate EXP Potion

LV 50 Celebration Pack

Repel Support

Mate EXP Potion

LV 55 Celebration Pack

Red Gem

Growing Admiral's Copper Plate

Growing Admiral's Anchor

Growing Admiral's Ram

LV 55 Celebration Pack

Red Gem

Growing Admiral's Armor

Growing Admiral's Anchor

Growing Admiral's Ram

Growing Admiral's Breaker Panel

LV 60 Celebration Pack

Red Gem

Advanced Training Material Selection Voucher

Intermediate Training Material Selection Voucher

LV 60 Celebration Pack

Red Gem

Advanced Training Material Selection Voucher

Intermediate Training Material Selection Voucher

LV 65 Celebration Pack

Large Common Blueprint

Large Keel

Large Board Selection Voucher

Large Mast Selection Voucher

Large Gun Port Selection Voucher

Shipbuilding Acceleration (10 min)


LV 65 Celebration Pack

Red Gem

Board Selection Voucher

Mast Selection Voucher

Gun Port Selection Voucher

Keel Selection Voucher

Common Blueprint Selection Voucher

Acceleration Selection Voucher

LV 70 Celebration Pack

Red Gem

Broken Ship Part Set

Combine Acceleration (6 hr)



LV 70 Celebration Pack

Red Gem

Combine Material Selection Voucher (Grade S)

Part Request Selection Voucher

Gear Request Selection Voucher

Acceleration Selection Voucher

LV 76 Celebration Pack

Massive Board Selection Voucher

Massive Mast Selection Voucher

Massive Gun Port Selection Voucher

Massive Keel

S Grade Common Blueprint

Shipbuilding Acceleration (6 hr)


LV 76 Celebration Pack

Red Gem

Board Selection Voucher

Mast Selection Voucher

Gun Port Selection Voucher

Keel Selection Voucher

Common Blueprint Selection Voucher

Shipbuilding Acceleration (6 hr)

LV 78 Celebration Pack

Combine Acceleration (6 hr)

Weathered Ship Part Bundle

Part Request Selection Voucher



LV 78 Celebration Pack

Red Gem

Combine Material Selection Voucher (Grade S)

Part Request Selection Voucher

Gear Request Selection Voucher

Acceleration Selection Voucher

LV 82 Celebration Pack

Repel Support

Superior Mate EXP Potion

LV 82 Celebration Pack

Repel Support

Mate EXP Potion

LV 90 Celebration Pack

Red Gem

Massive Board Selection Voucher

Massive Mast Selection Voucher

Massive Gun Port Selection Voucher

Keel Selection Voucher

Common Blueprint Selection Voucher

Shipbuilding Acceleration (6 hr)

LV 90 Celebration Pack

Red Gem

Board Selection Voucher

Mast Selection Voucher

Gun Port Selection Voucher

Keel Selection Voucher

Common Blueprint Selection Voucher

Shipbuilding Acceleration (6 hr)

Build Starter Chest 2

Small/Medium Board Selection Voucher

Small/Medium Mast Selection Voucher

Small/Medium Gun Port Selection Voucher

Medium Keel

C Grade Common Blueprint

B Grade Common Blueprint

Amateur Build Chest

Board Selection Voucher

Mast Selection Voucher

Gun Port Selection Voucher

Keel Selection Voucher

Common Blueprint Selection Voucher

Acceleration Selection Voucher

※ Appearance of Growing Admiral's Parts will change, and their stats will be improved. (A  S)

  Also, 'Growing Admiral's Breaker Panel' will be added to the renewed contents of gift packages that include those parts.

  (For Admirals who already have Growing Admiral's Parts, stats will be improved after the maintenance.)

Products: Items under the ‘Weekly’ tab of [Shop] > [Exchange] will be renewed after the Dec. 6 (Fri) maintenance.





Exchange Limit

Price (Mileage)



Exchange Limit

Price (Mileage)

Rose Tea


1 Time per Week


Enhance Protectant


3 Times per Week


Strawberry Tart


1 Time per Week


Tome of Transcendence


3 Times per Week


Diamond Brooch


1 Time per Week


Premium Training Book


3 Times per Week


Porcelain Kettle


1 Time per Week


Advanced Training Book


3 Times per Week


Feathered Fan


1 Time per Week


Intermediate Training Book


3 Times per Week


Porcelain Pipe


1 Time per Week



Medium Ship Common Blueprint


1 Time per Week


C Grade Common Contract


1 Time per Week


B Grade Common Contract


1 Time per Week


A Grade Common Contract


2 Times per Week


B Grade Gear Request Letter


1 Time per Week


B Grade Parts Request Letter


1 Time per Week


A Grade Gear Request Letter


1 Time per Week


A Grade Parts Request Letter


1 Time per Week


Large Ship Common Blueprint


1 Time per Week


S Grade Common Contract


1 Time per Week


Products: Items under the ‘Gift’ tab of Shop will be renewed.

- The product list under the Gift tab will be renewed to Selection Vouchers and Selection Chests after the Dec. 6 (Fri) maintenance.

※ Products listed below appear by chance.

■ Renewal of Free Products in the [Shop] > [Gift] tab




Price(Red Gem)


Price(Red Gem)

Wooden Astrolabe

Bronze Astrolabe

Silver Astrolabe

Lowest Trade Appointment

Lowest Combat Appointment

Lowest Adventure Appointment

Low Trade Appointment

Low Combat Appointment

Low Adventure Appointment

Intermediate Trade Appointment

Intermediate Combat Appointment

Intermediate Adventure Appointment


Promotion Stage 1 Material Selection Voucher

Promotion Stage 2 Material Selection Voucher

Promotion Stage 3 Material Selection Voucher

Promotion Stage 4 Material Selection Voucher




Novice Purchasing Manual

Novice Sales Manual

Novice Negotiation Manual

Novice Trade Manual

Novice Artillery Manual

Novice Melee Manual

Novice Ramming Manual

Novice Support Manual

Novice Supply Manual

Novice Scouting Manual

Novice Nature Manual

Novice Aesthetics Manual

Intermediate Purchasing Manual

Intermediate Sales Manual

Intermediate Negotiation Manual

Intermediate Trade Manual

Intermediate Artillery Manual

Intermediate Melee Manual

Intermediate Ramming Manual

Intermediate Support Manual

Intermediate Supply Manual

Intermediate Scouting Manual

Intermediate Nature Manual

Intermediate Aesthetics Manual


Novice/Intermediate/Superior Manual Selection Voucher


Medium Keel

Pine Wood

Pine Wood Mast

Medium Gun Port

Alder Wood

Alder Wood Mast

Improved Medium Gun Port

Beech Wood

Beech Wood Mast

Enhanced Medium Gun Port


Rosewood Mast

Special Enhanced Medium Gun Port


Grade 1-19 Ship Material Selection Chest

Large Keel Selection Voucher













Shipbuilding Acceleration (5 min)

Shipbuilding Acceleration (10 min)

Hiring Acceleration (5 min)

Hiring Acceleration (10 min)

Cheer Acceleration (5 min)

Cheer Acceleration (10 min)

Promotion Acceleration (5 min)

Promotion Acceleration (10 min)

Learning Acceleration (5 min)

Learning Acceleration (10 min)


Acceleration Selection Voucher


Lowest Mate EXP Potion

Low Mate EXP Potion

Mate EXP Potion


Mate EXP Potion





Enhance Protectant

Legendary Salvage Rope

Treasure Chest Key


■ Red Gem Products in the [Shop] > [Gift] tab

※ If the names of products are the same but the prices (Red Gems) are different, quantities may vary.



Item / Price(Red Gem)

Item / Price(Red Gem)

Silver Astrolabe / 11 Red Gems

Gold Astrolabe / 108 Red Gems

Diamond Astrolabe / 237 Red Gems

Intermediate Trade Appointment / 8 Red Gems

Intermediate Combat Appointment / 8 Red Gems

Intermediate Adventure Appointment / 8 Red Gems

High Trade Appointment / 137 Red Gems

High Combat Appointment / 137 Red Gems

High Adventure Appointment / 137 Red Gems

Highest Trade Appointment / 237 Red Gems

Highest Combat Appointment / 237 Red Gems

Highest Adventure Appointment / 237 Red Gems

Intermediate Training Material Selection Voucher / 325 Red Gems

Advanced Training Material Selection Voucher / 1,275 Red Gems

Premium Training Material Selection Voucher / 2,607 Red Gems




Superior Purchasing Manual / 22 Red Gems

Superior Sales Manual / 22 Red Gems

Superior Negotiation Manual / 22 Red Gems

Superior Trade Manual / 22 Red Gems

Superior Artillery Manual / 22 Red Gems

Superior Melee Manual / 22 Red Gems

Superior Ramming Manual / 22 Red Gems

Superior Support Manual / 22 Red Gems

Superior Supply Manual / 22 Red Gems

Superior Scouting Manual / 22 Red Gems

Superior Nature Manual / 22 Red Gems

Superior Aesthetics Manual / 22 Red Gems

Premium Purchasing Manual / 22 Red Gems

Premium Sales Manual / 48 Red Gems

Premium Negotiation Manual / 48 Red Gems

Premium Trade Manual / 48 Red Gems

Premium Artillery Manual / 48 Red Gems

Premium Melee Manual / 48 Red Gems

Premium Ramming Manual /  48 Red Gems

Premium Support Manual / 48 Red Gems

Premium Supply Manual / 48 Red Gems

Premium Scouting Manual / 48 Red Gems

Premium Nature Manual / 48 Red Gems

Premium Aesthetics Manual / 48 Red Gems

Novice/Intermediate/Superior Manual Selection Voucher / 23 Red Gems

Premium Manual Selection Voucher / 48 Red Gems



















Shipbuilding Acceleration (30 min) / 15 Red Gems

Shipbuilding Acceleration (1 hr) / 30 Red Gems

Hiring Acceleration (30 min) / 15 Red Gems

Hiring Acceleration (1 hr) / 30 Red Gems

Cheer Acceleration (30 min) / 15 Red Gems

Cheer Acceleration (1 hr) / 30 Red Gems

Promotion Acceleration (30 min) / 15 Red Gems

Promotion Acceleration (1 hr) / 30 Red Gems

Learning Acceleration (30 min) / 15 Red Gems

Learning Acceleration (1 hr) / 30 Red Gems

Acceleration Selection Voucher / 15 Red Gems

Acceleration Selection Voucher / 30 Red Gems







Lowest Mate EXP Potion / 15 Red Gems

Low Mate EXP Potion / 84 Red Gems

Mate EXP Potion / 311 Red Gems

Superior Mate EXP Potion / 519 Red Gems

Mate EXP Potion / 300 Red Gems

Mate EXP Potion / 600 Red Gems



We hope you continue to enjoy playing Uncharted Waters Origin,

As a token of our gratitude, here is a coupon that can be used after the update.

Thank you.

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